that usually accompanies a degree program.[/en][cn]納米學位課程很受學生歡迎,因為它們的學費負擔沒有傳統(tǒng)學位大。[/cn] [en]2. Another development related to Moocs is the emergence of nanodegrees.[/en][cn]另外一個跟慕課相關的發(fā)展就是納米學位的出現(xiàn)。[/cn]
of the automated assessment technology. [L] Two start-ups, Coursera and Udacity, recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create “massive open online courses,”or MOOCs, are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback. “It allows students to get immediate
2015-06-13 -
MOOCs,are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback.‘‘It allows students to get immediate feedback on their?work.so that learning turns into a game,with students naturally gravitating(吸引)toward resubmitting the work until they get it right,”said Daphne
2015-06-14 -
of the automated assessment technology. [L] Two start-ups, Coursera and Udacity, recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create “massive open online courses,”or MOOCs, are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback. “It allows students to get
2015-06-13 -
正能量教學 網(wǎng)絡的正確打開方式
Online Courses (MOOCs) at institutions like Khan Academy and Coursera give you the ability to pick and choose courses on just about any subject — ranging from organic chemistry to art history — while sites like Tree House Academy and Codecademy allow users to hone in on specific skills including coding
[en]Leonardo DiCaprio rang in the new year with friends aboard a luxurious?[w]yacht[/w]?in St. Barts.[/en][cn]萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧的跨年是在圣巴茨的豪華游艇上和一群盆友度過的。[/cn] [en]The 40-year-old actor was spotted puffing on an electronic cigarette while chatting with the group on Thursday, and at one point, he took his shirt off to work on his tan; later, he and his vacation buddies hit the beach and waded in the ocean. True to form, Leo was surrounded by pretty ladies, including a brunette beauty that he smooched on the cheek and a blonde who bore a resemblance to his on-off girlfriend, model Toni Garrn. The couple was rumored to have broken up late last year and haven't been seen together since September.[/en][cn]這名40歲的演員在周四,被人和一群人聊天的時候抽著電子煙,而在某處,他脫了上衣把皮膚曬成古銅色;之后,他和他的假日伙伴們去了沙灘,投
臺上時間超過10年,很多人不光自己學,親戚朋友甚至小孩也來學。 我們整個內部在不斷追求教育深度,我們很關心學員素質、素養(yǎng),很關心用戶為什么來,為什么走?每一個滬江學員畢業(yè)后,隨時可以折回他在滬江網(wǎng)校的班級和學習體系,查看所有記錄,和自己的同學、老師和班主任進行交流。用戶回到滬江,所有記錄都在,我們幫他存著,為此我們每天產(chǎn)生25T的數(shù)據(jù)。 你要是回到當時新東方培訓階段,只能看看以前的筆記本,說不定還找不到了?;ヂ?lián)網(wǎng)教育就是要做線下教育不能完成的事。 滬江著重做基礎教育平臺,首先貫通語言,學什么語言都有。學泰國語就是好多萬人,意大利語幾十萬人,俄語幾十萬人。 滬江網(wǎng)和山東荊家中學在合作,他們學校教學都用滬江網(wǎng)。荊家中學是一個傳統(tǒng)中學,這是我們在做的一種嘗試,傳統(tǒng)學校利用我們的工具和資源,學生自己學,在網(wǎng)上做練習,老師做指點。老師變
2015-01-09滬江媒體 滬江媒體報道 官網(wǎng)媒體報道 創(chuàng)業(yè)媒體報道 招聘媒體報道 網(wǎng)校媒體報道
2014-10-30 -
要以錄播為主,而愛學堂重新定義了一種全新的學習方式。愛學堂的內容更多的是以學生熱愛為主,愛學堂的每一節(jié)課程都是由一流的教研、頂尖的名師、優(yōu)秀的編劇、先進的科技和頂尖的設計師共同完成。除了將傳統(tǒng)的名校名師錄播制作成MOOC以外,更多的課件要讓更多的孩子像在看漫畫、看動畫片一樣喜歡這個課程,只有對自己熱愛、喜歡的課程學生才愿意更持續(xù)能主動去學。 此次大會一個熱議的話題就是“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)讓教育更公平”,汪先生尤為贊同這一點。因為通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng),用戶可以把最優(yōu)秀的師資挑選出來,而最優(yōu)秀的師資又能通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)傳播到全國各地,實現(xiàn)優(yōu)秀資源的共享。也就是說人人都有機會接觸頂級教育,人人都可以通過學習成為更好的自己。
或浮夸的樣子。 Having discovered his deceit, the girls unite their efforts together to give him a lesson. 意識到了他的欺騙之后,女孩們聯(lián)合起來并且教訓了他。 Many is ugly and the deceit in order to achieve own goal throw over love colored clothing to mooch. 不少的丑陋及欺騙為了達到自己的目的披著愛情的彩衣招搖撞騙。