

In a nutshell:The practice of breaking down larger market into smaller identifiable group of users who share specific needs and who reference each other.

Market segmentation is often confused with customer profile or industry verticals.The definition is a bit more sophisticated:Market segments are comprised of like people,who share a common interest,who have access to each other and who look to one another as a trusted reference.If a customer prospect in California shares a need with a prospect in Zaire,but they do not share a means of communication ,they are in separate segments.Similarly,if both prospects are in New York,but work in very different industries and have different respnsibilities,they are likely to be in different segments.You tret them that way,because typically,your marketing and sales must target each differently.

The point isn’t that the individuals within a segment do communicate with each other,but rather that they “have access”to do so.

The reasoning is :
·Word of mouth regarding products works best among those who share a need and a means to communicate a solution.
·“Access to each other”indicates a common methodology to reach them,
·Indirect knowledge(e.g.PR,testimonials,etc)of like individuals buying a product is a powerful influence.

One of the basic tenets of moore’s Crossing the Chasm is that one should choose one segment with which you establish a “beachead on the shores”of the early majority.Attempting to scale a business when forced to customize products,tailor marketing activities and execute sales processes for multiple segments is a difficult proposition.
