赫敏操辦《哈利波特》散伙飯 片場眾人大聚會
2010-06-27 12:14
EMMA WATSON threw a dinner party for her HARRY POTTER co-stars during the last week of filming - to mark the end of the franchise and reminisce about their time on-set.
Watson, along with Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, has spent over a decade working on the film adaptations of J.K. Rowling's books and the cast filmed their last scenes for the final movie in London this month (Jun10).
And Watson ensured they bid farewell to one another in style by throwing a lavish bash at her U.K. home, according to actor James Phelps - who plays Fred Weasley.
He tells , "The last week of filming Emma had a dinner at her place, and we spoke about the best moments of filming.
"Our secret crushes on set - all kinds of random questions. But all the answers to these questions will stay in that room!"
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