If you invested your money in the BRICs early, took your profits and got out of the PIGS in time you may now be wondering whether to put your money into MINTs or keep it in the HIDeCs. ?We’re not about to offer you investment advice, but we do get asked what all of these mean so here goes…
BRIC(S): Brazil, Russia, India and China (South Africa). ?Countries which were tipped for high growth 10 years ago.
PIGS (or PIIGS): Portugal, Italy (Ireland), Greece and Spain. ?A group of countries at the edges of ?the Euro zone.
MINTs: Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey. ?The economies tipped to provide great growth over the next 10 years.“MINTs are fresh, unlike BRICs”.
HIDeCs: Highly Indebted Developed Countries. ?Odds are you live in one of these. Not to be confused with…
HIPCs: Highly Indebted Poor Countries. ?A group of countries eligible for special assistance.
What will the next acronym be and what does this mean for businesses in the UK? ?As the UK can be known by any of the three initials BUG (Britain, United Kingdom, Great Britain), we’re more likely to appear in the next acronym than a country less useful for spelling.