



  • 文學地位。

是中國文學四大經(jīng)典小說之一:is one of the Four Great Classic Novels in Chinese literature

它被普遍認為是中國最偉大的小說: It is widely recognized as the greatest Chinese novel

中國文學四大經(jīng)典小說中最具影響力的一部: the most influential one among the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature

  • 創(chuàng)作背景。

基于歷史人物宋江……的故事:It is based on the story of the historical figure Song Jiang …

基于自己痛苦的個人經(jīng)歷:based on his own painful life experience

  • 情節(jié)。

講述了賈寶玉和林黛玉之間的悲劇性愛情故事: The writer told a love tragedy …

描述了四個貴族世家興衰的歷程: The novel describes in detail the rise and fall of …

描繪了著名僧侶玄奘前往印度取經(jīng)的艱難歷程: This novel depicts the suffering journey of…

  • 人物。

有大約30個主要人物: There are about 30 main characters…

每個人物都刻畫得栩栩如生,具有鮮明的個性: each vividly portrayed with distinct personalities

  • 受歡迎程度。

一直深受中國讀者的喜愛: The story has been very popular among Chinese readers

幾乎每個中國人都熟悉: nearly every Chinese can recognize some of the main characters

故事幾乎為每個中國孩子所熟知: the stories are familiar to virtually every Chinese kid



