
Many of us have a love-hate relationship with caffeine. So is it good for us or not?



All natural
Of course caffeine is good for us! Caffeine is one of the most common drugs in the world. It's naturally found in coffee beans, tea, cacao seeds, kola nuts and dozens of other plants. It's a gift from Mother Nature!

The responsible use of caffeine can make us more alert and energetic, and it can improve our concentration and coordination. Caffeine has been known to relieve migraines, and it also helps us lose weight by suppressing our appetite. In addition, caffeine helps our bodies absorb medications more quickly, bringing relief faster.

More benefits
Many of us have heard the statistic that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. The good news for those at risk - everywhere - is that caffeine has been shown to reduce this threat significantly.

Caffeine brings good news to the elderly too. It seems older people have better memory retention after taking small doses of this wonder drug.

Caffeine is the all-natural performance-endurance enhancer for athletes. Taken 30 to 60 minutes before a workout, it helps athletes run faster and harder without feeling tired. And, it's legal.

Stay away from caffeine? Are you kidding?

Word Bank:

Mother Nature (n)大自然
Mother Nature sure seems angry. That storm is severe!

medication (n)藥物
The doctor told Nancy to take her medication three times a day.

retention (n)保有,保持
Charlie's incredible retention of foreign words and phrases serves him well, especially when he travels.

endurance (n)耐力
Peggy is a great athlete. She has enough endurance to run all day long!


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