You’re going to want to make sure you’re with someone who can hold your attention and who still makes you feel fondly after the initial buzz has faded, right? That’s how all truly great relationships last rather than fizzling out. So I’ve rounded up the top 10 traits of a great girlfriend.

1. She’s Loyal To You

This is a pretty fundamental requirement of anyone in a monogamous relationship. This goes beyond simply not cheating on you or flirting. She should stick up for you around other people.

2. She’s Herself Around You

One of the most crucial elements of successful long term relationships is that you can truly be yourself around each other. Sometimes this is physical,but, more importantly, it extends to how honest she can be with you about things that really matter to her, and how your behavior impacts her, too. So make sure you find a girl who can be up front with you.

3. She Listens To Your Problems

Make sure your girlfriend is compassionate enough to hear your problems and, even if she can’t always offer concrete solutions, she should at least be providing a shoulder to cry on.

4. She Lets You Be Vulnerable

Don’t be scared to cry or be soft and unguarded in front of her, and if you feel like you can’t or she’d mock you for it, she’s not the one for you.

5. She’s Got Your Back

You should be with someone who always speaks about you with respect. She’s allowed to criticize you, but pointless name-calling and attempts to shred your self-esteem shouldn’t ever be tolerated.

6. She Shares Your Values

You and your girlfriend don’t have to agree with each other on everything, but when it comes to your fundamental beliefs and values, you two should be aligned. These often take a little while to come to light.

7. She Includes You In Her World

If your girlfriend has never so much as mentioned you to her friends and family, that’s cause for alarm and a sign that she might not be taking things as seriously as you are.

8. You Find Her Attractive

This one’s basic: a great girlfriend will be someone you find physically attractive. You’re going to want your girlfriend to care about her appearance and feel good about how she looks, whatever shape or size she is.

9. She’s Kind To The People In Your Life

Respecting the people in your life is a sign that she wants to be more fully a part of it, so pay attention to how she speaks to and behaves towards the people who are important to you.

10. She Makes You Laugh

The best relationships have dynamic where both people in the partnership can make each other laugh, so make sure you find a girl who cracks you up from time to time.

