Little Bear′s Band
Mother Bear-MB
Father Bear-FB
Little Bear-L
Grandfather Bear-GF
Grandmother Bear-GM
L: I did it. Do you need more?
MB: Yes, I′m afraid so. We have lots of guests to feed at tonight′s party.
L: Why is it a gold anniversary party? Will everyone be dressed in gold?
MB: No, little bear, it′s because Grandmother and Grandfather Bear have been married for 50 years. It′s so special to be married so long, It′s as good as gold.
FB: Look what I′ve found, my own trumpet.
L: Play some more.
FB: One and two and three and…
L: You are good.
MB: Father Bear used to have a band.
L: You had a band?
FB: Yes, but that was years ago.
L: Are these your band′s records ?
FB: No, little bear, we′re using those for the party tonight.
L: Let′s put them on and dance.
FB: May I?
L: Dance, Mother Bear.
MB: I′ll be delighted. Oh, dear. Is it broken?
FB: I′m afraid so.
MB: Racoon would be at the party. He is good at fixing things.
Friends: Wow, very nice. What′s that noise?
E: It wasn′t me.
C: Maybe moose has the stomache again.
E: What are you doing little bear?
L: It′s Father Bear′s trumpet. He used to play a band.
E: That must have been fun.
L: I′m going to meet my own band. Is anyone more joining?
Friends: Sure.
L: Ok. Let′s play.
E: En little bear, I think the rest of us needs some instruments.
C: Can you use this.
E: Thanks Cat. What′s your instrument, Hen?
H: I can′t decide. Thank you, Duck.
E: Ok.
O: Wait for me.
L: Ready everyone? Go!
O: Wait wait, I wasn′t ready.
L: Ok? Go!
E: Wait, now I missed the beginning.
D: How do we know when to start?
L: I know, Father Bear counted to start.
D: Counted?
L: Don′t worry, Duck, I′ll count. One and two and three.
O: Hold it.
E: What′s wrong?
O: You keeped poking me.
E: Sorry.
O: Thanks.
L: Ready? One and two and …
D: Why has everybody stopped?
O: No one can hear themselves play.
D: Why not?
O: Because someone is playing too loudly. You.
D: Oh. I can play softly.
L: Let′s try again.
D: That was great.
C: Not half bad.
H: Not half bad? We sound good.
L: I know, let′s play at my grandparent′s anniversary party.
Friends: Yeah!
R: Don′t need that, don′t need this, don′t need that, woops, may need that, that got to do it.
FB: Where could little bear be?
MB: I don′t know
GF: Isn′t it about time for some dancing? A little rumba? Poker?
R: Ok, I got it this time. All set, everybody. Maybe this piece was important.
GM: I guess we won′t have a dance.
GF: Maybe next year.
L: Happy gold anniversary, grandmother and grandfather.
GM: What a wonderful surprise. Thank you, little bear.
L: One and two and three.
FB: Shall we?
GM: You danced lovely. Me this, me that.
GF: Ya.