扎克·埃夫隆作別《歌舞青春》后,即將投入到加利福尼亞大學的學習生活中去。據(jù)報道,年僅20的他今年早些時候注冊入讀南加利福尼亞大學。美國《明星》雜志報道說,埃夫隆其實早在2006年就已經(jīng)申請入讀,但為了集中精力搞好自己的演藝事業(yè)以及《歌舞青春》這部音樂劇的拍攝,他推遲了自己的申請。有 消息人士告訴小報記者:“扎克想要拿到一個學位。雖然他已經(jīng)是一名成功的演員了,學位依然是他的人生目標之一?!北局茉缧r候,這位少女殺手表示自己是大 學的料,他自認自己是個書呆子。他說:“我在學校成績很好,說真的,我都能算得上是書呆子了?!?br>

Actor Zac Efron is leaving his High School Musical days behind him to hit the books at a California university. The 20 year old has reportedly signed up to study at the University of Southern California early next year. Efron initially applied to the school in 2006, deferring his admission to focus on his acting career and the hit teen musical franchise, according to U.S. magazine Star. A source tells the tabloid: "Zac wants to earn a college degree. Despite his success as an actor, it's one of his goals." Earlier this week, the pin-up insisted he's a college natural - because he's a self-proclaimed nerd. He said, "I got good grades at school - in fact, you'd have called me a nerd."
