Do you know the story of Madeline O'Malley? She was the woman that died here in the hotel. She hanged herself after her fiancé stood her up on their wedding day. And ever since then, people have reported seeing the ghost of Madeline O'Malley, roaming the hallways waiting for her lover. Some say, she's even looking to take up a new one.

This is our last weekend open, so we've gotta find some proof that Madeline O'Malley really exists before this place closes down.

I have my microphone, so we can make do with EVP investigations.

Yes, I'd like a room for the night.

Since the hotel is practically empty, we might have a good chance of making some real contact.

What was that?

Did you hear that?

Hanging on.

You wanna communicate with the spirits in this hotel? I can help you do that.

What do they want?

To live.

You mustn't go down into the basement.
