Night Of The Full Moon
Little Bear-L
Father Bear-FB
Mother Bear-MB
L:?? Father Bear, when will my Mother Bear be home?
FB:? Oh.I’m sure she is on her way home now. Perhaps you should be getting ready for bed.
L:?? Mother Bear didn’t kiss me good night.
FB:? Yes, she did. I saw her.
L:?? That was a kiss good bye! Not good night. I am always ready for bed after my good night kiss.
FB:? All right then. Why don’t I read you a story while we wait for Mother Bear to return.? Would you like that?
FB:? What would you like me to read tonight? The night of the full moon.? this one again?
L:?? I like monster stories.
FB:? So do I .
L:?? Can we read the book outside?
FB:? Why?
L:?? If there are any monsters outside, they can hear the story, too.
FB:? Good idea.
L:?? It’s getting dark.
FB:? There isn′t much light for reading books.
L:?? Hello, fireflies. Can you help us with our story book?? Don’t worry. I’ll let you out as soon as father bear finishes reading.
L:??? Father Bear, do you think the monsters are around?
FB:?? They must still be sleeping. They only come out when there is a full moon.
L:??? Oh yes, that’s right.
FB:?? Now, let’s see.
FB:?? Two little…
L:??? Monsters!
FB:?? Two little monsters on the moon. dance while a comet whistles a tune, one goes up and then goes down, the other moon monster goes round and round. One moon monster jumps over tall trees the other one crawls on his hands and knees, one scares himself…
L:??? And bumps his head.
FB:?? The other one says: “ You should go to bed.”
L:??? Not yet.
FB:?? Ah. Guess what we have tonight.? A full moon!
L:??? It’s beautiful.? It’s almost like daytime.
FB:?? It is indeed.
L:??? The full moon is out. You know that means…
FB:?? What?
L:??? It’s time for the moon monster to go out and play.
FB:?? Should we hide from them?
L:??? No, we are them.? Come on, Father moon monster.
FB:?? Where are we going, Little moon monster?
L:???? Two little monster on the moon, dance while a comet whistles a tune.
FB:?? One monster goes out. The father moon monster and the little moon monster together make a very big moon monster.
FB:?? One monster then goes down.
L:??? One monster goes over and then around.
FB:?? Are you the little monster that likes to crawl on his hands and knees?
L:??? Yeah. Moon monster.
FB:?? Oops. One little monster bumps his head.
L:??? One monster scares himself. Then bumps his head.
FB:?? Two little monsters on the moon, dance while a comet whistles a tune.
FB:?? Little monster, I foget the line from the book.
Little moon monster gets very sleepy.
L:??? Father Bear, that’s not in the book.
FB:?? It’s not?
L:??? No.
FB:?? We have company little moon monster.
L:??? Are you scared?
MB:? Oh. Terrified.
FB:?? Mumn. I’m father moon monster.
MB:? Oh my!
L:??? We make a travel wherever we go.
MB:? Why aren’t you in bed like all good little monsters?
L:??? Little monsters don’t sleep when there is a full moon.
MB:? Not even when they are sleepy?
L:??? Sleepy monsters can′t go to sleep without a good night kiss.
MB:? So what do you monsters really want? Is it another kiss from mother monster?
L:??? Yes, that’s right. But you have to catch me first.
MB:?? Well, then here comes Mother monster.
MB:?? Will a good night kiss change the little monster back into my little bear?
MB:?? Wow, it is my little bear!
L:??? Ja, My father monster, too.
MB:?? Well, come back Father bear. Now it’s time for bed.
L:???? Yes, all the monsters are sleeping now.
MB:??? Good night, my little bear.