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      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第九章(下)

        可以在房里自由自在地飛來飛去,把家具和墊子上弄得到處都是白色的小點。有一次,苔絲站在掛著一排鳥籠子的窗戶像往常一樣教小鳥兒唱歌時,她覺得她聽見床后有一種細小的摩擦聲。那個老太太當時不在,姑娘轉過身去,在她的印象中好像看見帳沿下有一雙靴子的尖頭。因此,她吹的口哨立刻就亂了調子,如果真的有人的話,那么那個人也肯定發(fā)現苔絲懷疑到他的存在了。自此以后,她每天早晨都要搜查一遍帳子,但是從來沒有發(fā)現有人在那兒。顯然阿歷克·德貝維爾已經完全想到了他的怪誕行為,如果他用那種埋伏的把戲,肯定要把苔絲嚇壞的。[/cn] [cn]①石碑上雕刻的急躁女神(like Impatience on a monument),可參考莎士比亞《第十二夜》第二幕第四場第113頁“她坐在那兒,就像石碑上雕刻的忍耐女神”(She sat like a Patience on a monument)一句。[/cn]

      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第二十九章(上)

        量了一眼那一排女孩子。[/cn] [en]'She ought to ha' told him just before they went to church, when he could hardly have backed out,' exclaimed Marian.[/en][cn]“他們在去教堂結婚時,她就應該告訴他的,這時候他已經跑不掉了,”瑪麗安大聲說。[/cn] [en]'Yes, she ought,' agreed Izz.[/en][cn]“是的,她應該那樣做,”伊茨同意說。[/cn] [en]'She must have seen what he was after, and should ha' refused him,' cried Retty [w]spasmodically[/w].[/en][cn]“他是個什么樣的東西,她一定早就看清了,她不應該嫁給他的,”萊蒂激動地說。[/cn] [en]'And what do you say, my dear?' asked the dairyman of Tess.[/en][cn]“你說呢,親愛的?”奶牛場老板問苔絲。[/cn] [en]'I think she ought - to have told him the true state of things - or else refused him - I don't know,' replied Tess, the bread-and-butter [w=choke]choking[/w] her.[/en][cn]“我覺得她應該——把真實的情形告訴他——要不然就不要答應嫁給她——不過我也說不清楚,”苔絲回答說,一塊黃油面包噎了她一下。[/cn] [en]'Be cust if I'd have done either o't,' said Beck Knibbs, a married helper from one of the cottages. 'All's fair in love and war. I'd ha' married en 'ust as she did, and if he'd said two words to me about not telling him beforehand anything [w]whatsomdever[/w] about my first [w]chap[/w] that I hadn't chose to tell, I'd ha' knocked him down wi' the rolling-pin - a scram little feller like he! Any woman could do it.'[/en][cn]“我才不會那樣干呢,”貝克·尼布斯說,她是一個結過婚的女人,到這兒當幫手,住在外面的茅屋里?!扒閳鋈鐟?zhàn)場,任何手段都是正當的。我也會像她那樣嫁給他的,至

      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第二十五章(上)

        depended to Tess; through her existence all her fellow-creatures existed, to her. The universe itself only came into being for Tess on the particular day in the particular year in which she was born.[/en][cn]盡管克萊爾相信異端學說,身上有種種缺點和弱點,他仍然是一個具有是非感的人。苔絲不是一個無足輕重的人,不是隨意玩弄以后就可以把她丟開的;而是一個過著寶貴生活的婦女——這種生活對她來說無論是受苦還是享受

      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第十四章(上)

        in the fields.[/en][cn]她就是苔絲·德北菲爾德,或者叫德貝維爾,多少有了一些變化——還是原來的她,又不是原來的她;在她目前生存的這個階段,她的生活就像是一個陌生人,或者是這兒的一個異邦人,其實她生活的地方對她一點兒也不陌生。她在家里躲了很長一段時間,后來才下定決心走出門外,在村子里找點兒活于,因為那時候農村里一年中最忙的季節(jié)到了,她在屋里做的任何事情,都比不上當時在地里收莊稼賺的錢多。[/cn] [en]The movements of the other women were more or less similar to Tess's, the whole bevy

      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第二十九章(中)

        再也抵擋不住了。她愛他愛得這樣熱烈,在她的眼里,他就像天上的神一樣;她雖然沒有經過教育培養(yǎng),但是她卻天性敏慧,從本能上渴望得到他的呵護和指導。雖然她心里不斷重復著說,“我決不能做他的妻子,”但是這也都成了毫無用處的話。她這種內心的說話,正好證明她冷靜的決心已經遇到了問題,不能繼續(xù)堅持了。每當她聽到克萊爾開始提到從前提到的話題,心里頭不免又驚又喜,渴望自己改口答應,又害怕自己改口答應。[/cn] [en

      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第十章(下)


      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第九章(上)

        成了母雞下蛋的雞窩;門外的一塊塊園畦,從前每一塊都叫房主拿著鐵鍬拾掇得整整齊齊,現在都讓公雞用最野蠻的方式刨得亂七八糟。[/cn] [en]The garden in which the cottage stood was surrounded by a wall, and could only be entered through a door.[/en][cn]修建這所房子的花園四周有一道圍墻,只有通過一道門才能進入園內。[/cn] [en]When Tess had occupied herself about an hour the next morning in altering and improving the arrangements, according to her skilled ideas as the daughter of a professed [w]poulterer[/w], the door in the wall opened and a servant in white cap and [w]apron[/w] entered. She had come from the manor-house.[/en][cn]第二天早上,苔絲整整忙了一個小時來收拾雞舍,她本來就是以販賣家禽為業(yè)的人家的女兒,所以就憑著自己的巧思對雞場作了改動,重新布置了一番。就在這個時候,墻上的門被打開了,一個戴著白帽子系著白圍裙的女仆走了進來。她是從莊園里來的。[/cn] [en]'Mrs d'Urberville wants the fowls as usual,' she said; but perceiving that Tess did not quite understand, she explained, 'Mis'ess is a old lady, and blind.'[/en][cn]“德貝維爾夫人又要雞啦,”她說:不過她看見苔絲沒有完全明白,就解釋說,“夫人是一個老太太,眼睛瞎了?!盵/cn] [en]'Blind!' said Tess.[/en][cn]“眼睛瞎啦!”苔絲說。[/cn] [en]Almost before her misgiving at the news could find time to shape itself she took, under her companion's direction, two of the most beautiful of the Hamburghs in her arms, and followed the maid-servant, who had likewise taken two, to the [w]adjacent[/w] [w]mansion[/w], which, though [w]ornate[/w] and imposing, showed traces everywhere on this side that some [w]occupant[/w] of its chambers could bend to the love of [w]dumb[/w] creatures - feathers floating within view of the front, and hen-coops standing on the grass.[/en][cn]聽了女仆的話,苔絲疑慮叢生,但還沒有等到她回過味來,就按照女仆的指點抱起兩種最漂亮的漢堡雞,跟在也同樣抱著兩只雞的女仆后面,向附近的莊園走去;莊園雖然裝飾華麗、雄偉壯觀,但是種種跡象顯示,住在莊園里的人喜愛不會說話的動物——莊園前

      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第十一章(上)

        路人沒有帶她走上通向特蘭里奇的小路。[/cn] [en]She was [w]inexpressibly[/w] [w]weary[/w]. She had risen at five o'clock every morning of that week, had been on foot the whole of each day and on this evening had in addition walked the three miles to Chaseborough, waited three hours for her neighbours without eating or drinking, her [w]impatience[/w] to start them preventing either; she had then walked a mile of the way home, and had undergone the excitement of the quarrel, till, with the slow progress of their steed, it was now nearly one o'clock. Only once, however, was she overcome by actual [w]drowsiness[/w]. In that moment of [w]oblivion[/w] her head sank gently against him.[/en][cn]她疲倦得無以形容。在這一個禮拜里,她每天早晨都是五點鐘起床,整天都要走來走去,這天傍晚她到獵苑堡去,又格外多

      • 【經典名著閱讀】《德伯家的苔絲》第三十五章(中)

        在她的頭頂上閃爍——宇宙中最大的物體竟反映在如此卑微的東西中。[/cn] [en]The place to which they had travelled to-day was in the same valley as Talbothays, but some miles lower down the river; and the surroundings being open she kept easily in sight of him. Away from the house the road wound through the meads, and along these she followed Clare