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      • 《大偵探福爾摩斯2》預(yù)告片發(fā)布 驚現(xiàn)福爾摩斯雷人新造型

        滬江小編:各位福爾摩斯迷們是否還記得2009年那部由蓋·里奇導(dǎo)演,小羅伯特·唐尼和裘德·洛主演的《大偵探福爾摩斯》呢?近日這部電影的續(xù)集終于也發(fā)布了預(yù)告片,然而片中福爾摩斯的女裝造型實在是挑戰(zhàn)觀眾的承受力底限啊……廢話不多說,大家自己看預(yù)告片~ [en]After Guy Ritchie's first take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Sherlock Holmes" series took in over $500 million at the box office back in 2009, it didn't take a master detective to figure out that there would be a sequel. Of course, that's exactly what the world is getting.[/en][cn]自從2009年蓋·里奇改編的第一部福爾摩斯電影創(chuàng)造了5億美元的票房收入,用不著一位非常高明的偵探也能推理出這部電影必然會有續(xù)集。當然,現(xiàn)在續(xù)集來了。[/cn] [en]Robert Downey, Jr. is back with another turn in his charming take on the super [w]sleuth[/w], donning a British accent?to give life to a Holmes more like his Tony Stark Iron Man character than 19th century wise man. Back as well is Jude Law's version of [w]sidekick[/w] Watson.[/en][cn]小羅伯特·唐尼將會繼續(xù)出演這位大偵探,雖然他扮演的帶著蹩腳英式口音的福爾摩斯看起來更像鋼鐵俠而不是那位19世紀的大偵探。裘德·洛也將繼續(xù)扮演福爾摩斯的密友華生。[/cn] [en]The [w]villain[/w] this time is two-fold: first, "Mad Men" star Jared Harris, as wildly evil Professor Moriarty; and second, whichever makeup designer who decided to give Downey blue eyeshadow for his head-turning scenes in drag. A pretty woman, he does not make.[/en][cn]這部電影里有兩個反派角色:一個是在《廣告狂人》中走紅的Jared Harris,他將扮演邪惡的莫里亞蒂教授;另一個,就是那個給唐尼的女裝扮相上了藍色眼影的化妝師。很明顯他沒能打造出一位絕世美女。[/cn] [en]On a side note, the heavy stylization of the film makes it especially interesting to compare Ritchie's take on Doyle's legendary stories with the BBC's contemporary remake of the same saga, "Sherlock."[/en][cn]另外,將蓋·里奇這部高度程式化的電影與BBC同期的同一題材作品《神探夏洛克》進行一番比較也是非常有意思的。[/cn] [en]"Sherlock Homes: Game of Shadows" is scheduled to be released December 16, 2011.[/en][cn]《大偵探福爾摩斯·影之游戲》將于2011年12月16日上映。[/cn] 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學(xué)習(xí)使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權(quán)保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權(quán)的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關(guān)內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關(guān)鏈接。

      • 《福爾摩斯與華生》片場:大偵探忙調(diào)酒!

        When it comes to being a detective, we wouldn't have guessed that being a cracking cocktail maker would be high on the list of skills that you need. We certainly don't remember Benedict Cumberbatch knocking up a Mojito on BBC's Sherlock! Jonny Lee Miller however, who is playing Sherlock on the US version of the show which is called Elementary, was snapped mixing two drinks together on the set of the drama. We can't help but wonder what his character is up to. Perhaps he's making some [w]genius[/w] tracking solution or [w=conjure]conjuring[/w] up a deadly poison? Or maybe he just fancies a drink? Jonny was joined on set by Lucy Liu, we will play Doctor Joan Watson on the CBS drama. [w]Elementary[/w] wasn't the only show that was being filmed though - the stars of Sky Atlantic's Smash were also snapped dancing in the streets! Yikes - Jonny looks like he needs an early night in this picture! We recently found out that in Elementary, Sherlock has been in rehab for substance addiction. Maybe this picture is showing Sherlock having a relapse! At this year's Comic-Con, Jonny said that his character 'lacks control'. He said: 'He has such a genius for solving crime, but he really is not in control of himself.' Lucy Liu was photographed looking a little miffed on set. In the show, she will play Sherlock's [w]companion[/w] Doctor Joan Watson.? 滬江娛樂快訊:說到偵探,我們決不會想到調(diào)酒也是其必須的職業(yè)技能。至少本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)可沒有在BBC臺的《新福爾摩斯》(Sherlock)中調(diào)過古巴雞尾酒! 在美國現(xiàn)代版福爾摩斯新劇《福爾摩斯與華生》(Elementary)片

      • 裘德洛扮新版福爾摩斯的華生醫(yī)生(圖)

        新版《福爾摩斯》電影中,帥哥裘德·洛的華生醫(yī)生裝扮亮相! 對于這部新片,導(dǎo)演Guy Ritchie表示他想要從全新的視角去闡述這個故事,會增加一些打斗場面。他原先最擔心的演員口音現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不成問題。導(dǎo)演說扮演福爾摩斯的Robert Downey操著一口他聽過的最好的英國口音,而裘德·洛本身又是地地道道的英國人。至于扮演福爾摩斯摯愛Irene Adler的Rachel McAdams,反正那個角色原本就是美國人。 Check out the first pictures of Jude Law as Dr. Watson, the [w]sidekick[/w] to pipe-smoking

      • 遇見英國:福爾摩斯篇(公開課解讀)

        Robin&You遇見英國之福爾摩斯 時間:10月23日(星期三)19:00 - 20:00 主講老師:羅賓(點擊關(guān)注老師的滬江部落>>>) 公開課地點:O+口語大廳(點擊下載CCTalk) 網(wǎng)校名師簡介: Robin老師 一個地地道道的英國大粉絲,說英音,看英劇,喝紅茶,喜歡格子襯衫,聽英倫搖滾。。。對英國的熱愛造就了對英語的熱愛。希望也能帶你們歡喜的走入英語的殿堂~~ 點擊關(guān)注老師的滬江部落>> 視頻回顧: 課堂內(nèi)容提要: 1.分集介紹 S01E01 A Study in Pink S01E02 The Blind Banker S01E03 The Great Game S02E01 A Scandal in Belgravia S02E02 The Hounds of Baskerville S02E03 The Reichenbach Fall 2.經(jīng)典篇章 獲取本次公開課詳細講義: >>點擊查看<< 想提前一周知道最精彩的公開課安排嗎?那福爾摩斯就來訂閱滬江CCTalk電子報吧!電子報的訂閱入口>> 滬江網(wǎng)校還為大家提供了其他的活動,歡迎大家預(yù)約:最新活動預(yù)約 請注意!參與本活動須使用滬江全新語音學(xué)習(xí)軟件CCTalk,使用指南如下: 1.?注冊滬江網(wǎng)獲得用戶名(已是滬江用戶的不必注冊); 2. 點擊網(wǎng)址http://class.hujiang.com/zt/cctalk下載CCtalk軟件; 3. 軟件安裝結(jié)束后,輸入滬江網(wǎng)的用戶名和密碼登陸CCtalk; 4. 點擊下圖中用紅圈標注的“語音教室”; 5. 找到“英語大廳”位置,點擊進入; 6. 講座期間進入英語大廳后,如果想發(fā)言,請點擊下圖中的“舉手”(橘色按鈕),被主持人選中后就可以發(fā)言。說話的時候可以看到麥克進度條在隨麥克聲音發(fā)生變化,別人說話也可以看到耳機或揚聲器的進度條在變化。

      • 看《福爾摩斯》學(xué)英語 死而復(fù)生有沒可能

        head. Police: What did he want? Holmes: Not sure. But I don't think you're needed, Father. Not for this one. 妙語佳句 活學(xué)活用 1. twitch: 痙攣;抽搐。 此外,我們平時說的“眼睛跳”也可以用這個詞表示,例如:Is the twitch in my eyes noticeable?(我的眼跳是否明顯?) 2. old cock: 老兄(昵稱) 3. mother hen: 喜歡關(guān)心人的婦女;愛操心的女人。華生不肯和福爾摩斯一起去,所以福爾摩斯諷刺他說:“那隨你便吧,婆婆媽媽”。 4.

      • Netflix獨家揭秘《新福爾摩斯》第三季幕后故事

        獲得這部由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)與馬丁·弗里曼(Martin Freeman)領(lǐng)銜主演的熱門英劇的獨家播放權(quán)。Netflix還拿福爾摩斯下了該劇的幕后制作花絮特輯,此特輯分為三部分,共同片名為《揭秘福爾摩斯》(Sherlock Uncovered),緊接著第三季每一集結(jié)束后播出。鑒于福爾摩斯迷們和兩位主演的粉絲們總是意猶未盡,Netflix還為他們準備了《解讀福爾摩斯》(Unlocking Sherlock)——時長一小時左右的,講述劇集制作過程的特別節(jié)目。[/cn] [en]Creators Steven

      • 伊恩?麥凱倫將演老年福爾摩斯

        [en]Sir Ian McKellen is to play detective Sherlock Holmes in a new film from the director of Twilight: Breaking Dawn.[/en][cn]伊恩·麥凱倫爵士將在一部新電影中扮演著名偵探夏洛克·福爾摩斯,該電影將由《暮光之城:破曉》的導(dǎo)演執(zhí)導(dǎo)。[/cn] [en]A Slight Trick of the Mind will be set in 1947 and see a retired Holmes living a quiet life in a Sussex village with his housekeeper and her son.[/en][cn]這部改編自同名小說《A Slight Trick of the Mind》的電影情節(jié)設(shè)定在1947年,退休的福爾摩斯在蘇塞克斯郡的鄉(xiāng)下過著平靜的生活,陪在他身邊是他的女管家和她的兒子。[/cn] [en]The [w]sleuth[/w] is haunted by an unsolved case from 50 years ago however, remembering only a heated incident with a [w]volatile[/w] husband and a secret bond with his wife.[/en][cn]老年的福爾摩斯被50年前的一樁懸案困擾,他只記得一些片段:和喜怒無常的男子的對峙,還有和對方妻子的神秘聯(lián)系。[/cn] [en]The film will be director by Bill Condon and based on a novel by Mitch Cullin, with the screenplay coming from Jeffrey Hatcher, according to Screen Daily.[/en][cn]根據(jù)《銀幕日報》的報道,電影改編自米契·柯林的同名小說,將由著名導(dǎo)演比爾·康頓執(zhí)導(dǎo),劇本則由編劇杰弗里·哈徹撰寫。[/cn] [en]The character of Sherlock Holmes has been enjoying a renaissance of late, with Benedict Cumberbatch’s version of the detective for the BBC proving hugely popular with viewers.[/en][cn]近幾年夏洛克·福爾摩斯這個人物似乎又復(fù)蘇了,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇在BBC迷你劇《神探夏洛克》中扮演的“卷福”受到了觀眾的巨大歡迎。[/cn] [en]A Slight Trick of the Mind will be Condon and McKellen’s second movie together following Gods and Monster, which resulted in a Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar for Condon and a Best Actor nomination for the Hobbit actor.[/en][cn]在《眾神與野獸》之后,《A Slight Trick of the Mind》將會是比爾·康頓和伊恩·麥凱倫的第二次合作。之前合作的電影《眾神與野獸》為比爾·康頓在奧斯卡贏得了一座最佳改編劇本獎杯,伊恩·麥凱倫也獲得了最佳男主角的提名。[/cn]

      • 《福爾摩斯:演繹法》將于超級碗后黃金時段播出


      • 寶萊塢要拍福爾摩斯:印度版的夏洛克來了!

        Anil Kapoor has signed up to a new project [w=provisional]provisionally[/w] titled Indian Sherlock. The actor will team up with Shopgirl director Anand Tucker. He told [w]Hindustan[/w] Times: "Indian Sherlock is not going to be the title; it's just tentative. I love this project and am looking forward to working on it." The Race 2 star has also begun production on his Indian adaptation of the television drama 24. Kapoor added: "The shooting for 24 is going well. We're shooting from 7pm to 8am every day. "When you do such things, you don't [worry about the audience]. You like a story and you go about bringing it to the screen. You have to believe in it to make it work." He recently said that making the Indian 24 is the biggest responsibility of his career so far. In December, Kapoor said that he expects Indian audiences to give the show a good reception. 【滬江快訊】 在熱門英劇《神探夏洛克》大熱后,我們迎來了美國版的福爾摩斯《基本演繹法》。而印度版的福爾摩斯也馬上要來了!印度著名演員Anil Kapoor將飾演Sherlock一角。印度版的新片名暫未確定。 Anil Kapoor為印度著名演員,曾在印度出演超過100部寶萊塢電影,包括奧斯卡獲獎影片《貧民窟的百萬富翁》,還曾出演過英劇《皮囊》Skins和美劇《24小時》。