

京劇(Peking Opera)已有200多年的歷史,是中國的國劇。與其他地方戲相比,京劇享有更高的聲譽(yù),但其實(shí)京劇融合了多種地方戲的元素。京劇演員的臉譜(facial makeup)和戲服都很精美,相形之下布景則顯得十分簡單。京劇表演者主要應(yīng)用四種技能:唱、念、做、打。在古代,京劇大多是在戶外演出的,因此演員們形成了一種極具穿透力的唱腔,以便每個(gè)人都能聽到。


Peking Opera, as the national opera of China, has a history of more than 200 years. Compared with other Chinese local operas, Peking Opera enjoys a higher reputation; but actually it absorbs many elements of other local operas. The facial makeups and costumes of the performers are usually very delicate;by contrast, the backdrops are quite plain. During the performance, the performers mainly utilize four skills: singing, speaking, acting and acrobatic fighting. In ancient times, Peking Opera was mostly performed in the open air, so the performers developed a piercing style of singing that could be heard by everyone.