Like its name suggests, the ice cream banana is sweet with undeniable hints of vanilla and its skin even appears frosted, starting out as a bluish-green color before it ripens.

At its most ripe stage, its texture is fluffier and creamier than the typical Chiquita you'll find at the store, and they practically melt in your mouth.

As sinful as they sound, ice cream bananas don't contain artificial sweeteners, flavors or additives. They're just born that way.

Ice cream bananas (also known as blue java bananas) may be a specialty fruit, but they aren't anything new. Farmers have been growing these sweet fruits in Hawaii since the early 1920s, according to Ken Love, executive director of Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers, and in other tropical regions for ages.

As he explains on the website , banana plants mutate naturally, giving different bananas a variety of distinct flavors and characteristics such as apple bananas (which have hints of sweet citrus) and the Mysore banana (which tastes like berries).

Bananas are usually classified in terms of their chromosomes. The ice cream banana, as Love explained, is one part sugar and two parts starch. "In this case," he said, "the starch converts to sugar when they're fully ripe."

When they're very ripe and soft, Love likes to spread ice cream bananas over toast like butter. They also make a perfect ice cream alternative when frozen and blended.
