2011-11-11 -
進了指定的地點,開始跳起舞來。因為隊伍里沒有男子,所以開始時姑娘們相互對舞著,但是隨著收工時間的臨近,村子里的男性居民就同其他沒事的閑人和過路行人一起聚集到舞場的周圍,似乎想爭取到一個舞伴。 [/cn] [en
2011-09-28 -
填料,或者把以前鄙夷地扔在一邊的德貝維爾送給她的一些漂亮服裝拿出來,改成她的弟弟妹妹們穿的衣服。她不會寫信給他,要他幫助。但是,在別人以為她用勁干活的時候,她卻經(jīng)常把兩手抱在腦后,在那兒想心思。[/cn] [en]She [w]philosophically[/w] noted dates as they came past in the revolution of the year; the [w]disastrous[/w] night of her undoing at Trantridge with its dark background of The Chase; also the dates of the baby's birth and death; also her own birthday; and every other day individualized by incidents in which she had taken some share. She suddenly thought one afternoon, when looking in the glass at her fairness, that there was yet another date, of greater importance to her than those; that of her own death, when all these charms would have disappeared; a day which lay [w]sly[/w] and unseen among all the other days of the year, giving no sign or sound when she [w]annually[/w] passed over it; but not the less surely there. When was it? Why did she not feel the chill of each yearly [w]encounter[/w] with such a cold relation? She had Jeremy Taylor's thought that some time in the future those who had known her would say: 'It is the - th, the day that poor Tess Durbeyfield died'; and there would be nothing singular to their minds in the statement. Of that day, doomed to be her [w]terminus[/w] in time through all the ages, she did not know the place in month, week, season, or year.[/en][cn]她用一個哲學家的思想去回憶一年中從頭到尾的日子;她回想起在特蘭里奇的獵苑的黑暗背景中,毀了她的那個不幸的夜晚;回想起她的孩子出生和死去的日子;也回想起自己降生為人的那一天;還回想起那些因為與她有關的事件而變得特
2011-11-01 -
不是一輛簡陋寒酸的馬車,而是一輛漂亮整潔的單馬雙輪馬車,又叫狗車,漆光發(fā)亮,設備齊全。趕車的是一個二十三四歲的青年男子,嘴里叼著一根雪茄煙,頭上戴一頂花哨的小帽,穿一件色彩灰暗的上衣和顏色相同的馬褲,圍著白色的圍巾,戴著硬高領,手上戴著褐色的駕車手套——簡而言之,他是一個漂亮的長著一張長臉的年輕人,就在一兩個星期前,曾經(jīng)拜訪過瓊,向她打聽過苔絲的回話。[/cn] [en]Mrs Durbeyfield clapped her hands like a
2011-10-10 -
2011-10-03 -
2011-10-09 -
去見她,不過求她幫助的事,你們一定要讓我看著辦。你們也不要老想著她給我找丈夫的事啦——那是愚蠢的。”[/cn] [en]'Very well said, Tess!' observed her father [w]sententiously[/w].[/en][cn]“說得很好,苔絲!”她的父親以說教的口吻說。[/cn] [en]'Who said I had such a thought?' asked Joan.[/en][cn]“誰說我有這樣的想法?”瓊問。[/cn] [en]'I fancy it is in your mind