

首先,我們討論選擇電影,不是所有的說英文的電影都適合學英文,傳說中的經(jīng)典《肖申克的救贖》也必須細細品味,才能夠聽懂并悟出諸如hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.的深意,否則的話只會感覺學到幾個臟字和粗口。真正適合提升英文的電影必須具備兩個條件,一,吸引你,二,貼近生活,語言實用。所謂吸引你,就是你能從那里或者主人公的身上找到自己的影子,大家也就可以理解我的一個同事把《阿甘正傳》看了一百多遍,對外號稱兩百遍的緣故了,就是因為他能從阿甘身上找到自己的影子。于是有人也用這種邏輯送過我一份生日禮物,一張電影碟,據(jù)說可以從主人公身上看到我的影子,打開一看,是《哥斯拉》,狂汗。不過話說回來,其實只有真正吸引你的電影,你才會更有興趣去挖掘,去品味。所謂語言實用,貼近生活,是為了讓我們能夠很快的學以致用,如果電影很棒,但是里面的英文都是諸如“正負離子對撞機迫擊炮”這樣的詞匯,估計看的人和用的人都很郁悶。

接下來討論到一部電影要看幾次,其實具體的數(shù)字已經(jīng)不重要了,只是所有人都知道第一次的時候我們很少會完全注意到里面的語言點,我們更多的注意到的是人,也就是演員看起來是否順眼,如果張老師我去演一部電影,情節(jié)再曲折,估計也沒有人看,究其原因還是人的問題。第二遍的時候可能會注意到情節(jié)的設計和精華部分的推敲,第三遍的時候才會注意到里面語言的整體設計,也只有這樣才有可能去挖掘語言并學以致用。這里告訴大家一個小技巧,在看電影的時候,如果不能聽懂整句,可以把只言片語記錄下來,然后打開強大的GOOGLE,輸入電影英文名稱,加上逗號,跟上quotes,就可以找到電影里面比較出彩的臺詞了,如果再加上那個只言片語,可以找到原句,效果就更好了。比如,要查到《功夫熊貓》里面的臺詞,可以直接輸入Kung Fu Panda, quotes就可以了,里面兩句話比較喜歡,和大家分享:One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it。中文可以翻譯成是福不是禍,是禍躲不過。由于句子結構比較繞,所以我也不是一遍就能完全聽懂每個字,其實當我們不具備天分的時候,靠勤奮多聽幾次就好了。還有一句是When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.翻譯成中文可以理解為“非寧靜無以致遠?!保部梢岳斫鉃椤爸苟笥卸?,定而后能靜,靜而后能安,安而后能慮,慮而后能得”。這樣的例子有很多,我這里就不一一贅述了。




同學A:What’s your name?

同學B:Bond. James Bond. Pleasure to meet you. (電影007臺詞)




Hello, my name is York, York Zhang. (阿甘正傳臺詞改版。入門級別的表達。)

Nice to meet you York. Call me Tracy.

The pleasure is mine, Tracy(黑客帝國1,慢慢進入正題)

What do you think we need to talk about?

We are supposed to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. (魔鬼代言人,主語有修改,本來是you.先給出大的抽象概念,讓對方填補,然后根據(jù)他的話題回應相關的電影臺詞)

What truth?

Nobody can tell you what it is. You have to walk through the door and see for yourself. (黑客帝國1。)

Ok, the the truth is I am worrying about the exams the day after tomorrow. You know the CET-6. I have done a lot of work but I am not so sure whether I can handle it.

One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. (功夫熊貓) There was no point in worrying yet.... what would come, would come... and he would have to meet it when it did. (哈利波特—火焰杯)

Yes. I agree. But you know it is my third time to take the test. I couldn’t afford to fail again.

Do lighten up and sing something with a little bounce in it. That is my problem-free philosophy.(獅子王1)

Yes, it at least keeps my nervousness away for a couple of minutes. Hoepfully it really works.

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.(肖申克救贖)

Do you really believe in the power of hope and faith?

Now you're looking for the secret. But you won’t find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled.(致命魔術)

Ok(估計很無語,但是發(fā)現(xiàn)遇到一個不錯的partner,又不舍得走), something else. Do you love cat?

Love is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies(黑客帝國3)I prefer dogs because every dog has his day - but the nights are reserved for the cats.(貓狗大戰(zhàn))

I prefer cats because they explore something new.

Curiosity is not a sin.... But we should exercise caution with our curiosity.(哈利波特—火焰杯)

Well, you must have read a lot. Your English is so good. Then why do you come here?

We are all here to do what we are all here to do. (黑客帝國2)

So how do you practice your oral English?

Remember: this time, not I have to, but I choose to. (蝙蝠俠3)

Be active? Alright. So who do you practice when you come here?

You know who. (哈利波特1)

