《生活大爆炸》迎來新角色 拉杰終于要有桃花運了?
have a romance planed for Raj this year," he said in July. "Wait until you see it!"[/en][cn]在去年的動漫節(jié)上,拉杰的戀情計劃首次浮出水面,執(zhí)行制片查克還取笑說第六季會給一些害羞的角色增添一些與異性交往的好運氣?!敖衲陮τ诶艿膼矍槲覀冇幸粋€浪漫的計劃,”他在7月份時說過,“讓我們拭目以待吧!”[/cn]
出演伯納黛特的父親,并將在本季倒數第二集《發(fā)射加速度》中生活大爆炸出現(xiàn)。 [/cn] [en][w]Speculation[/w] has arisen that the character's role in the May 3 [w]instalment[/w] will be to convince Howard and Bernadette to go through with their wedding.[/en][cn]由此我們猜測,將在5月3日登場的伯納黛特之父也許是想要說服女兒和霍華德完婚。[/cn]
The stars of "The Big Bang Theory" are getting a big salary increase as CBS moves the show to the starter-block position on Thursday nights in an [w]attempt[/w] to launch a new comedy block. CBS電視臺已經向片方預定了之后三季《生活大爆炸
[en]British actor Henry Cavill is rumoured to be dating The Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco.[/en][cn]據傳英國演員亨利·卡維爾正在和《生活大爆炸
如何與Sheldon過招呢? 美國當地一家電視導報報道,據該劇集編劇透露:“著名理論物理學家,終于要在CBS臺《生活大爆炸》中客串一回啦!”據悉,由于《生活大爆炸》講述物理學家的生活,制片人曾不止一次邀請霍金客串,“但當時因為霍金身體狀況欠佳未能客串。后來霍金被媒體問及是否還愿意參演該劇,他說:“有可能,如果他們邀請的話”。于是《生活大爆炸》劇組再度力邀,終于促成這次棋逢對手的演出!霍金與“謝耳朵”共同拍攝的一場戲,兩人似乎在片場‘大吵一架’。”據悉,1985年,因患肺炎做了穿氣管手術,霍金徹底被剝奪了說話的功能,演講和問答只能通過語音合成器來完成,而此次出演,還是要借助語音合成器來完成表演。 此次演出其實并不是霍金的“第一次”,他曾在1992年客串過劇集《星際迷航:下一代》第六季,劇中他本色出演物理學家與Data、愛因斯坦和牛頓打牌。另外,他還以動畫形象客串過《辛普森一家》和《飛出個未來》。 (Star Trek劇照) Stephen Hawking on Star [w]Trek[/w]: 霍金語錄: [en]“The whole history of [w]science[/w] has been the [w]gradual[/w] [w]realization[/w] that events do not happen in an [w]arbitrary[/w] manner, but that they [w]reflect[/w] a certain underlying order, which may or may not be [w]divinely[/w] inspired.”[/en][cn]通觀整個科學史,人們已漸漸明白,事件不會以隨意的方式發(fā)生——它們反映了某些基本的秩序,這大科學家霍金(Stephen William Hawking )將在美國時間4月5日晚播出的《生活大爆炸可能是——也可能不是有神力相助?!盵/cn] (亮點總是在最后,沒想到卷福這貨演過霍金~)
2011-11-04 -
[en]Its been nearly four years since they got together on the Big Bang Theory. And now Amy Farrah Fowler has FINALLY shared her first kiss with boyfriend Sheldon Cooper.[/en][cn]在《生活大爆炸
看生活大爆炸學英語第一季第十二集(2) 我們不能聽天由命
? 看生活大爆炸學英語第一季
看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第十二集(4) 你們都別跟我爭,是我的錯
?看生活大爆炸學英語第二季第十二集 【劇情介紹】 Monte被Kripke的機器人砍成碎片,Howard看到后也大為驚訝,而大家似乎對他腫著的眼睛更為關注(摔成這樣估計也需要技術技術吧.)Sheldon提議要為Monte舉行一個悼念儀式,Penny的一句不就是個機器人嗎把Sheldon給傷了,學物理的傷不起啊,有木有?! 有木有?! LEONARD: Well,so much for making up for the emotional wounds of childhood. SHELDON: I did this. Monte was killed by my [w]hubris[/w] and my pride. No matter what anybody says,this is my fault. RAJ: No one's arguing with you,dude. HOWARD: I got your text. How bad is... Oy. LEONARD: Forget the robot. What happened to you? PENNY:He slipped and fell. HOWARD: Yes,I [w=slip]slipped[/w] and fell. In the bathroom,bounced right off the tub. PENNY: Yes,now he knows what bathtubs are capable of doing when you don't treat them with respect. HOWARD: Yeah. They sucker punch you when your eyes are closed. SHELDON: So what do you think,Howard? It's not that bad,right? HOWARD: Oh,no. A little electrical tape,some [w]solder[/w]... Are you insane? I've seen space probes that crashed into the desert that were in better shape than this. SHELDON: You're right. Monte's gone. We'll bury him in the morning. A simple ceremony. I'll speak. Leonard,you'll play your [w]cello[/w]. PENNY:Sheldon,honey,aren't you getting a little carried away? I mean, it's just a toy robot. SHELDON: Just a toy robot? LEONARD: Penny. PENNY:I know,I got it. Sheldon,I'm sorry. 【口語講解】 1. so much for到此為止,僅僅就這么多;有關…,就只有這些 so much fortoday’s lesson. (大家對這生活大爆炸學英語第二季第十二集 【劇情介紹】 Monte被Kripke的機器人砍成碎片,Howard看到后也大為驚訝,而大句話很熟悉吧) 2. make up for補償,彌補 Emergency diesel generators cannot make up for the loss of the grid, and cannot operate indefinitely. 備用柴油發(fā)電機不足以彌補電網的損失,并且不能無限期地運行。 3. [wv]bounce[/wv] off彈開,反彈;從…彈跳出來;掂量…right off立刻馬上 The ball bounced off the wall. 球從墻壁上反彈回來。 4. space [w]probe[/w]航天探測器 5. carried away非常激動;使…失去自制力 eg: But don't get carried away with digital zoom statistics, the technology can lead to a loss of image quality. 但也別因數碼變焦鏡頭昏了頭,它有可能導致圖像失真。