The mother of a little boy who was upset about his new glasses asked some friends to help reassure him about his new look.

Lindsey Fisher began a Facebook account called Glasses for Noah, where bespectacled friends could send in pictures of themselves to reassure her son, Noah, about becoming a glasses-wearer.

Fisher reached out to friends and family, but the page took on a life of its own and strangers from around the country have sent in pictures for four-year-old Noah.

Noah Fisher, four, looks very dapper in his black-rimmed spectacles, but he was very worried about what kind of reception he would get.

'I said, "Put your glasses on," and he just broke into tears,' Lindsey Fisher told USA Today.

'It was the saddest thing. It just broke my heart. And I finally got him to tell me why he was crying and he said because everyone was going to laugh at him.'

Fisher enlisted friends to post on Glasses for Noah and soon it had received hundreds of likes and pictures to help reassure little Noah.

'Our sweet 4-year old, Noah, just got glasses and is having a hard time adjusting. Let's show him just how cool glasses really are!' reads the Facebook page.

Now, the page has 923 'likes' and Fisher says that as long as people keep posting pictures, she'll keep it going.

'It was very humbling to see how the community took time out of their day to post a picture of themselves for a little boy that half of them don't even know,' she told USA Today.

The uploaded pictures have messages of support for Noah to show him that there is nothing uncool about wearing glasses.

'I don't know how many more likes or pictures we'll get but as long as I'm getting pictures, I'll keep showing them to him every night,' Fisher said.