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      • J.K.羅琳豪捐了1880萬美元,資助的項目意義重大

        J.K. Rowling has made a substantial donation for research into the treatment of multiple sclerosis at a center named after her late mother.[/en] [cn]《哈利·波特》的作者J已故母親的名字命名的研究中心研究多發(fā)性硬化癥的治療方法。[/cn] [en]The 15.3 million-pound ($18.8 million) donation announced Thursday will be used for new facilities at a research center based at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The author's mother suffered from the disease and died at the age of 45.[/en] [cn]周四她宣布捐贈的1530萬英鎊(合1880萬美元)將用于位于蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學的研究中心購進新設備。這位作家的母親就死于這種疾病,享年45歲。[/cn] 圖片來源:視覺中國 [en]The new gift

      • J-J提前放映《星際迷航2》 為絕癥粉絲圓夢

        看了《霍比特人》,因為大多數影院會在放《霍比特人》前播放10分鐘的星際預告。遺憾的是影院并沒有播出這個預告,于是丹尼爾的朋友開始積極在Reddit上幫他尋找可以看星際的辦法。[/cn] [en]After the post on Reddit went live, the story got picked up by several "Trek" and geek-related blogs. One Reddit user named Kiggsworthy saw the story on TrekMovie and tweeted the story to "Trek" director J.J. Abrams and several others associated with the movie's production. [/en][cn]當這則故事在Reddit上廣泛傳播后,很多星際相關的博J.J客都進行了轉載。有個用戶名叫Kiggsworthy的網友看到這個故事后,想辦法把它發(fā)給了導演J.J艾布拉姆斯和相關的電影制作人。[/cn] [en]What happened next may set your [w]phaser[/w] to stunning. Abrams rang Daniel up and set forth plans that gave the "Trek" fan a preview of a lifetime: a full screening of the film months ahead of May's scheduled release. [/en][cn]下面發(fā)生的事情要讓你激動了:艾布拉姆斯給這個星際迷做了一個特別的觀影計劃,提前讓這位影迷看到了還沒有上映的《星際迷航:暗黑無界》![/cn]

      • [單曲]相信我,Never Let You Down----Frankie J

        動容之推薦小品;甜而不膩的濃度剛好調和香純節(jié)奏藍調中版之作《Top Of The Line》,請到入主吹牛老爹音樂廠牌旗下第一支美聲樂團112之中最自然、純凈聲音的成員Slim對唱;宣泄誘人氣流之《Dance》,是支引起舞池騷動的絕佳搭襯作;流行度滿分的《Still》,耐聽十足的令人回味再三。喜愛饒富節(jié)奏感的嘻哈樂,更知道如何將聲音藉由節(jié)奏藍調樂投入其感情在只字片語中的Frankie J,藉此輯再次漂亮完美演出。 880G英語資料高速下載 四六級英語資料免費下載

      • Daley Feat Jessie J - Remember Me:記住我

        ?? ? ?? 藝人:Daley & Jessie J 語種:英語 唱片公司:Universal Republic Records 發(fā)行時間:2012年12月07日 專輯類別:EP 【MV】 歌詞: So you [w]confess[/w], To all the ways you've been seen Now you feel [w]regret[/w], yeah But that don't mean shit to me No, no So empty what you can say Take a minute please It's too little too late

      • J-N開頭的英語繞口令精選

        J. Just think, that [wv]sphinx[/wv] has a [w]sphincter[/w] that stinks! K. Knapsack straps. Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell New York. L. Lily ladles little Letty's [w]lentil[/w] soup. Listen to the local [wv]yokel[/wv] yodel. Lovely lemon [w]liniment[/w]. M. Meet Sir



      • 看GossipGirl第四季學英語4.6 小J惹風波

        J 緋聞J計劃 片名解析:Easy J

      • 《迷失》導演艾伯拉姆斯新作《超級8》第一眼全接觸(含劇透)

        胖墩查爾斯是影片導演。蓋瑞用他的近乎于縱火癖的煙火表演天賦為影片做視覺特效。喬負責化妝以及設計拍攝時要被毀掉的模型。然而和其他總被無視的男孩子一樣,這些孩子拍攝電影旨在吸引異性的注意——尤其是他們心目中的女神愛麗絲,一個有著巨星般神采的十四歲金發(fā)女孩。當化妝師喬給愛麗絲撲粉的時候,他欽慕地盯著她,眉宇間的汗珠仿佛傍晚的露珠一般。[/cn] [en]In the middle of their big take, the train crashes into a car on the tracks, spraying tons of [w]debris[/w] their way and sending a [w]platoon[/w] of [w]military[/w] men fanning out across the scene. Only Joe has noticed that the car was driven onto the tracks, seemingly in a [w]suicide[/w] mission. In the car is the boys' science teacher, injured and near death. "They will kill you," he [w=mutter]mutters[/w]. "Do not speak of this or else you and your parents will die." Do not speak of what? Of the thing that none of the kids saw — the some thing that has escaped.[/en][cn]正當他們拍攝一個大場面的時候,一輛火車撞上了一輛鐵軌上的汽車,無數殘片四處飛舞,一隊軍人被沖擊力擊向空中。只有喬注意到,那輛小汽車是主動開上鐵軌的,以一種近乎自殺的方式。車上坐著的是男孩兒們的科學老師,他身負重傷,奄奄一息。“他們會殺了你們的,”他喃喃地說?!皠e告訴別人,否則你們和

      • 英國X-Factor新晉男生組合Union J首單《Carry You》

        滬江英樂:英國X-Factor第四名新晉男子組合Union J首單《Carry You》!這個組合的風格和One Direction很是接近有木有~看來腐國盛產男團這個道理是毋庸置疑的哈~唱的還是很有Feel的啊,看好他們! 【英國X-Factor新晉男生組合Union J首單《Carry You》】 歌詞: Don't ever say you're lonely Just lay your problems on me And I'll be waiting there for you The stars can be so blinding When you get tired