歡樂歌舞美劇Glee2.1學(xué)英語 新狀況和新聲音
your Glee Club song selections sound like they come from a drag queen's iPod? ?
drag queen 異裝同志
- Well, I try to do something for everybody. Uh, 25% show tunes, 25% hip-hop, 25% classic rock... ?
- 100% gay.
Wait, th-the kids don't like it when I rap? ?
no I really don't……
How do you get the white on rice? ?
white on rice 緊密,親密無間
You know what, Jacob? It doesn't take much courage for people to park their cottage cheese behinds in their Barcaloungers and log on to the Internet and start tearing people down, does it? But you know what does take some courage? Standing up and singing about something. So here's a message for everyone that reads your blog. Next time, instead of posting an anonymous comment online, say what you have to say to my face. ?
High school is a dry run for the rest of your life. ?
dry run 演練,排練
Nervous breakdown. ?