Cambridge 5 test 1 section 3:
Q24 & Q25:? What TWO types of coursework are required each month on the part-time course?
A? a case study? B an essay? C? a survey? D? a short report? E? a study diary
實際考點:You’d be expected to write an essay each month, which counts towards your final assessment. You have a case study to do by the end of the course, which might involve doing a survey or something like that, and also you need to hand in a short report every four weeks. 這邊除了E選項沒提到外,其余四個全部包攬。只是提到的時間頻率未必都與題目吻合罷了。
Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 1:
Q1 : What does Peter want to drink?
A? tea???? B? coffee???? C? a cold drink
自我設問:看這個題目,馬上要確定設題的關鍵在于Peter和drink兩個詞。因為section 1都是對話,所以要多問問自己,是不是有可能考到除Peter外的人都喝什么,吃什么。因為是選擇題,所以提到干擾項是必然的。自己要做好準備。
實際考點:Sally: I’ve had a coffee and I’ve been reading this guidebook...What would you like to drink?? Peter: I’d love a really chilled mineral water or something. Will you have another coffee??? Sally: Yes, I will. 這里除了提到Peter喝冰礦泉水外,還提到了Sally喝coffee,跟題目毫無關系。倘若大意,很可能本題就會答錯了哦。
Cambridge 4 Test 3 Section 1:
Q3 : Present course :.................... English
實際考點:Lynda: What are you studying now??? Sara: I was studying General English in Adelaide and now I’m doing Academic English, because I’m trying to get into Medicine next year. 這里是不是正如您所料呢?考到了過去,現(xiàn)在和將來所學的課程。
Cambridge 4 test 4 section 4:
Q37. The average number of sharks caught in nets each year is
A? 15???? B? 150???? C? 1500
自我設問:這邊問的是每年平均捉多少只鯊魚,要注意average 和 each year這些詞。那這里會不會考5年里總共捉到多少只?或者2000年捉到多少只,2001年又捉到多少只,平均多少只?
實際考點:When meshing began, approximately fifteen hundred sharks were caught in the first year. However, this declined in the years that followed, and since that time, the average annual catch has been only about a hundred and fifty a year. 三個選項中提到兩個,沒注意聽時間限制的話,很容易出岔子的。建議大家平常訓練時,謹慎些。
Cambridge 5 test 2 section 1:
Computers can be booked up to 6 ………………….. hours in advance
自我設問:通過審題,我們注意到本題需要的是個數(shù)字,而且數(shù)字的前面有個絕對限定:up to,考最大值,也就是最早可以提前幾個小時預定電腦。那么,可以想象,這邊提到的一定會有別的數(shù)字干擾了。
實際考點:Most people tend to book twenty-four hours in advance although sometimes you can get one with only six hours’ notice. However, the earliest you can book a computer is forty-eight hours before you need it, and you can only book one hour at a time. 簡簡單單的一道填空題,卻反反復復出現(xiàn)了這么多個干擾信息。很是讓人頭疼。還好,這邊如果大家知道up to是要最大值,直接選最大的數(shù)字也就容易了。