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      • H5N1類禽流感的英文怎么說

        H5N1類禽流感的英文: H5N1 strainstrain是什么意思: strain 1 v.[T] 1.拉緊;張緊;繃緊 2.盡力使用;使緊張 3.使過勞;(因受力或用力過度等而)使損傷,使損壞,使變?nèi)?4.過多使用,濫用;過多要求(或指望);曲解,歪曲 5.超越...之所及 6.【物】使應變 7.過濾;濾出;濾掉,濾去 8.壓緊;緊抱 9.【廢】強求,榨取 v.[I] 1.盡力,努力,使勁 2.(因過度用力或受力等而)受H5N1類禽流感的英文: H損傷,被扭傷 3.被扭,受扭;被扭曲,受扭曲;承受巨大壓力(或張力) 4.用力拉,緊拉;用力推,緊推 5.被過濾;滲出;滴出 n.[C] 1.拉緊;拉力;張力;應力

      • H7N9新藥帕拉米韋獲批上市 適用流感危重病人

        關注熱點新聞學英語:H7N9禽流感專題>>> [en]China has approved a new type of flu drug that it believes may be effective in treating H7N9 bird flu virus.[/en][cn]為應對H7N9禽流感疫情,一種抗流感新藥近日獲批上市。[/cn] [en]According to a statement issued by the China Food and Drug Administration on Saturday, the potential of injections of peramivir [w=dilute]diluted[/w] in sodium chloride injection has been proven by preliminary tests. Peramivir is a neuraminidase inhibitor.[/en][cn]根據(jù)國家食品藥品監(jiān)督管理總局周六發(fā)布的聲明,抗流感新藥帕拉米韋氯化鈉注射液已通過初步測試。帕拉米韋屬神經(jīng)氨酸酶抑制劑。[/cn] [en]Three major cities in China have suspended trade in live [w]poultry[/w] while the rest of the country remains on edge after 18 cases of H7N9 in humans have been reported in East China.[/en][cn]在華東地區(qū)已經(jīng)有18例人感染H7N9禽流感病例,三大主要城市上海、南京和杭州都暫停了活禽交易,中國其他地區(qū)情況也比較緊張。[/cn] 【滬江小百科】 帕拉米韋(Peramivir )是一種新型的抗流感病毒藥物,現(xiàn)有臨床試驗數(shù)據(jù)證明其對甲型和乙型流感有效。而H7N9就屬于甲型流感病毒亞型。據(jù)悉,我國是包括美國、日本、韓國等在內(nèi)的少數(shù)幾個批準帕拉米韋上市的國家之一。

      • 中國報告第二例確診甲型H1N1流感患

        ? The Chinese mainland has reported its second confirmed case of the A/H1-N1 flu. The patient is in Jinan, the capital of Shandong province. His [w]symptom[/w]s appeared after he returned from Canada. Health officials in Shandong say the patient is a 19-year-old man surnamed Lü. He developed fever

      • 全國9例人感染H7N9禽流感3人死亡 衛(wèi)計委發(fā)布診療方案


      • 3h是什么意思




      • 江蘇確診4例H7N9禽流感病例 全國已7例死亡2例


      • 四川成都確診首例甲型H1N1流感病例

        5月10日下午,四川發(fā)現(xiàn)1例發(fā)熱病例,診斷為甲型H1N1流感病例?;?span style="color: #fe6016">者包某某,目前在美國密蘇里大學學習,于5月7日由美國圣路易斯經(jīng)圣保羅到日本東京,5月8日從東京乘NW029航班于5月9日凌晨1時30分抵達北京,并于同日10時50分乘川U8882航班于13時17分抵達成都。目前,已被隔離。 The Chinese mainland has reported its first suspected case of A/H1N1 flu, in Chengdu, the capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province. The Ministry

      • 廣東確診一例人感染H7N9禽流感病例(視頻)

        A new suspected case of a person infected with H7N9 bird flu has been reported in southern China’s Guangdong province. The provincial Department of Health says a woman from Huizhou city has tested positive for the [w]virus[/w] in initial tests. The 51-year-old is a poultry seller and has contacted with live poultry. She is in a [w]critical[/w] condition in intensive care. Blood samples have been submitted to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention for confirmation. 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯(lián)網(wǎng)鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網(wǎng)站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內(nèi)容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產(chǎn)權保護。當如發(fā)現(xiàn)本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內(nèi)容時,請聯(lián)系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內(nèi)容或屏蔽相關鏈接。

      • H&M推出中性服裝,皮夾克太帥了!

        [en]Hennes & Mauritz has teamed with Eytys for a gender neutral collection due early next year, targeting younger consumers with a fashion-forward offer.[/en][cn]HM與鞋履品牌Eytys達成合作,將于明年初發(fā)布中性風服飾,意在瞄準年輕市場。[/cn] [en]The fast-fashion retailer will sell the Swedish label's chunky-soled shoes and clothing for adults as well as items for children, starting Jan. 24 in some stores around the world and online.[/en][cn]HM將售賣Eytys該瑞典品牌的厚底鞋和服飾,從1月24日起在全球線上線下商店同步發(fā)售成人和兒童衣服。[/cn] [en]The collaboration comes as the Swedish retailer undergoes a vast restructuring in a bid to beef up online services and speed up supply chains to catch up with rivals. The group last month said it would close Cheap Monday, a label geared to younger clients.[/en][cn]此次合作源于Eytys,Eytys致力內(nèi)部重組,加強線上服務,完善供給鏈以和對手抗衡。上月,Eytys宣布將關閉旗下的針對年輕用戶的品牌Cheap Monday。[/cn] [en]“The collection is all about proportions — creating a distinct unisex silhouette by playing around with loose silhouettes and chunky architectural footwear,” said Max Schiller, Eytys?creative director.[/en][cn]Cheap Monday創(chuàng)意總監(jiān)麥克斯說:“這個系列里比例很重要,我們打造的是獨特的中性風,線條粗狂,鞋子厚底。”[/cn] [en]Colors will include dark green, bright yellow, khaki, dark blue, black and white, while materials will include snakeskin prints, fake patent leather and stiff cotton. Shoes will be offered in boxes decorated with artwork by painter Zoe Barcza.[/en][cn]可能會出深綠色、亮黃色、卡其色、深藍色、黑白等色系,材質(zhì)有蛇皮革、印花、人造皮、硬條棉等。鞋盒的設計由畫家索伊·巴薩執(zhí)筆。[/cn] [en]According to?H&M's statement, the retailer initially approached the label for a shoe collection but then decided on a full range of clothing and accessories, too, in order to show the “whole brand aesthetic and ethos,” according to Ross Lydon, whose title is acting head of men’s wear design and?H&M.[/en][cn]在HM的聲明中,原本H&M只打算和Eytys合作鞋子,后來才決定服飾和配飾都開展合作,男裝設計總監(jiān)羅斯說:“都是為了展示Eytys的審美和

      • 上海服裝抽檢43批次不合格 ZARA和H&M上黑榜

        日前,上海工商部門(Shanghai Administration for Industry & Commerce)對部分商場、超市、品牌專賣店([w]boutique[/w])銷售的時尚類服裝進行了抽檢(spot check)。公布的結果顯示,抽檢服裝43個批次([w]batch[/w])不合格。其中,ZARA、H&M、VERO MODA等知名品牌均上“黑榜”。 上海市工商局表示,這次被檢測為不合格的商品主要有三類:一是pH值超標,共5個批次。pH值是紡織品(textile)的安全性指標,該類指標對人體的危害屬于隱性的累積傷害,往往不被人們重視。二是色牢度(color fastness)不合格,共21個批次,占不合格商品總數(shù)的48.8%。耐水、耐(酸、堿)汗?jié)n、耐干摩擦色牢度,均屬于國家強制性標準([w]mandatory[/w] standard)。三是紕裂([w]slippage[/w])不合格,共11個批次,占不合格商品總數(shù)的25.6%。紕裂已經(jīng)成為服裝商品的主要投訴項目,主要表現(xiàn)為成衣([w]ready-to-wear[/w])在袖底、側縫和背部接縫處脫裂。 記者注意到,ZARA作為頗受白領青睞的時尚服飾品牌,近年屢屢登上國內(nèi)各地工商、質(zhì)檢部門不合格產(chǎn)品的“黑榜”(blacklist)。據(jù)不完全統(tǒng)計,自2009年至今,ZARA至少9次被“點名”,其中至少有6次被上海的工商及質(zhì)檢部門曝光。其產(chǎn)品不合格的原因,涉及標識不規(guī)范、含絨量(cashmere rate)不合格、服裝色牢度不達標、pH值不合格、纖維含量(fibre rate)名不符實等。而其不合格產(chǎn)品包括了大衣(overcoat)、褲子、夾克、開襟衫([w]cardigan[/w])、涼鞋([w]sandal[/w]),甚至包括童裝的襯衫等。 上海市工商部門提醒消費者,在選購時尚類服裝時要注意看清標識標注,如面料成分(fabric composition)、安全類別(security category)、質(zhì)量等級(quality grade)、規(guī)格型號(size)、執(zhí)行標準(product standard)、洗滌說明(washing instruction)等;也可以先聞味道,國家標準規(guī)定,紡織品不允許有霉味、石油味、魚腥味、芳香烴等氣味,再