Friends of a Better America
President Walker has surrounded himself with a broken Congress. He even brought one of them into the White House. Now, they've broken the economy and put us on a collision course with China. Put a stop to them before it's too late. Send a message at the midterms. Let's start fixing the country. Paid for by Friends of a Better America.
Twenty-five million? Out of thin air?
That's our estimate.
Where is the money coming from?
Super PACs.
These are issue-based attack ads.
So who's giving to them?
We can't trace the money until this quarter's fillings come in.
We get killed in the midterms, we can kiss 2016 goodbye. You can deal with the republican majority and a Republican president.
We're trying to counter with D-trip.
Make 25 million appear out of nowhere?
We can make a dent.
Dents don't cut it.
Well, no matter how fast we ramp up fund-raising we can't close the gap. We have to stop their money flow.
I want to know how.
Locate the source and then cut off the tap. With this sorta influx you can be sure that somebody's not playing by the rules, but we can't whistle-blow until we find the source.
Then find it. And you sure as hell better find it soon.
In the meantime, I've been working on a proposal to counter the attacks. A coordinated national messaging effort. I'll be sending all of you copies later today. Well we should be open to every idea.
Now, go. Get work.