比較方案 Comparing Proposals



Nina: Let me give you a few scenarios. A, we find out who has been linking us to the local middlemen, and we'll make them say that we were never linked to those factories.

Raymond: And the second scenario?

Nina: We stop our regular ads, and replace them with two new kinds of ads. In one, we say that we never used cheap materials to make our products. In the other, we completely disagree with anyone that isn't using the best materials. And we tell people that we agree if they refuse to buy things from companies that do use second-rate materials.

Jonathan: Good idea. That way, everyone will know we're not just a big company that only cares about profits, not people.

Raymond: Can you run the first option by me again, in more detail? How do we find out where the stories are coming from?

Nina: Let me map it out. Our lawyers go to a paper that has run the story and tell them we'll sue if they don't tell us where they got the info. In the end we'll find out who started the stories.

Raymond: I think that option B is the best alternative. We'll have to do a lot of checking with the first scenario, and we'd just be shooting in the dark. With the second option we can start fixing things now. Nina, by Monday morning I want some good options for both kinds of ads you talked about. We have to nip this in the bud before it hurts us too badly.



●  提出多種方案
1. Let me give you a few scenarios.
2. Let me set out a few options.
3. Let me put forth a few approaches.
4. Let me suggest a couple of different plans.


●  要求提供細節(jié)
1. Can you run the first option by me again, in more detail?
2. Can you explain that again, in more detail?
3. Can you go over that again, with a little more detail?
4. Can you map that out again, more thoroughly?

"run (something) by (someone) "是‘對(某人)說明解釋(某事'的意思,為美式用語;"run (that) by me again"的語意即是‘將(某事)為我再解釋一次'。這句型是要求對方再詳加說明方案,其原因并非自己不懂,而是認為對方提供的細節(jié)不足,使人難以窺得全貌,所以需要 "in more detail"。

●  比較方案
1. I think that option B is our best alternative.
2. I think that option B is the best approach.
3. I think that the second option is the better of the two.
4. I think that the second plan is our best course (of action).

"alternative"是‘二者擇一;其它可采取的方法'的意思。這句型是說‘B方案較理想'。句型由于加上"I think",所以雖然清楚表示自己的意愿,但仍有商討的余地。不過在表達此句型時,語氣千萬要堅定、有權威,否則反對者以為你猶疑不決,就可能推翻此議。

● More 方案比較

A means better profits. In contrast, B could cause a lot of problems.
A would mean... On the other hand if we do
B it'll cause...
A would give certain benefits, but B is much better from the company's point of view.
A does have some advantages. However, there's no doubt that B is a much better choice.


A. 以英語致詞時,應該怎么控制說話的速度呢?


B. 談話中,用Uhm, Uh等口頭語,都不是好習慣。

中文的‘那么',英文的Uh, Uhm,都不是說話的好習慣。此外諸如干笑、清喉嚨、嘖嘖聲,也會給人不好的印象。建議您,可以利用錄音機錄下自己的電話談話,找出說話的毛病,再逐一矯正。

C. 談話時可用停頓來強調重點,但不宜停頓過久。
