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      • 走近4G:手機上網(wǎng)迎來百兆時代(視頻)

        Fourth generation wireless services are on the way. Licences to operate the 4G wireless system have still not been issued in China, but the government says that could happen by the end of the year. How is it coming along? A [w]fantastic[/w] mobile experience. This is one of China Mobile’s 4G service centers in Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan. Every day customers in the city can come to try out the 4G service in advance. The fourth-generation wireless service is designed to deliver speed... four to ten times faster than today's 3G system, which is currently the most widespread, high-speed wireless service. Shen Zhiwei, engineer of China Mobile, said, “The max download speed at peak rate can reach to 112 mega bits per second. And the average speed can also reach to 100 mega bits per second as well. It means if we download a movie of 1 gigabyte, it will take only 1 minute to complete in a 4G [w]connection[/w]. That’s ten time faster than 3G.” China's biggest telecom carrier, China Mobile, is promoting a homegrown 4G standard and hopes to start commercial rollout as soon as possible. The core technologies have been developed and the company has been ramping up its base station installations. Li Xiaobang, , engineer of China Mobile, said, “The 4G wireless network shares the same base stations with the 3G network. So the first step for us is to examine all the base stations and report the data to the [w]technological[/w] centers. And then we place the wires. It will take a while, but we hope we can finish the work as soon as we can so that people can use the new service once the 4G license is issued. ” There are 1.2 billion mobile phones in China, more than any other country in the world. The government says it will press ahead with building [w]infrastructure[/w] and hopes to issue 4G licenses by the end of this year. That’s good news for people looking forward to a brand-new mobile life. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關鏈接。

      • 雅思a和g區(qū)別

        就是A類的雅思考試著重評估考生是否具有在英語環(huán)境中就讀大學本科或研究生課程的語言能力,不同的學校和學位對雅思成績會有不同的要求。目前雅思學術類的考試的成績在美國、加拿大、英國、澳洲、歐洲、新西蘭、香港、新加坡和馬來西亞的大學均得到認可,如果還沒有決定去哪個國家學習,雅思無疑是一個很好的選擇。雅思兩種類型的考試成績在使用時不能互換,也就是說,以移民為目的的考生必須參加普通培訓類的考試,而以留學為目的的考生必須提供學術類的雅思成績,對于一些在移民后仍舊想進入高校學習的考生必須在移民目標國落地后再參加一次留學類的雅思考試或是計劃進入的學校認可的英語語言考試。 雅思考試兩種類型在聽力、口語兩個部分題目完全一樣,而在閱讀部分和寫作部分會有所區(qū)別。去英國、澳大利亞、新西蘭和加拿大留學、進修或學術訪問的人員應根據(jù)對方院校要求選擇雅思Academic類考試或General Training類考試;去加拿大、澳大利亞、新西蘭辦理技術移民申請參加雅思General Training類考試。 看了上面的內(nèi)容相信大家都已經(jīng)了解二者的區(qū)G別了,至于該怎么選擇,這就是大家自己的意愿了。



      • 【雅思寫作】G類投訴信的常見思路(下)

        收到,在信件結構上和投訴質量低劣類似: ? (一)表明投訴原因。 ? (二)陳述投訴內(nèi)容,如物品的特征,郵寄的時間等,并指出由此而產(chǎn)生的后果。 ? (三)提出整改建議或者希望得到對方的賠償或補償。 ? 讓我們結合真題來分析下: ? Your mother sent you a parcel. But two months later you still have not received it. Write a letter to the post office. In your letter, ? 1. tell them when and where the parcel was sent ? 2. describe the contents in the parcel ? 3. say what you would like them to do ? 這類題目的寫作思路首先是詳細描述該包裹寄出的時間和地點,比如: ? The parcel is a cardboard box sent from Beijing on May 18th to my current address: 33 North Street, Toronto, Canada. ? 其次,需要說一下包裹的內(nèi)容,并指出這些物品可能已經(jīng)由于時間太長而損壞,比如: ? My mother enclosed some summer clothes and some Chinese specialties for me, including local dates. I doubt those dates must have been spoiled on the way for such a long time. ? 此外,若題目中未提及具體物品,我們除了說包裹外,還可以說是一封信或者是重要文件。郵寄外,我們還可以說是快遞中物品未收到或者遺失,此物品是生日禮物或者公司重要檔案,對于收件方的意義或者價值巨大等來擴充寫作思路。

      • 跟著G20學習四六級翻譯詞匯(西湖篇)

        osmanthus rain at Manjuelong ? → 有家飯店叫“桂滿隴”有沒有~~? 虎跑夢泉 Dream of the tiger spring 九溪煙樹 Nine creeks in misty forest 龍井問茶 Enjoying tea at dragon well? 云棲竹徑 Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi 玉皇飛云 Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill 吳山天風 Sky wind over Wu Hill 阮墩環(huán)碧 Ruangong islet submerged in greenery? 好的,按照小編所說的方法學習完之后,來考考你,下面這張圖片是西湖十景的哪個景色?英文怎么說?↓↓↓ 如果沒有答對,請看上面的“西湖十景”進行復習哦~~~? 下期預告:G20中的文化篇——杭州美食和特產(chǎn)~~~?

      • 【雅思寫作】G類投訴信的常見思路(上)

        ?投訴信一直是移民類小作文??嫉脑掝},根據(jù)筆者多年的教學,發(fā)現(xiàn)投訴信一般可以從以下四個思路去發(fā)展。 一、投訴理由1:服務不周 ? 投訴信中投訴服務是經(jīng)常會考到的話題,一般主要集中在對于飯店,賓館,餐廳,旅行社等服務性行業(yè)的投訴,此類書信一般在結構上可分為以下幾個部分: ? (一) 自我介紹,表明投訴內(nèi)容以及與收信人的相關性。 ? (二) 陳述投訴內(nèi)容,如時間、地點、人物、事件等,并指出對方服務問題所在以及由此而產(chǎn)生的對自己或者家人的影響。 ? (三) 提出整改建議或者希望得到對方的賠償或補償。 ? 讓我們結合真題來分析一下: ? You just returned from a tour. However, you were dissatisfied with the service you received from the travel agency. Write a letter to the manager of the agency. In your letter,? ? 1. give the details of your tour ? 2. explain why you were unhappy with the service ? 3. say what you want the company do for you ? 題目并無指明具體投訴內(nèi)容,因此考生選擇余地較大,一般來說,建議考生可以考慮旅行社安排的住所不好,比如房間臟等。具體寫法如下: ? The room was not cleaned on a daily basis and that my bed was made up only every three days.? ? 還可以說房間沒有熱水,比如: ? The hot water was only supplied from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, which means if I arrived back at the hotel late, it was impossible for me to take a shower with hot water. ? 此外,還可以圍繞吃飯問題進行投訴,如: ? The food in the restaurant was disappointing. Not only was it extremely overpriced, but the quality was very poor.? ? 上述所提到的關于服務質量的投訴,大家不難發(fā)現(xiàn)里面說的房間,熱水,吃飯問題其實換一個服務性行業(yè)的考題我們也可以套用。因此我們要熟記這些基本的投訴點。 ? 二、投訴理由2:質量低劣 ? 投訴信中反映產(chǎn)品質量低劣是經(jīng)常會考到的話題,一般分為2種:一種是在題目中指明具體產(chǎn)品,如服裝、CD-player等;另一種是不具體指明買的產(chǎn)品是什么,讓考生自己去虛構一樣物品,此類書信在結構上一般由三部分組成: ? (一)表明投訴原因以及與收信人的相關性。 ? (二)陳述投訴內(nèi)容,如購買的時間、地點、人物等,并指出產(chǎn)品具體問題所在以及由此而產(chǎn)生的后果。 ? (三)希望得到對方的賠償或補償。 ? 讓我們結合真題來分析一下: ? You have recently made a purchase from a department store in another town but found some problems with it after you returned home. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter, ? 1. say what product you have bought ? 2. explain the problems ? 3. say what you would like them to do ? 題目并無指明具體產(chǎn)品,因此考生選擇余地較大,一般來說,考生可以考慮服裝。關于服裝的投訴點,一般可以說新買的衣服褪色問題嚴重,品質有問題。具體寫法如下: ? The color of the sweater faded heavily and even dyed other clothes. ? 還可以說標簽和配件丟失,比如: ? I put on the shirt that day when I returned home and found the buttons on the left sleeve were missing. Also, I couldn’t find the label of the shirt, so I was unable to know the proper way of washing or hanging it. ? 此外,圍繞服裝的投訴點還可以是材質和描述不符,尺寸大小不合身等,如: ? The garment was stretched out of shape and therefore no longer fits. ? 考生可以從中選擇一兩項進行描述,還可以從對方店員服務態(tài)度方面入手,如: ? I phoned your store last Wednesday and spoke to the store manager, a Mr. Wang, who was rather unprofessional and inconsiderate on the phone and informed me that I was unable to get a replacement shirt as it was not their fault. ? 上述所提到的投訴產(chǎn)品的思路,可以作為考生在準備投訴信件時的基本切入點。上面所提到的關于服務態(tài)度的投訴幾乎可以“百搭”各類質量投訴話題的信件。因此建議考生不妨從記憶“經(jīng)典”套路為本,根據(jù)具體考試題目再做調(diào)整,起到以不變應萬變的效果。 (未完待續(xù))

      • 2019年12月英語級翻譯模擬:5G網(wǎng)絡

        out the 5G+VR live broadcast for the first time. With the support of brand-new technology, it further enriched the reporting methods and means of financial media and injected new vitality and elements into the two sessions. 以上就是今天學習的內(nèi)容啦,小編祝各位小伙伴考出理想的成績, 順利通過英語級!



      • 走近4G:手機上網(wǎng)迎來百兆時代

        走近4G:手機上網(wǎng)迎來百兆時代(點擊查看完整文本) 日前,國務院召開常務會議,首次表態(tài)要求在今年年內(nèi)發(fā)放4G牌照。多數(shù)業(yè)內(nèi)人士認為,根據(jù)國務院的表態(tài),工信部可能最快于今年10月前后向三大運營商發(fā)放4G牌照,最晚則會在年底前G發(fā)放。 ? 美男子10分鐘吞下69個熱狗奪冠(點擊查看完整文本) 埃及任臨時總統(tǒng)稱贊埃及最近上演的大規(guī)模街頭示威?19名精英消防員是死于燒傷和呼吸問題?紐約自由島的自由女神像重新對公眾開放?在美國紐約康尼島舉行的一年一度吃熱狗大賽中,喬伊贏得他吃熱狗比賽生涯中第7個男子組冠軍頭銜。   聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關鏈接。

      • 留學雅思考a類還是g

        需要填寫的詞匯分別為: 1. research 2. books 3. photocopies 4. test 5. interviews 6. extra time 7. two essays 8. Communication system 9. case study 10. outline 此外,再補充并熟記一些跟雅思聽力場景相關的高頻詞匯,比如新東方課堂上發(fā)給大家的聽力詞匯分類匯總。在學習詞匯的過程中,學子應切記對個別讀音不準的單詞發(fā)音應加以糾正,不要再想當然地按照自己的發(fā)音習慣去猜測單詞的發(fā)音,而應該以音標為主,同時提醒大家注意英音和美音對相同單詞的不同讀音。例如:schedule, tomato, data等。 技巧方面: 正如其他國外語言考試一樣,雅思的聽力考試也是一門很注重技巧的項目,我在教授雅思聽力時會為學子總結一些使用技巧或者說是做題原則,當學子如獲至寶時,不免會忽視技巧也是需要通過一定的練習來加以鞏固亦求靈活運用的。 不僅如此,考生還應在備考過程中反復練習直到可以熟練運用相關答題技巧,以便規(guī)避出題人g類,不同的類型針對的學生不同,所以大家在準備參加考試之前一定要了解清楚。那么設下的陷阱。 先列舉

      • 清甜中的寒冷:Silent G - Love Mime

        滬江英樂訊??? Silent G,其實是一支國內(nèi)的樂隊,成立于2004年。樂隊最初是由編曲GHOST和主唱丹牧組建,主唱的女聲稚氣而冰冷,開頭的單純簡單的感覺,會慢慢一點混合起冰冷凄清的意味,最后歸于古典寧靜的氛圍。 Artist:Silent G Song:Love Mime Lazy bone lazy bone he's a lazy bone he's got a maggot bite make a play for her lazy bonelazy bone call me lazy bone I just sling a snot how dare you make her

      • 2019年12月英語級翻譯預測:5G

        2019年12月英語四級考試將在12月14日進行,大家準備好了嘛?同學們可以做一下小編準備的2019英語四級翻譯預測題:5G,2019兩會上5G成為談論的熱點話題,不少提案都提到了5G,大家一起看一下相關內(nèi)容吧。   2019年英語四級翻譯預測:5G   所謂5G網(wǎng)絡,是指第五代移動通信網(wǎng)絡,5G技術是全球新一輪科技和產(chǎn)業(yè)革命的關鍵技術,具備高速率、低延時和大容量等特征。在2019年的全國兩會上,新聞中心首次實現(xiàn)了5G信號全覆蓋,“部長通道”首次進行了5G+VR直播,全新的技術加持,進一步豐富了融媒體的報道方式和手段,也為傳遞兩會盛況注入了新的活力與元素。   參考譯文:   The so-called 5G network refers to the fifth-generation mobile communication network. 5G technology is a key technology in the new round of global scientific and industrial revolution, featuring high speed, low latency and large capacity. At the two sessions in 2019, the press center realized the full coverage of 5G signal for the first time, and the "minister channel" carried out the 5G+VR live broadcast for the first time. With the support of brand-new technology, it further enriched the reporting methods and means of financial media and injected new vitality and elements into the two sessions. 以上就是今天的學習內(nèi)容啦,大家要利用好考前剩余的時間認真?zhèn)淇肌P【幾8魑煌瑢W能順利通過六級考試~ ?