
  1. <span id="zkbu1"></span>
      • 專四聽寫:永不言棄

        本內容為專四Dictation部分。 大家聽寫時請過濾掉Direction、標題等內容,就當做模擬專四聽寫部分將正文內容聽寫下來即可^^ If we would ever accomplish anything in life, let us not forget that we must persevere. If we would learn our lessons in school, we must be diligent and not give up whenever we come to anything difficult. We shall find many of our

      • 專四聽寫:花卉植物

        本內容為專四Dictation部分。 大家聽寫時請過濾掉Direction、標題等內容,就當做模擬專四聽寫部分將正文內容聽寫下來即可^^ What are the parts of a flower? Flowers can have [w]male[/w] parts and [w]female[/w] parts. The female parts make eggs that become seeds. The male parts make pollen. Pollen is a powdery material that is needed by the eggs to make

      • 專四聽寫:危機

        本內容為專四Dictation部分。 大家聽寫時請過濾掉Direction、標題等內容,就當做模擬專四聽寫部分將正文內容聽寫下來即可^^ Life is a contest! Who will win? A bluebird and sparrow both compete for space to build their nests. A fast-growing maple tree and slower-growing dogwood compete for the sunlight they both need. Oil competes with coal and nuclear

      • 專四聽寫:最糟糕的驚喜

        本內容為專四Dictation部分。 大家聽寫時請過濾掉Direction、標題等內容,就當做模擬專四聽寫部分將正文內容聽寫下來即可^^ December 7, 1941 was one of the worst days in American history. Nearly all Americans who are old enough to remember that day can still remember what they were doing at the moment they heard “the news”. The news was that America

      • 【淘金專四聽寫】087 竹子

        2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 Bamboo is a type of grass with a hard, woody, hollow stem. There are 1,500 different species of bamboo, occurring naturally in every continent except Europe and Antarctica. Bamboo is among the fastest growing plants on the planet. One Japanese species rockets

      • 【淘金專四聽寫】113 保險

        2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 Insurance is a guarantee against financial loss. Insurance policies can be bought for all sorts of things. The most common kinds of insurance include life, health and property. For example, an insurance company will pay to repair or replace the property

      • 【淘金專四聽寫】119 美國選舉

        2012淘金英語專業(yè)四級聽寫 上海外國語大學 請從正文部分開始聽寫 National elections are held in the United States every two years. Each time, voters elect all members of the House of Representatives for a two-year term, and one-third of Senate members for a six-year term. Many states also choose governors and state legislatures

      • 專四聽寫:生活的影響力

        本內容為專四Dictation部分。 大家聽寫時請過濾掉Direction、標題等內容,就當做模擬專四聽寫部分將正文內容聽寫下來即可^^ In the early times when human beings hunted and gathered food, they were not in control of their environment. They could only interact with their surroundings as the other lower animals did. When they learned to make fire, however

      • 專四聽寫:我們的顧慮

        本內容為專四Dictation部分。 大家聽寫時請過濾掉Direction、標題等內容,就當做模擬專四聽寫部分將正文內容聽寫下來即可^^ The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings. To a large extent, the physical form and the habits of the earth’s vegetation and its animal life have been molded

      • 專四聽寫:藝術家

        本內容為專四Dictation部分。 大家聽寫時請過濾掉Direction、標題等內容,就當做模擬專四聽寫部分將正文內容聽寫下來即可^^ Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something which has not been said before. What visual artists, like painters, want to say