【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第三課 土地的訊息(4/4)
給誰呢?幾百年來 我們家一直擁有這片土地。我熟悉我的每一寸土地。我的孩子就是在這兒長大的,他們捉青蛙、逮泥螃蟹、采花朵。但是這片土地還是沒能拴住他們或是召回他們。當他們每人有了一條牛仔褲,就像鳥兒一樣飛
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第六課 楓葉街上的怪物(8/10)
來自于美國作家Rod Sering的科幻小說,通過怪物的臆想反映人心的惡與復雜。 Hints: 本文是一篇戲劇,大家不用區(qū)別誰講的,就按照聽的順著聽寫下去就行了,就和聽寫文章一樣 He got the car started somehow. He got his car started! How come his car just started like that? All by itself. He wasn't anywhere near it. It started all by itself. Don approaches the group: He stops a few
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第六課 楓葉街上的怪物(6/10)
小孩對科幻小說的描述使得一群大人恐慌焦慮的情緒逐漸增長 Hints: Cain ? Sure. They raise Cain with radio reception all over the world. And this thing, being so close--why, there's no telling the sort of stuff it can do. He wets his lips, smiles nervously. Go ahead, Charlie. You and Steve go into town and see if that isn't what
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第六課 楓葉街上的怪物(3/10)
來自于美國作家Rod Sering的科幻小說,通過怪物的臆想反映人心的惡與復雜。 Hints: 本文是一篇戲劇,大家不用區(qū)別誰講的,就按照聽的順著聽寫下去就行了,就和聽寫文章一樣。 Charlie 在九秒backyard后面有三個點的省略號 Electricity's off. Phone won't work. Can't get a thing on the radio. My power mower won't move, won't work at all. I'll cut through the backyard...see if the power's still
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第三課 土地的訊息(1/4)
死了,剩下的兩個男孩和兩個女孩在我們能為他們買得起牛仔褲的時候,就離開家了。我的大兒子在曼谷的一個有錢人家里做園丁,后來一家勞務介紹所送他到國外干活去了。我的小兒子離家也很遠。 我們的一個女兒現在在曼谷的一家紡織廠上班,另一個女兒在一家商店里工作。她們偶爾回家來看看我們,呆上幾天就又走了。他們經常寄錢給我們并告訴我們他們過得很好。我知道這并不是真的。有時候,(當我知道)他們受欺負受侮辱時,我就心如刀割。而這一切對于我的男人來說就好過些,他有一對聽不見的耳朵、一張不說話的嘴和 一雙看不見的眼睛。他總是不緊不慢,沉默寡言,過自個兒的日子。 雖然孩子們長時間不在家,但他們始終是我的孩子,也許是命運讓他們離開了我們。漸漸精疲力竭了。而我和我的男人還是在這片土地上耕作。當雨水多的時候土地還不難耕種,可要是趕上干旱,干硬的土地不僅使我們的犁耙碎了,我們的心也碎了。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第三課 土地的訊息(2/4)
我們的不同,他們說我們歲數大的人跟不上時代。我活了這么大歲數,從沒進過理發(fā)店,沒涂過嘴唇,沒涂過指甲。我這粗手粗腳是用來在稻田的泥地里干活的,而不是擺樣子好看的?,F在的年輕姑娘們穿上了牛仔褲,看著像小伙子,可她們卻認為這是時髦。為什么,只為了能買條牛仔哭,它們寧愿賣掉豬或水牛。我年輕的時候要是穿上他們那樣的褲子,準得遭雷劈。 我知道時代已經變了,但有些東西是不該變的,我們還應該每天為僧人提供吃的,定期去寺廟上香?,F在的年輕人往往把這些事留給上了歲數的人去做,這真是太不像話了。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第六課 楓葉街上的怪物(10/10)
來自于美國作家Rod Sering的科幻小說,通過怪物的臆想反映人心的惡與復雜。 Hints: 本文是一篇戲劇,大家不用區(qū)別誰講的,就按照聽的順著聽寫下去就行了,就和聽寫文章一樣 huh (a little reluctantly) ? Now that's supposed to make me a criminal, huh? The car engine goes on and off? He looks around at the faces of the people. I just don't understand it...any more than any of you do
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第六課 楓葉街上的怪物(7/10)
來自于美國作家Rod Sering的科幻小說,通過怪物的臆想反映人心的惡與復雜。 Hints: 本文是一篇戲劇,大家不用區(qū)別誰講的,就按照聽的順著聽寫下去就行了,就和聽寫文章一樣。 Peter?Van?Horn Goodman ? Go ahead, Tommy. What about the people that they sent out ahead? That was the way they prepared things for the landing. They sent people who just looked like humans...but they weren
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第三課 土地的訊息(3/4)
文化傳統(tǒng)受到了現代社會經濟發(fā)展的沖擊,并表達了老一輩人對過去優(yōu)良傳統(tǒng)的珍視以及對家鄉(xiāng)土地的眷戀之情。 Hints: 有引號 Why, only the other day I heard a boy shout and scream at his mother. If that kind of thing had happened when I was young, the whole village would have condemned such an ungrateful son, and his father would surely have given him a good beating. As for me, I couldn't change even if I wanted to. Am I happy or unhappy? This question has never occurred to me. Life simply goes on. Yes, this bag of bones dressed in rags can still plant and reap rice from morning till dusk. Diseases, wounds, hardship and scarcity have always been part of my life. I don't complain. The farmer: My wife is wrong.My eyes do see——they see more than they should. My ears do hear——they hear more than is good for me. I don't talk about what I know because I know too much. I know for example, greed, anger, and lust are the roots of all evils. I am at peace with the land and the conditions of my life. But I feel a great pity for my wife. I have been forcing silence upon her all these years, yet she has not once complained of anything. 就在前些天,我聽見一個小男孩朝著他的母親大聲喊叫。如果這件事發(fā)生在我小的時候,全村人都會責罵這個沒良心的兒子,他的父親準會狠狠揍他一頓。 至于我,是不會變了,就是我想變也是不可能的了。我幸不幸福?我從來沒有想過這個問題。生活簡簡單單地過著。是的,我這把裹著破爛衣衫骨瘦如柴的老骨頭還能從早到晚地在地里耕作。疾病、傷痛、艱難、還有窮困始終伴隨著我的一生。我沒有怨言。 農夫:我老伴錯了。我的眼睛看得見——看到了許多它們所不應該看到的。我的耳朵也聽得到——聽到了許多它們不應該聽的。我沒有將我所知道的說出來,因為我知道得太多了。我知道諸如貪婪、憤怒和欲望是一切邪惡的根源。 對于這片土地,對于我的生活境況我感到滿足。但對于老伴,覺得對不住她,這些年來我對她一直沉默寡言,而她從未抱怨什么。 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
【現代大學英語精讀】(第一冊)第六課 楓葉街上的怪物(9/10)
來自于美國作家Rod Sering的科幻小說,通過怪物的臆想反映人心的惡與復雜。 Hints: 本文是一篇戲劇,大家不用區(qū)別誰講的,就按照聽的順著聽寫下去就行了,就和聽寫文章一樣 ? I just don't understand it. I tried to start it, and it wouldn't start. You saw me. And now, just as suddenly as the engine started, it stops. There's a frightened murmuring of the people.. Maybe you can