2012-08-06 13:53
Brits the length and breadth of the country are currently gripped by London 2012 Olympic fever.
While many of us are hugely inspired by the phenomenal achievements of the athletes, the sad reality is that only a minority of us share the same enthusiasm for being active.
Scientific journal The Lancet has carried out a global study, including results from 122 countries, to establish which nations are the laziest.
The UK, it found was one of the most inactive countries, with a staggering 63.3% of the population being inactive. It was ranked eighth laziest country in the world.
The UK was put to shame when compared with its US friends. The study found just over 40 per cent of those in North America were inactive, putting it in the 46th spot.
Meanwhile, Greece was labelled the least lazy nation in the study. Only 15% of the population of the balmy Mediterranean country, which also boasts one of the world's healthiest diets, was classed as inactive.
Overall, women rated lower than men in the study. The highest percentage of inactive women was found in countries where they find it difficult to find employment due to social constraints, such as Saudi Arabia, which ranked third least active country.
Of the countries surveyed almost one third of their population is considered inactive.
And 80 per cent of adolescents rated as below the standards.
The results of the study, the researchers said, are being release to coincide with the Olympic Games to help spur lazy members of the public to choose to lead more active lives.
The researchers point out that lack of exercise is now a leading cause of death and a third of people across the world do not meet the minimum activity recommendations, which is generally about 2.5 hours of moderate activity per week.
They hope that the timing of the series, along with Olympic excitement, will give people a push into more physical action.