
  1. <span id="zkbu1"></span>
      • 麥當娜拍攝雜志封面風姿不減當年

        片中,比較自然的光線讓她的胳膊看起來沒那么健壯。 Now she can add to her repertoire these [w]impressive[/w] new photographs, which were shot by Mert Atlas and Marcus Piggot for a spread in the June edition of Interview magazine. 現(xiàn)在她可以用這組照片為自己光輝的事業(yè)錦上添花,這組照片是由莫特阿特拉斯和馬庫斯皮哥特為了即將在六月份發(fā)行的《采訪》雜志所拍攝的?!局懈呒壙谧g暑期班】想備戰(zhàn)今年秋季的中高口考試?還是想好好利用兩個月的時間充實自己?天熱一樣能好好學習,來滬江網(wǎng)校中高口暑期班體會一下吧! 快速入口:【高口暑期班】? 【中口暑期班】? 時間更充裕的你,就來特訓班試試吧:【高口暑期特訓班】 【中口暑期特訓班】 暑期學習計劃有安排了嗎?怕熱怕曬的話就來滬江網(wǎng)校吧,足不出戶,自在學習!我們的暑期“強檔”已經(jīng)重磅推出了,愛學習的孩子們趕緊來看看吧!

      • Lady Gaga搖身一變成時尚雜志《V》專欄作家

        成為美國時尚雜志《V》雜志的專欄作家。[/cn] [en]Starting in the summer 2011 edition, which hits the shops mid-May, Lady Gaga, or 'Mother Monster' as she likes to be known, will be [w=impart]imparting[/w] her pearls of wisdom in a fashion and arts-based monthly [wv]commentary[/wv], giving us a little [wv]peek[/wv] inside the performer and style icon's creative brain.[/en][cn]她的第一期作品將會在五月中旬2011夏季版上發(fā)表,Lady Gaga就是我們所熟知的“雷母”將雜志《V》雜志會在專欄中通過發(fā)表評論的方式和廣大粉絲分享她寶貴的時尚智慧和藝術觸覺,讓我們有幸窺探一下這位時尚達人極具創(chuàng)造性的智慧。[/cn] [en]Coming from a star who has worn a dress made entirely of meat, exactly what the column will be about is hard to say, but we can be sure it won't be how to match your handbag and shoes. We're hoping for behind-the-scenes gossip on her [w=wacky]wackiest[/w] photoshoots, insider knowledge on where she finds [wv]inspiration[/wv] for her endless style transformations, and [wv]sartorial[/wv] nuggets like 'why bottom halves to an outfit are a waste of time' and 'how to pull off a latex bra at midday'.[/en][cn]這位敢穿全身鮮肉裝現(xiàn)身的專欄到底會是怎樣的效果,那還真是讓人難以預料,但是我們可以肯定Ga姐的專欄是不會是教你怎么搭配包包和鞋子的。我們希望她能分享在她那特立獨行的街拍背后,她百變造型的靈感來源、“穿褲子是浪費時間”以及“怎樣在大白天脫內衣”的穿衣理念經(jīng)驗。[/cn]

      • 貝克漢姆大兒子帥氣登雜志封面

        [en]With his mother's trademark pout on his face, Brooklyn Beckham makes his modelling [w]debut[/w] aged 15.[/en][cn]繼承了他媽媽標志性的嘴巴,布魯克林·貝克漢姆15歲開始了他的模特處男秀。[/cn] [en]The teenager appears on the cover of Man About Town magazine and while he poses just like his mum Victoria - he looks the spitting image of his handsome soccer star dad David in the black and white photo shoot which evokes the old Hollywood images of a young James Dean.[/en][cn]這位少年登上了《Man About Town》雜志封面,照片上他的動作像極了他母親維多利亞,而在一組黑白照片中,他簡直和他的球星爸爸大衛(wèi)一模一樣,同時也讓人懷念起老一代的好萊塢明星——年輕時的詹姆斯·迪恩。[/cn] [en]The pictures were taken by photographer Alasdair McLellan, who shot Victoria for UK Vogue and David for Fantastic Man, and is a 'friend of the family'.[/en][cn]這組圖片由攝影師麥克萊倫執(zhí)鏡,他曾為維多利亞拍攝《Vogue》雜志照,為大衛(wèi)拍攝《Fantastic Man》大片,他是“這一家人的好朋友”。[/cn] [en]Man About Town magazine, a biannual publication, says it is 'targeted at high-end business-engaged and culturally-orientated male [w=urbanity]urbanities[/w]... giving a guide to the seasonal men must haves.'[/en][cn]《Man About Town》雜志是一本半年刊,雜志負責人說該雜志“目標受眾是高端的商務精英和有著深厚文化底蘊的都市男性。這是一本時尚男士的必備指南?!盵/cn] [en]Brooklyn follows in the footsteps of his younger brother Romeo, 11, who had a starring role in a Burberry campaign in December 2012.[/en][cn]本次布魯克林拍攝雜志照緊隨弟弟、11歲的羅密歐的腳步,羅密歐2012年12月為巴寶莉拍攝了廣告。[/cn] [en]And just like his famous parents, it seems that Brooklyn's also a dedicated follower of fashion as he's pictured wearing labels including Ralph Lauren, Saint Laurent and Supreme.[/en][cn]就像他有名的父母,看上去布魯克林也是緊跟時尚,照片中他穿著拉夫·勞倫、圣羅蘭和Supreme品牌的服飾。[/cn]

      • 勵志陽光簡短英語句子摘抄

        句話告訴我們重要的是要對自己充滿信心,相信自己的能力,成功將離你不遠。 “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” 做出偉大工作的唯一途徑是熱愛自己所做的事情。 熱愛自己的工作將會帶來動力和激情,助你取得出色的成就。 “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” 預測未來的最好方式是創(chuàng)造它。 這志陽光的句子常常能夠激勵人們面對挑戰(zhàn)、保持樂觀和積極。本文將摘抄一些經(jīng)典的英語勵志句話告訴我們要積極主動地為自己的未來努力奮斗,而不是被動等待命運安排。 “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.” 成功不是幸福的關鍵,幸福才是成功的關鍵。 快樂的心態(tài)和態(tài)度將會助你更輕松地實現(xiàn)成功,而不是一味追求成功帶來的快樂。 “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” 在每個困難中都隱藏著機遇。 困難往往是可以讓我們成長和學習的機會,要學會從困難中尋找機會。 句子啟示及應用建議 正能量鼓勵:這些勵志陽光句子充滿正能量,能夠激勵人們面對挑戰(zhàn)和困難時保持樂觀、堅定和奮斗的態(tài)度。 激勵人心:這些簡短的英語句子雖然簡潔,但蘊含著深刻的人生哲理,能夠激勵人心、指引前行。 應用于生活:讀者可以將這些句子作為座右銘,每天閱讀、思考和應用,激發(fā)自己的動力和熱情,踏上通往成功的道路。 通過本文的勵志陽光簡短英語句子摘抄及解讀,希望讀者能從中得到一些正能量和啟示。正能量的句子能夠鼓舞人心、激勵前行,在人生的道路上指引我們朝著積極、陽光的方向前行,努力追求自己的目標和夢想。 ? 如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網(wǎng)校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學,掃一掃領200暢學卡。

      • 霉霉登上英國版Vogue雜志,還為粉絲寫了詩!


      • 100句英語勵志名言精選


      • 布萊克?萊弗利登《Allure》雜志封面 想要一個屬于自己的大家庭

        Lively is skilled at evading questions about her romance with Ryan Reynolds, whom she married a month and a half after Allure's interview. "I'm a very shy person," Lively says. "I can be outgoing, but I'm also very private." However, she does—perhaps unwittingly—reveal some clues about her life. "I've always wanted a big family," says the actress. How many does kids she want? "Oh, I'd love 30 if I could," she says. Lively's down-to-earth persona is genuine. "I don't drink. I've never tried a drug," says the actress. How about clubs? "The music is so loud, you can't have a conversation with somebody," she complains. "If I were an amazing dancer, yeah, I'd go, but I'm definitely not. My friend calls me a speed walker because my elbows are everywhere." She adds, "It's not like I decided on these strict lifestyle choices and I'm enforcing them. It's just something that I [w]genuinely[/w] don't have a desire for." People often ask Lively about her diet and exercise [w]regimen[/w], and the truth is, she doesn't really have anything of the sort. "I wish I could lie and say that I do something, but..." She cuts herself short, perhaps realizing how unfair it sounds. "I obviously have plenty of imperfections on my body, but I'd rather have a little bit of [w]cellulite[/w] and go do a food trip and try every ice cream place in the South." With Gossip Girl coming to an end after its sixth season, Lively is looking forward to having more time to travel. "I've worked on a lot of characters in the past five years, but I haven't had time to work on my own character. That's something that I'm really excited to do. I thought, I can't wait for Gossip Girl to be done because there are so many movies I want to do! But right now, I'm so peaceful. I've never been happier in my life." 滬江娛樂快訊: 緋聞女孩Serena近來好事不斷,愛情事業(yè)雙豐收。不僅在這個月9日順利步入了婚姻的殿堂,還登上了時尚雜志《Allure》十月刊的封面。其實,接受Allure的采訪是在S婚禮舉行的一個半月之前,但那時的她就表示“在過去的五年里,自己演繹過太多的角色,卻唯獨沒有時間演繹自己。有一些事情真的是需要自己去做的”。她承認,自己現(xiàn)在的生活很平靜,很幸福,比過去的任何時刻都要幸福,想要擁有一個屬于自己的大家庭。 在拍攝Allure雜志封面的過程中,我們就能感受到S的幸福溢于言表。接下來就讓我們一起來看看S拍攝Allure封面時的一些花絮吧!

      • 《打工姐妹花》雙姝游米蘭 一同拍攝時尚雜志照

        嘗了好多意大利面和意大利調味湯。太美味了。你懂的,這兒的健怡可樂都其他地方的更好喝。這兒的健怡可樂可是叫Cola Light(美國一般叫Diet Coke)呢!” 當然,姐妹花也在米蘭購物了一番。 貝爾氏說:“我們在這個美麗的院子里拍攝雜志照,還在這里逛了逛。這里太美了。而且走出這里你就能看到D&G以及各種你能想象得出的品牌?!?戴琳斯開玩笑的說:“糟糕,我把錢都花光了!” 《打工姐妹花》第二季將于美國時間9月24日回歸CBS頻道。 ?

      • 勵志的英語名言短語賞析


      • 100句英語勵志名言警句分享
