羅伯特•帕丁森:我討厭社交網(wǎng)站 尤其是Twitter!
2011-09-08 11:39
Robert Pattinson recently sat down for a long interview with Premiere magazine where he shared a lot about filming Breaking Dawna. Another revelation he made involved Twitter, the social networking site Rob has never particularly loved. He explained why he hates it so much!
“In LA I have at least 40 seconds from the moment I arrive somewhere, before I get asked for my autograph,” he said. “It’s Twitter’s fault. If this website didn’t exist, I’d be in peace.”
Rob went on to explain how he knows he’s been spotted. “When I cross a glance at someone, they hurry to get their phone out. I know perfectly well that I’m going to spend a big part of my day shaking people off.”
On the one hand, it’s a shame Rob can’t always get privacy, but on the other, that’s the price of fame.
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