Knowing the best times do things can help you be more efficient. For example, you can schedule your most ambitious tasks when you're the most productive and leave the least mentally strenuous activities for when you are approaching a slump.Here are the best times to focus on these work-related tasks.

1. Cognitive work: It's better to do cognitive-heavy work during the late morning. That's when your working memory, alertness, and concentration are at their peak. Choose work that requires a lot of focus and concentration during this period.

2. Work breaks: You might want to choose to refresh yourself from noon to 4 p.m., when it gets harder to focus and concentrate. You'll also face a slump at 2 p.m. or right after a meal, so when you feel yourself slowing down, that may be the perfect time for a power nap or a brisk walk to re-energize yourself.


3. Brainstorming and problem solving: Fatigue can make you more creative, so you should consider working on tasks that require more open-ended thinking at night or when you're tired.

4. Checking emails: Early emails like ones sent at 6 a.m. have the highest chances of being read. Social media expert Dan Zarrella says"Email is kind of like the newspaper. You check it at the beginning of the day."