好多烤鴨們一直對雅思口語抱著一種誤解,以為好的英語口語就是好的中文口語的翻譯,所以在口語課堂上,經(jīng)常聽到有同學(xué)在很糾結(jié)地講著“形而上”的英文——很抽象,很哲學(xué)。講到最后把自己和聽眾們都搞得云山霧罩,不明白為什么自己的中文呱呱叫,換了英文就把老外給講得眉頭緊鎖。事實上,考官欣賞的英文是“形而下”——很具體,很生活才對。也就是說,跟雅思考官展示“交流能力”,靠的不是不著邊際的高談闊論,而是要有實實在在的內(nèi)容,也就是必不可少的small details(具體細(xì)節(jié))。接下來,專家就將介紹一下如何在考試的三個part中使用small details把問題答得通透明白。

Part 1:Introduction & Interview


Do you like sports?

Do you like art?

Do you like cooking?

Do you like to watch TV?


Yes,l do.




what type of sport or art or music or TV programs you like

when you do something

how long you have liked it

how often you do something

who you do it with

why you like it



Yes,I do.

(what type) I’m really into basketball.

(when & how long) I’ve been playing it for many years since I was in middle school,

(who & how often) and I enjoy playing it with my friends at weekends.

(why) In fact, It’s always the best way for me to relax after a whole week’s studying…


Where do you come from?

I’m from a small village in the mountains – (where) a long way from the capital city of my country.

How do you normally get to college in the morning?

I take the train to Central Station and then I catch the express bus – (how long) it takes about an hour altogether.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

No – I’m the only child. (who) I have ten cousins that I grew up with, so I didn’t feel lonely.

Part 2:Topic Card


Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

You should say:

where you met them

what subject they taught

what was special about them

and explain why this person influenced you so much.


Where you met them——I met him at my high school

What subject they thought——he taught me maths