2014年春季上海中高級口譯考試于今日3月16日開考,滬江英語在考后第一時間提供真題、解析、答案信息,本文為2014年3月中級口譯聽力答案Sentence Translation 部分,由滬江網(wǎng)校提供。

Sentence Translation

1. According to some research, men visit the doctor less frequently over their life times than women. And they have a shorter life expectancy.

2. This is the age of more. We have more choice, more consumption, more fun, more competition and more anxiety. We have entered a world of excess and age of over abundance.

3. Television has been called a source of information, a means of entertainment, and is especially by its severest critics, a plug-in and an electronic drug.

4. Nearly half of the houses in Britain are owned by the people who live in them. About 1/3 are owned by the local authorities and the rest are rented from private owners.

5. We live longer lives now. In fact, by 2036, it is estimated that older people 65 years and older will account for 1/5 of the population.