2013-01-22 08:30
Before you agree to help your friends with their job search and applications, it's important to know your boundaries. You don't want to set yourself up for a huge commitment, but you do want to be a supportive and helpful friend.
1.Give advice based on your skills– Perhaps you are a great communicator and networker but terrible at grammar. Only help your friend in areas where you feel strong and confident.
2.Respond promptly– You have a busy schedule too, but it's important that if you agree to help them, respond to their emails or phone calls in a timely manner.
3.Make small edits to cover letters and resumés– Do check for grammatical errors and clarity, but don't tear apart their work and make elaborate changes. After all, their work must showcase and maintain their voice.
4.Offer a list of informative websites– If you don't want to spend a lot of time going over all the gritty formalities of the job application process, recommend a few websites that cover the basics of how to build a resumé and prepare for the interview.
5.Always be supportive– Job searches can be tough on the morale and confidence, and many people become hypersensitive during this time. Find ways to be uplifting and encouraging to your friend, and be constructive in your criticism.
6.Conduct a mock interview– Without interruptions, play the role as the hiring manager, and ask your friend questions that they will anticipate for the real interview. Listen to their answers carefully, jot down good and bad observations, and go over your suggestions afterward.
7.Leave details to the experts– While there are some universal rules for the application process, don't assume that you know their industry. Answer general questions, but suggest that they turn to another friend for details or a trustworthy perspective.