【點此回顧上期內容http://app.hjenglish.com/listen/12980/】 上期聽到青蛙仍然在找能夠遇見春天的那個轉角,直到開始下雨,他回到家發(fā)現(xiàn)家里也有一個轉角,蟾蜍問他看見了什么。如果你也青蛙好奇青蛙到底看見了什么,那這期的聽寫一定不能錯過哦~ 聽完別忘了去【做聽寫迎六一】的活動帖打卡賺學幣喲~~\(≧▽≦)/~ 點擊圍觀活動>> http://bulo.hjenglish.com/group/topic/405034/?page=1 答題方式:在答題紙上寫下缺少的單詞即可~ "I saw the ____ coming out," said Frog. "I saw
人見人愛,花見花開的夏洛特小公主開始上幼兒園了! 肯辛頓行宮還公布了一組有凱特王妃親自拍攝的入學照。 萌死了~ 那小公主上的幼兒園究竟是什么情況呢?跟著英語君一起來看看! 夏洛特小公主明年1月將入讀威爾考克斯幼兒園(Willcocks nursery school)。 The Guardian:夏洛特小公主將入讀肯辛頓行宮旁的幼兒園 對于幼兒園的選擇,凱特王妃一如既往地走了親民路線,選擇了離家很近的威爾考克斯幼兒園。 Willcocks Nursery School is located just a stone's throw away from the family’s home in Kensington Palace. 威爾考克斯幼兒園就在肯辛頓行宮附近。 這所幼兒園位于倫敦西部,5年前,被英國教育標準局(Ofsted)評公主判為“outstanding”(最高等級)。 英國教育標準局(Ofsted)是國家教育、兒童服務和技能培訓機構的官方監(jiān)管機構。 評分主要通過4個方面評判——成績、教學質量、學生的行為和安全、領導和管理質量。 分數(shù)等級也有4個方面,分別是outstanding、inadequate、good、requires improvement. 幼兒園的經(jīng)營者Tatler 稱,幼兒園是隱藏的寶石(hidden gem)。學生在校園內,不僅會得到精致的照料,還能學會如何高效的學習。 那夏洛特小公主究竟會在學到一些什么課程呢?外媒已經(jīng)提前公布了幼兒學的一些基本情況。 據(jù)了解,1月4日開學后,32個學生會被分為四個班級,分別是Cygnets, Swifts, Swallows and Swans。 在校園中,夏洛特小公主將學習餐桌禮儀。 上學的內容也不僅僅是聽故事、數(shù)數(shù),還會學習一些更有深度的內容,包括考古學、環(huán)境以及極地探險。 學習的內容可以說是非常全面了! In a testimonial on the nursery's website, one satisfied parent even mentions Aristotle and Alexander the Great. 在幼兒園的網(wǎng)站上,一個滿意的家長還提及了亞里士多德和亞歷山大大帝。 另外,課外活動也非常豐富,隔三差五的需要帶孩子去博物館、音樂廳培養(yǎng)藝術情操。 一些黏土課程,致力培養(yǎng)孩子的動手能力和創(chuàng)造力。
在為他們的第一個孩子的到來做準備,有傳聞馬克爾可能在4月21日分娩。[/cn] [en]If ever, their child would share the same birthday with Queen Elizabeth. But royal fans need to wait for a while because the royal couple reportedly wants to keep private the arrival of their child.[/en][cn]如果寶寶如期而至,他將與伊麗莎白女王同一天生日。但皇室的粉絲們還需要耐心等待一段時間,因為據(jù)說這對皇家夫婦希望低調地迎接孩子的到來。[/cn] ? 翻譯:進擊的Meredith
要讓盡可能多的人擁有它。”[/cn] [en]Iger said the company wants Disney+ to be a TV and movie service for now. No other media, like games, will be added in the near future. The service will have no ads.[/en][cn]Iger說迪士尼公司目前想把Disney+打造成電視電影服務平臺,近期不會將其他媒體如游戲添加到該平
氣味。) [en][w]Maggot[/w] cheese: [/en][cn]意大利蛆蟲乳酪[/cn] (假裝有圖) (科普貼:是一種被故意放養(yǎng)活蛆的奶酪。在經(jīng)過高度的腐爛分解后,制成這種蠅蛆鉆探、不斷滲水的臭氣彈。這種奶酪軟軟的,還具有奶油質地。我們會在婚禮或者家庭聚會上看到這種小吃。)[/cn] [en]Goat Milk Cheese (because of the strong smell):[/en][cn]羊奶酪(氣味強烈)[/cn] [en]Eel pie (we are not against pie nor eel, it’s just the eel could use more chopping):[/en][cn]英國鰻魚派(我們不是討厭吃派或者是鰻魚,就是麻煩切切好嗎?)[/cn] [en]Stargazy pie (I’m sure the taste is just fine. The issue is the fish-buried-alive look):[/en][cn]仰望星空派(我想說其實味道還不錯,但問題是感覺魚像是被活埋的。)[/cn] [en]Steak?[wv]Tartare[/wv][/en][cn]韃靼牛排[/cn] (科普貼:滬江法語有教具體做法哦,雙語噠,小伙伴們快來~http://fr.hujiang.com/new/p347337/) [en]Most French cuisine, even dishes other westerners find [w]unacceptable[/w] like snails, frogs, rabbits (even their heads), cow tongues, we Chinese are generally okay with them. [/en][cn]大部分法國料理,對于除法國以外的西方人也是覺得難以下口的,比如蝸牛、青蛙、兔子(甚至包括兔頭)、牛舌,但是在我們大天朝看來都不在話下。[/cn] ? (翻譯:林潯鷗)
【點此鏈接回顧上期內容http://app.hjenglish.com/listen/12188/】 上期青蛙寫完信就去找蟾蜍(那為什么不自己帶去投進蟾蜍的郵箱里涅……),告訴他會收到一封信~蟾蜍不相信,但是青蛙告訴他自己寫了信給他。好奇青蛙寫了神馬內容的童鞋,想知道究竟蟾蜍神馬時候收到信的童鞋,趕快來聽故事的最后一部分吧~ 聽完別忘了去【做聽寫迎六一】的活動帖打卡賺學幣喲~~\(≧▽≦)/~ 點擊圍觀活動>> http://bulo.hjenglish.com/group/topic/405034/?page=1 答題方式:在答題紙上寫下缺少的單詞即可~(注意區(qū)分大小寫喲) "You
賞了蘇塞克斯公爵夫人的美麗和高貴之后,她下定決心要看起來像她一樣。[/cn] [en]Greer admitted that no matter how much makeup she put on or how she dressed, she would “never be presentable.”[/en][cn]Greer承認,不管她怎么化妝、怎么打扮,她都“永遠不好看”。[/cn] [en]Surgeons performed a rhinoplasty, liposuction on the stomach, inner and outer thighs, a butt lift, fillers under the eyes, lip filler, jawline filler and Botox. Now, the lawyer says she feels — and looks — like a princess.[/en][cn]外科醫(yī)生進行了鼻整形術、胃和大腿內外抽脂、提臀、眼部填充物、唇部填充物、下頜填充物和肉毒桿菌素?,F(xiàn)在,律師說她覺得——看起來——像個公主。[/cn] [en]Greer has even claimed her daughter Isla, 23 months, now shouts “mommy, mommy” whenever seeing pictures of Meghan.[/en][cn]Greer甚至聲稱,她23個月大的女兒Isla,現(xiàn)在每當看到Meghan的照片都會喊“媽媽,媽媽”。[/cn] [en]“When I look in the mirror, I’m happy again. I still see me, but a better version of me. I’m at the point where I feel I can put myself out there in the world again.”[/en][cn]“當我照鏡子的時候,我又能高興起來了。我仍然能看到我,但是一個更好的我。我正處在我覺得自己可以重新融入這個世界的時候。”[/cn] [en]“I had very big self-confidence issues, but now I feel I can put on a nice dress and don’t need to wear much makeup because I feel great,” Greer said.[/en][cn]Greer說:“我曾嚴重缺乏自信心,但現(xiàn)在我覺得我可以穿上漂亮的衣服,不需要怎么化妝,因為我感覺很棒?!盵/cn] ? 今日詞匯 rid?/rid/? v. 使擺脫 ? Rid?本身的意思是“使擺脫”,它最常見的結構有兩個: 一個是?get rid of sth.?表示“擺脫掉……”: [en]Let’s get rid of this guy.[/en][cn]我們除掉這家伙吧。[/cn] 另一個是?rid sb. of sth.?表示“從……上除掉……”: [en]She went to the doctor to rid herself of excess fat on her stomach.[/en][cn]她去找醫(yī)生來去掉她腹部的多余脂肪。[/cn] ?
可向媒體公開信件,還編造故事攻擊她的丈夫。[/cn] [en]Samantha slammed the letter, claiming Markle refused to help her father cope with the intense media scrutiny following her engagement to Harry in late 2017.[/en] [cn]思曼莎使勁扔了信,說梅根根本不幫助父親一起面對媒體的質詢,而媒體之訊從2017年梅根和哈里訂婚就開始了。[/cn] [en]Thomas told The Daily Mail he originally planned to keep the letter “totally private out of respect for her” until her friends “l(fā)aunched their attack” on him in a shocking People magazine interview where they spoke candidly about the family rift.[/en][cn]托馬斯告訴《每日郵報》,本來他打算“尊重梅根,保護信件隱私”,直到她的朋友們開始對他“發(fā)起攻擊”。當時,在雜志《People》的采訪中,梅根的朋友們坦誠了兩人之間出現(xiàn)裂痕。[/cn] ? (翻譯:阿忙)
主和十個月的路易斯王子,他們還會再壯大王室嗎?[/cn] [en]Kate Middleton lightheartedly weighed in on the possibility of another baby during her trip to Northern Ireland with Prince William[/en][cn]凱特王妃和威廉王子共同前往北愛爾蘭時不經(jīng)意提到有可能再孕育生命。[/cn] [en]People reports that during a walkabout in Ballymena, the duchess stopped to talk to a well-wisher named Alan Barr and his five-year-old son, James. "He’s gorgeous. It makes me feel broody," Kate said of the infant, according to Barr. ("Broody" means ready to have children, or contemplative and moody.)[/en][cn]在北愛爾蘭時,有人說王妃曾和名叫阿蘭·巴的祝愿者和其五歲兒子詹姆斯聊天。阿蘭說,凱特曾提到路易斯王子:“他很優(yōu)雅,這讓我很想認真思索/再生一個小寶貝?!盵/cn] [en]When Barr asked if that means "baby number four" is a possibility, Kate responded with a laugh, "I think William would be a little worried," according to People.[/en][cn]據(jù)《People》報道,阿蘭問了問是否王妃想生第四個孩子,凱特笑了笑,說:“威廉可能會有點頭大吧。”[/cn] [en]This time last year, Kate was pregnant with her third child, Prince Louis. The fifth in line to the throne was born on April 23.[/en] [cn]去年此時,凱特正懷著三子路易斯,路易斯于4月23日誕生,是王位第五繼承人。[/cn] [en]Although she isn't expecting this year, the duchess (and the rest of the royals) do have a new family member to look forward to: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's first child, who is due this spring.[/en][cn]雖然今年可能不會再懷孕,王妃(及其他王室成員)確實要迎來新的家庭成員了:梅根·馬克爾和哈里王子的第一個孩子將在春天出生。[/cn] [en]The Duchess of Cambridge previously expressed her excitement for her in-laws to welcome a baby. "It's such a special time to have little kiddies," she told a fan in November. "And now a cousin for George, Charlotte and Louis as well! It'll be really special."[/en][cn]凱特王妃此前也表達過對梅根生子的激動,去年十一月她告訴粉絲:“這個時候有小寶寶真是太特別了,喬治、夏洛特和路易斯馬上就要有表親了!這真的好棒?!盵/cn] ? (翻譯:阿忙)