據很多專家表示雅思口語不需要使用非常艱難晦澀的句型和詞匯~ 用一些地道簡單的小句型,會為自己的答案加分不少~本文是從國外的雅思備考網站上找到的關于學習的口語資料~希望對大家有所幫助!
26. I have to hand in an essay on biology.
(a short piece of writing on one subject)
27. You need to do well in your assignments as well as in the exam.
(a piece of work that you are given to do by university teachers which counts towards your final degree)
28. I'm writing my thesis at the moment.
(a long piece of writing on something which you have studied or researched, especially as part of a university degree)
29. I've got a degree in psychology.
(a qualification gained by successfully completing an academic course at a university)
30. I'm majoring in English.
(to study something as your main subject at college or University)
31. I've got a diploma in hotel management.
(a qualification of a lower level than a degree)
32. I'm a graduate in engineering.
(a person who holds a (first) degree from a university)
33. I graduated in History from Sussex University.
(to receive an academic degree or diploma)
34. After graduation, I plan to do a postgraduate degree.
(the time when you compltee a university degree course)
35. I've got an upper second in politics from Surrey University.
(grades for a university degree in Britain: first (class), (upper) second (class), third (class) e.g.: a first class honours degree)
36. I've got an MA (Master of Arts) in English literature.
(a degree taken after a first degree in an arts subject)
37. MSc (Master of Science)
(a degree taken after a first degree in a science subject)
38. BA (Bachelor of Arts)
(a first university degree in an arts subject)
39. BSc (Bachelor of Science)
(a first degree in a science subject)
40. PhD, Dphill (Doctor-of Philosophy) / (doctorate)
(the highest university degree e.g. to get a PhD, to work for a doctorate)
41. I'm hoping to get a student grant.
(money that is given (by the government) to help you for a university or college education)
42. She's won a scholarship, to study music.
(an amount of money that is given to a person who has passed an exam or won a competition in order to help pay for their studies)
43. He started university but dropped out after two years.
(to leave university without finishing your studies)
44. I'll have to read up on (infml) the third chapter for my exam.
(to read a lot about something so that you learn about it)
45. I did (infml) Archaeology for two years at university.
(to study a particular subject)
46. I'm afraid I don't know much about that. It isn't my field.
(a general area of study or knowledge)
47. There are a lot of people with expertise in this field.
(special knowledge or skill which a person has)
48. She specializes in family law.
(to give most of your attention to one subject)
49. I've done a study of modern American society.
(a piece of scientific research into a particular subject)
50. I've collected a lot of statistics relating to air pollution.
(information about something in the form of numbers)
51. We are gathering data on graduates without jobs.
(facts or information used in research)
52. Data collection has already finished; I'm doing the analysis now.
(studying or thinking about the different parts or details of something in order to understand it better)
53. The theory needs to be tested by experiment.
(a thorough test using scientific methods to discover how someone or something reacts under certain conditions)
54. Joule carried out / performed a series of simple experiments to test his theory.
(to do a task or something)