第1季 感恩游行氣球飛走了

《老友記》第一年的感恩節(jié)是小編個人最喜歡的一集。Chandler第一次透露了他父母在感恩節(jié)的時候宣布離婚的事兒,造成他排斥一切清教徒的節(jié)日。因為父母外出旅游Monica自己動手給Ross和Phoebe準備感恩節(jié)晚宴。Joey 拍了性病公益廣告被家里人驅逐也加入了進來。而大家都籌錢給Rachel讓她和家里人一起去滑雪。萬圣節(jié)當天,母性特強的Monica按照所有人的要求做了土豆泥,卻因為Chandler的一句感恩游行中的大氣球飛跑了集體上樓圍觀,回來發(fā)覺被鎖在了外面,所有的美食都燒糊了。眾人大吵一架,反倒讓 Chandler重溫了童年感恩節(jié)的滋味。當然最終,大家也都溫馨地圍坐在一起,為有彼此相伴而感到快樂。


難忘臺詞:Chandler(感人的祝酒詞): 我得說,真高興你們的感恩節(jié)安排都砸了鍋。

"The One Where Underdog Gets Away"
Season 1 (Nov. 17, 1994)

Usually the Macy's Day Parade is pretty bland. But when an 80-foot-long inflatable Underdog escapes the parade festivities, the friends gather on the roof of their Manhattan apartment building to watch as shooters from below "take out" the giant balloon. If that doesn't warm the cockles of your heart, there's always Chandler's memory of his ninth Thanksgiving, when his parents announced they were getting divorced. Wouldn't you boycott all "pilgrim holidays" if your parents ruined your pumpkin pie dessert?

WHAT'S COOKIN' When the turkey is overcooked and the apartment fills with smoke, Monica has to resort to an old standby: grilled cheese sandwiches.

MEMORABLE QUOTE Chandler's heartfelt toast: "I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm very thankful that all your Thanksgivings sucked."

第2季 最不感恩的蘑古力

《老友記》第二季的感恩節(jié)挺不感恩的。和Rachel的深情一吻讓Ross在她和Julie之間左右為難,Chandler和Joey出的餿主意讓他列一張優(yōu)缺點對比表單,Ross 就此悟到不管Rachel是怎樣的一個人,他終究對她難以釋懷,于是坦然同Julie分手。正當大家以為天下太平之時,Rachel卻發(fā)覺了那張對比表單,她感到很是受傷,不肯原諒Ross。而Monica為了生計到處找工作,為朱古力的替代品,新產品蘑古力設計菜譜,于是她潛心研發(fā)出了一大堆的蘑古力甜點,卻都不盡如人意,最終研發(fā)公司告訴她說蘑古力對身體有危害少吃為妙……


難忘臺詞:Phoebe(嘗了一口蘑古力餅干后): 哦,呃滴神啊,罪惡的滋味不過如此!

"The One With the List"
Season 2 (Nov. 16, 1995)

This second-season outing might be the least Thanksgiving-ish episode, but we're given our first sweet taste of "Mockolate" — the synthetic chocolate substitute created by aspiring chef Monica. With a taste "that'll last till Christmas," Mockolate fizzes and bubbles on your tongue (kinda like eating an Alka-Seltzer), then sort of crumbles into tiny pieces of, um, "deliciousness" in your mouth.

WHAT'S COOKIN' Pumpkin pie with Mockolate cookie-crumb crust, Mockolate chip cookies, Mockolate cranberry cake...

MEMORABLE QUOTE Phoebe: "Oh, sweet Lord, this is what evil must taste like!"

第3季 大打橄欖球



難忘臺詞:Ross(說Monica賴皮): 賴及皮,老米米!【小編:咳,上海話版童謠,不知道普通話版是啥……】

"The One With the Football"
Season 3 (Nov. 21, 1996)

Six players. Two teams. One Geller Cup. Oh, and a hot Dutch girl named Margha. When Monica and Ross reminisce about an annual childhood tradition — a Thanksgiving football game that typically ended in name-calling and someone getting hurt — the friends decide to have their own version of "The Geller Bowl." Rachel and Chandler almost score — Rachel during the football game; Chandler with the hot Dutch girl.

WHAT'S COOKIN' Sibling rivalry! Monica and Ross won't let go of the football at the game's end, claiming the ball is still in play, even when their respective teams have left to eat Thanksgiving dinner.

MEMORABLE QUOTE Ross (to Monica): "Cheater, cheater, compulsive eater!"

第4季 錢德被關箱子



Rachel: “我要去睡一會兒,火雞都把我整困了?!?br> Monica: “吃都沒吃你就困啦?”
Rachel: “是呀,你在那兒忙活忙活地…”

"The One With Chandler in a Box"
Season 4 (Nov. 20, 1997)

Fall for your best friend's significant other? You could try begging for forgiveness, or, if you're Chandler, you could offer to spend Thanksgiving dinner serving penance inside a coffin-size wooden box. Chandler gets awfully cozy in his new digs (just don't cover his air hole).

WHAT'S COOKIN' Monica, under much pressure: She's making dinner for her new love interest, who also happens to be her eye doctor, who also happens to be her ex-boyfriend's son. By the end of the night she's wearing a pirate's eye-patch after a mishap involving ice chips.

Rachel: "Oh, I'm gonna take a nap. Turkey makes me sleepy."
Monica: "We haven't eaten yet."
Rachel: "I know, but all that work you're doing to get it ready and…" [Leaves the room]

第5季 感恩節(jié)想當年恩怨

秋天是懷舊的季節(jié)。第五季《老友記》的感恩節(jié)大家一起回顧了所有人的悲慘感恩節(jié)。于是我們看到了低頭不見腳趾、足有15層下巴的超胖Monica。而Rachel有一個比成龍還大的鼻子。Ross和 Chandler穿得像白癡似的……隨著當年Chandler腳趾受傷的謎團解開,Monica為了道歉腦袋上套著一巨大的光溜溜的火雞大跳舞蹈,居然引得Chandler不經意的表白??!


難忘臺詞:Joey(在感恩節(jié)感恩致辭時): 感謝讓我們擁有如此美麗的秋天。那天車站上一陣不知打哪兒來的迷人秋風,吹得辣妹的小裙裙輕舞飛揚。哦,提醒我了:還要感謝丁字褲的存在!

"The One With All the Thanksgivings"
Season 5 (Nov. 15, 1998)

Monica used to be fat. Like, waddling-around, can't-see-your-feet, fifteen-chins fat. And way back when? Rachel had a beak-shaped honker of a nose. Ross? The guy dressed like he fell out of an episode of Miami Vice. And Chandler, well, Chandler used to dress like an idiot too, but he also used to have a pinkie-toe. When the friends each reveal their worst Thanksgiving memories, the mystery behind Chandler's severed toe is finally solved — Monica (accidentally) did it! She's quickly forgiven, though, after performing an interesting interpretation of a "turkey-trot" — dancing with a turkey on her head.

WHAT'S COOKIN' Clean one turkey. Stick head inside. Garnish bird with oversized sunglasses and party hat. Shake hips and chest. It's sexy. Trust us.

MEMORABLE QUOTE Joey: "I am thankful for this beautiful fall we've been having. Yeah, the other day I was at the bus stop and this lovely fall breeze came in out of nowhere and blew this chick's skirt right up. Oh, which reminds me: I am also thankful for thongs."

第6季 爹媽上門



難忘臺詞:Joey(品味相當獨特地品評Rachel的甜品): 有啥不喜歡的?軟凍?靈~果醬?嗲~~肉?囋~~~~~

"The One Where Ross Got High"
Season 6 (Nov. 25, 1999)

Joey reveals his tips on how to fake-enjoy a meal so as not to hurt the chef's feelings: rub stomach, make "mmm" noises, and smile as wide as possible. (Makes you wonder how expensive are those acting classes really are.) Also this Thanksgiving, Monica invites disaster — a.k.a. her parents — to dinner, where the topics include Ross' three divorces, Chandler's alleged pot-smoking habit, Rachel's horrendous cooking, and Phoebe's inappropriate crush on Jacques Cousteau.

WHAT'S COOKIN' Rachel, who's in charge of dessert, decides to prepare an English trifle. It has ladyfingers, jam, custard... Sounds delish, right? Except there's a recipe mixup, so it also has beef sautéed with peas and onions, topped with another layer of custard and some bananas. The consensus? It's garbage. Ross thinks it "tastes like feet." But the culinary venture isn't a complete failure — Joey can't wait for seconds.

MEMORABLE QUOTE Joey: "What's not to like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Gooooood."

第7季 錢德不愛狗狗



難忘臺詞:Joey(對于Rachel要不要追她剛失戀的帥帥助理): 要是他不喜歡你,那就“哞”了。
Rachel: 哞了?
Joey: 對啊,就像是牛說出來的意見嘛,渾身沒關系。就是哞……

"The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs"
Season 7 (Nov. 23, 2000)

Can you name every U.S. state in less than six minutes? Get a pen and try to beat Joey's tally from the game at the center of this episode. (He comes up with 56.) Somehow he manages to do better than Phoebe, who'd rather name types of celery. (She comes up with 1.)

WHAT'S COOKIN' For Ross, not much: Determined to starve until he lists all 50 states, he goes hungry (and a little insane) when his list falls short at 46. It takes him until the wee hours of the morning, but he finally lists 50 and sits down to enjoy a turkey dinner. (He comes up with two Nevadas.)

MEMORABLE QUOTES Joey (advising Rachel on the crush she's invited to dinner): "If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point."
Rachel: "Huh. A moo point?"
Joey: "Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's 'moo."

第8季 布拉德·皮特

尖叫吧!嘆息吧!第八季《老友記》的感恩節(jié)請到了當時還同安妮斯頓你儂我儂的布拉德·皮特,他演的是當初他們高中里的老同學,當年土里土氣的胖小子,經常被Rachel奚落嘲笑,于是他成了“我恨 Rachel Green”俱樂部的成員。雖然人數有限,不過教訓是深刻的:不要嘲笑你的同學,就算他長得挫,誰知道他長大后會不會長成布拉德·皮特啊!


難忘臺詞:Will Colbert(仇視著Rachel對Ross說): 瞧她站在洋芋邊上的樣子,Ross,這就是我人生最大的倆敵人?。篟achel Green,和碳水化合物。

"The One With the Rumor"
Season 8 (Nov. 1, 2001)

Bully kids in high school, and hate clubs will be formed in your honor. When Will Colbert (guest star Brad Pitt) shows up for Thanksgiving, he reminisces about his favorite high school extracurricular activity: acting as president of the "I Hate Rachel Green" Club. Membership was low, but rumors spread by the club were pretty damaging. The lesson? Don't pick on the dork; he might grow up to look like Brad Pitt. (Okay, probably not. But he also might tell everyone at school you're a hermaphrodite.)

WHAT'S COOKIN' Brad Pitt, smokin' hot! Also, Monica suggests skipping turkey, because she hates all the leftovers. Who hates Thanksgiving leftovers — that's like hating Christmas morning or the house that gives king-size candy bars at Halloween! Joey shares our sentiment, and demands Monica cook a 19-pound turkey, which he agrees to finish himself.

MEMORABLE QUOTE Will Colbert: "Look at her standing these with those yams. My two greatest enemies, Ross — Rachel Green and complex carbohydrates."

第9季 瑞秋的另一個妹妹

Christina Applegate因為在第九季《老友記》的感恩節(jié)客串出演Rachel討厭的妹妹Amy贏得了那年的艾美最佳客串獎。這人吧,搞不清Phoebe的名字是啥,覺得Joey在片子里沒他現實生活里靈,把自己侄女兒叫成Emmet——還在爭奪她的撫養(yǎng)權。她不請自來上門借東西,回頭就惹怒了一堆人。


難忘臺詞:Phoebe: 我們覺著用你這些很贊的盤子吃甜品也不錯吧?
Monica: 哦,好耶!回頭我們就可以用我的婚紗擤鼻涕了咯?

"The One With Rachel's Other Sister"
Season 9 (Nov. 22, 2002)

Amy Green (Christina Applegate, who won an Emmy for her guest spot here) shows up. She isn't sure if Phoebe is a name or a funny sound. She notes that Joey is much less attractive in real life than he was on Days of Our Lives. She calls, Emma, her own niece, Emmet. Yep, Rachel's sister is your typical nightmare-from-hell relative: She visits unannounced, asks to borrow something, and then ends up crashing for days.

WHAT'S COOKIN' Dinner is served on Monica's beloved "fancy plates" — which are usually off limits, as Monica would rather gaze lovingly at them than use them for something practical, like, say, food. Much to her chagrin, the plates are used without her approval. And although Amy is the boorish one through most of the episode, it's Chandler who accidentally breaks all of Monica's china. Her expression makes us wonder what she loves more, her husband or the china.

MEMORABLE QUOTE Phoebe: "Yeah, we thought it might be nice to use the fancy china for dessert too."
Monica: "Oh, how nice. Maybe later we can all go blow our noses on my wedding dress!"

第10季 遲來的感恩節(jié)



難忘臺詞:Rachel: 感恩節(jié)快樂!
Phoebe: 是耶,屠殺火雞日快樂!

"The One With the Late Thanksgiving"
Season 10 (Nov. 20, 2003)

Monica hustles around all day to cook the perfect meal, which is inevitably ruined (a recurring theme in these holiday episodes). This year's Thanksgiving high jinks and hilarity: Joey gets his head lodged in the door, extracts it, and in the process knocks over the entire feast.

WHAT'S COOKIN' For Joey, a plan to deal with an expanding waistline from eating too much turkey: borrow Rachel's maternity pants!

MEMORABLE QUOTES Rachel: "Happy Thanksgiving!" Phoebe: "Oh yeah! Happy needless-turkey-murder day."