5歲男童發(fā)現微軟游戲漏洞 獲獎4款游戲和50美元
A 5-year-old San Diego boy has outwitted the sharpest minds at Microsoft - he's found a backdoor to the Xbox.
Kristoffer Von Hassel managed to log in to his father's Xbox Live account. When the password log-in screen appeared, Kristoffer simply hit the space button a few times and hit enter.
Robert Davies tells KGTV-TV that just after Christmas he noticed his son playing games he supposedly couldn't access.
Davies, who works in computer security, says he reported the issue to Microsoft, which fixed the bug and recently listed Kristoffer on its website as a "security researcher."
A Microsoft statement says "we take security seriously" and thanks customers for highlighting issues.
It's not the Kristoffer's first triumph. At a year old, he bypassed a cellphone toddler lock by holding down the "home" button.
Notably, the Xbox One was only rolled out to 13 countries in its first phase of roll-out. In March, Microsoft finally announced the next-phase of roll-out. Starting September 2014, 26 new markets will get retail availability of the Xbox One console, including India. For now, pricing details and exact launch dates have not been disclosed.
Making the announcement via a post on the official Xbox blog on Tuesday, Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi said, "It's time to ensure even more fans around the world can enjoy Xbox One. So today we're proud to share that it will be available in 26 additional markets in September this year. We'll have much more to share at a local level towards the end of April, so stay tuned."
Full list of 26 new countries in September phase of Xbox One global roll-out: Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia , Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and UAE.
據外媒報道,近日,美國5歲男孩哈斯爾意外發(fā)現微軟云端游戲平臺Xbox Live的安全漏洞,無須輸入正確密碼便可進入父親的Xbox Live賬戶,父親將這一漏洞報告給了微軟。男孩獲得微軟的正式感謝并獲贈4款游戲,以及為期1年的Xbox Live服務作為禮物。
哈斯爾打算登入父親的Xbox Live賬戶時,發(fā)現只要先輸入錯誤密碼,等到第2次跳出密碼認證畫面時,一直按空格鍵填滿輸入密碼的字段,便可登入。