十一、listening basics: botany and zoology


plant: leaf (leaves), branch, stem, root, flower, bud, petals, seeds

variety: pine tree, mangrove, fruit tree, passion fruit, strawberry, mulberry, lemon tree, coco tree, coffee beans, banana, cereals, wheat, barley, corn, maize, oat, spice, pepper, chili, ginger, eggplants, cherry tomato, snow peas, sunflower, lettuce

planting methods: greenhouse, transplant, orchard, organic farming, additive-free

Vegetation: trees, grass, lawn, bush

Farming: altitude, height above sea level, weather, climate, land, soil, water, shade, sunshine

Special applications:?

pepper (perfume, toothache, mood, money, display wealth by Romans)

pine tree (torch, rope, flexibility, water pipes, chewing gum, medicines, bathroom oil)

Botanist, herbalist

Australian animals: kangaroo, koala

Mammals: polar bear, squirrel, lion, sheep, elephant, cattle, goat, wolf, fox, puma, tiger, camels

Cub, puppy, calf, lamb, breeding animals

Birds: ostrich, kiwi, falcon, emu, flamingo, swan, goose

Chicks, breeding birds

Insects: bee, wasp, butterfly, dragonfly, firefly, ladybird

Eggs, worms, butterfly (life cycle)

Marine animals: whale, dolphin, shark, crocodile, finfish, shellfish, tortoise, tiger shark, sea cucumber, otter,? sea urchin (tail, fins, scales, amphibian, gill, lung)

Wildlife reserves: conservation, reserve, sanctuary, preservation, endangered animals, species, domesticated animals, distinction, distinct, die out, famine, drought, infectious disease

十二、Listening basics: categories of people


Age group:

Senior citizens, elderly people, old age pensioner

Adult, mature person, grownup

Children, kids, teenager, youth, young people

Work group: Employed, unemployed, retired, women

Gender: Male or female

Occupations: employer, employees, managers, staff, students

十三、Listening basics: academic and student problems

大部分烤鴨都要在國(guó)外進(jìn)行學(xué)業(yè)的深造,所以有關(guān)學(xué)習(xí)和校園生活的單詞肯定是重點(diǎn),這些單詞主要出現(xiàn)于雅思聽(tīng)力section 3中。

Lecture: lecture hall, room, theater, lecturer, taking notes, attendance

Tutorial: tutor, presentation, outline, reading list, objectives, whiteboard, OHP, PowerPoint, report writing, deadline, slides, visual aids

Seminar: professor, presentation, skills, questions, workshops, discussion workshop, group discussion, computer lab/room/center, mustn’t read aloud, being asked question, well-organized

Listening basics: education

Primary school, elementary school (pupils)

Secondary school, high school (school students)

College, university, institute

Undergraduate, bachelor’s degree, bachelor

Postgraduate, master’s degree, master

Certificates: degree, diploma, certificate

Further education

mature education, distance education, on-line education, vocational education

Academic problems: essay deadlines, lecture attendance, how to use library, how to write dissertation

Financial problems: scholarship, grant, fees, tuition, loan, debt, overdraft, budget

Domestic problems: childcare, nursery

Accommodation and catering
