2016-08-28 22:30
1.Giving long-winded, rambling answers
This is one area I warn my clients about over and over again. Listen carefully to the question, focus on about 3 key points in your answer and then stop talking. Avoid getting nervous just because there is silence or little response from the interviewer(s).
2. Criticizing your current or former employer
Regardless of how negative or disappointing your career experience is or has been with an employer, be diligent about giving the interviewer highlights of your work, career achievements and contributions.
3. Providing generic responses without real substance
Saying to an interviewer, "I am a great leader who gets the job done" or "I am known for being a good team player" is like saying nothing at all. Practice giving answers that give specific examples or point to supporting evidence about your strengths and areas of expertise; incorporating the C-A-R strategy can make a huge difference.
4 Knowing very little about a prospective employer
We have so much access to information today, so you have no excuse for being unprepared in an interview. Check out the company's website and annual reports, search for recent press releases and use Google alerts to learn about any recent company changes. Leverage your LinkedIn contacts to learn any insider tips that may prove valuable in the interview.
5.Failing to ask quality questions during the interview
Too many job-seekers focus on impressing the interviewer, but overlook the fact that the prospective employer should impress you as well. Think carefully about what you need to know before making a final decision if an offer is extended to you.