作者簡介:大蔥老師, 滬江網(wǎng)校英語名師。商務英語、口語、寫作授課經(jīng)驗豐富,美語發(fā)音地道,語言教學細膩不浮夸。授課中,尤其關(guān)注語言應用背景,思維方式和文化內(nèi)涵。希望通過這些信息的引入,讓學習者更全面理解語言溝通,“感性”地說出一口好英語,深受學員喜愛。戳此直達老師主頁>>
You must convince your boss that you deserve more money!
Quantify your achievement with numbers and examples?拉數(shù)據(jù),擺實例就是說服老板最好的內(nèi)容
Jacob: That's good to hear. Now I believe you'd like to discuss your salary review?
Ryan: ?Yes, I'm not sure if you're aware of other contributions I've been making.
Jacob: ?I'm all ears. Fire away.
Ryan: ?Great. First I'd like to point out the strong relationship I've cultivated with Alliance Builders. Over the last year, they've been buying more products and services from us. Sales have gone up 20 percent since I took them on in February. On top of that, I've been able to pass along some solid leads to other divisions. Service contracts, for example, have gone up by 10 percent.
你如果是個HR:I recruited 12 new managers to our new program. All 12 are now running successful operations.
你如果是個公關(guān):My efforts were wildly reported in the local press. This gave our company more visibility and 6 new customers signed up with us.
除了擺事實、講成績以外,你還可以展望一下未來,表表決心,告訴老板你的價值(state out your value)。
Jacob: Yes, indeed. I was just talking to Stan from Alliance the other day and he told me how instrumental you are and keeping them happy.
Ryan: That's good to hear. I've worked hard on that relationship and I think it's one we can profit from for the years to come. And I believe I can develop similar client relationships to benefit Unix. I think my compensation should reflect that.
做好了以上這些準備,萬一還是被拒絕了呢?那你需要有Fallback plan!
Your response shouldn’t be whining, sulking or storming out of the office. You should ask your boss, ‘What do I need to do to get the raise I think I deserve?’” If the response isn’t encouraging, it may be time to start looking for another job.
反思自己工作上還有哪些做得不夠的,老板對你還有何種期待?如果老板不給你加薪,也沒有期待,那就找好下一份工作,趕緊say goodbye吧。?
? 課程覆蓋六大核心商務情景:客戶往來、接待應酬、公務出差、參加商展、談判議價、訂貨下單
? 資深中、外教聯(lián)合教學,新手輕松入門
? 在線語音互動課,糾正不良發(fā)音
Giulia, one of Hujiang’s foreign teachers and course designers, graduated from the University of Newcastle with honours in Modern Languages (with French, Chinese and Spanish) and has taught in Chengdu’s Sichuan University, Minjiang University in Fuzhou, and Joylink Intercultural Services.?
1. 真實職場對話,有效傳達國際化公司運營特色和人際環(huán)境;
2. 職場金句,活用詞匯,口語水平提升立竿見影;
3. 中外教聯(lián)合教學,在線實時語音互動;
4. 實戰(zhàn)訓練聽說能力,培養(yǎng)語感,提升口語溝通能力;
5. 24小時內(nèi)專業(yè)答疑,解決你所有的學習問題;
6、 班主任全程督促學習,降低學習惰性,提升學習效果;
7、 學員可使用網(wǎng)校獨家開心詞場,單詞有救,背詞無憂。