Finding a supportive, well-fitting bra can be a struggle for women of any age. While size plays a part, the width and length of your breasts and the direction they point is, as well as where they're placed on your chest, is also important.


1. Round

If your breasts are a round shape and are equally full on top and bottom, then you're lucky enough not to need too much support. You can probably get away with a thin bra without underwire as you don't need to change the position of your breasts.

2. East West

If you have smaller breasts that gravitate to the outside of the chest then you're an East West. A t-shirt bra will help to create a smooth silhouette and pull the breasts in, giving you a more streamlined shape.

3. Side Set

Side set breasts are fuller than East Wests but still fall outwards, and there's also a wide space between breasts. The best bra for you is a plunge bra, which will pull the breasts up and in.

4. Slender

Breasts that are smaller at the top than they are at the bottom and are longer than they are wide are considered slender, especially if they're on the small side. A plunge bra will help to lift the breasts and you might want to consider padding for extra oomph.

5. Bell Shape

If your breasts are slimmer at the top and fuller at the bottom, then you're a Bell Shape. You should choose something with plenty of material that offers good coverage.

6. Asymmetric

Almost all women have one breast that is larger than the other to some degree. And often it's barely noticeable. If your asymmetry is significant enough to cause a problem, then a bra with removable padding is your friend as you can remove it on the side of your larger breast.

7. Teardrop

If your breasts are rounded but slightly less full at the top then you're lucky enough to be teardrop shaped. Teardrop breasts are suited to most styles of bra.
