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      • 生活大爆炸》Sheldon經典語錄:這叫恐鳥癥

        追溯到一萬七千年前,拉斯科洞穴壁畫時代,其次,你還玩豎琴呢,你以為那很酷嗎?[/cn] [en]8.Am I okay? Leonard, I’m on a lifelong [w]trajectory[/w] that includes a Nobel prize and cities named after me. All four wisdom teeth fit comfortably in my mouth without need of [w]extraction[/w], and my bowel movements run like a German train schedule.[/en][cn]我還好吧?萊納德,我這輩子遲早會拿諾貝爾獎,有座城市還要以我的名字命名。我的四顆智齒在我嘴里安穩(wěn)得長著,完全不用拔掉,我的腸道活動就像德國火車一樣規(guī)律。[/cn

      • 生活大爆炸》過審 第八季7月國內復播!

        須向相關部門提交一季所有劇集——附加字幕——以供審查,才能在中國放映。[/cn] [en]Content deemed violent or pornographic will be deleted. Previously, sites like Youku Tudou, Baidu's iQIYI, , Tencent and others, were largely self-censoring, but the government is currently engaged in a [w]campaign[/w] cracking down on pornography, violence or anything that might challenge the authority of the ruling Communist Party.[/en][cn]被認為屬于色情或暴力的內容將被刪除。之前,優(yōu)酷,土豆,百度門下的愛奇藝,搜狐,騰訊等視頻網站都處于自理審查的狀態(tài),然而,如今,中國政府展開了一場打擊黃色影像制品的活動,對黃色,暴力等違反國家規(guī)定的內容進行治理。[/cn]

      • 生活大爆炸S05E16:Leonard翻唱黑眼豆豆神曲《I Gotta Feeling》

        滬江英樂: 《I Gotta Feeling》是黑眼豆豆09年同名單曲專輯中的主打歌,從洛杉磯初出茅廬的黑眼豆豆合唱團(Black Eyed Peas),是一支深受靈魂樂、爵士樂與拉丁節(jié)奏與現場演唱精神所啟發(fā)的放克/嘻哈隊伍,由、、Taboo 三位團員所組成,歌曲常在節(jié)奏鋪排,樂器伴奏上創(chuàng)新意,給聽眾不一樣的感受。 《生活大爆炸》第5季16集中正當leonard因不需載謝耳朵上班放聲高歌《I Gotta Feeling》時,謝耳朵突然給我們一個意外的驚喜,這兩個活寶真是笑死人啊~ 生活大爆炸MV: 歌詞: I gotta a feeling

      • 生活大爆炸第四季(The Big Bang Theory)搞笑臺詞版預告

        CBS電視臺宣布把大熱美劇《生活大爆炸》新季播出從周一改到了周四晚八點。此舉將為CBS開啟周四的喜劇之夜。CBS打算用這部劇和NBC的情景喜劇單元展開正面對抗。小編我去查了一下,NBC秋季檔周四晚上的劇集有《廢柴聯盟》(Community)、《辦公室》(The Office)、《我為喜劇狂》(30 Rock)等,還真都是喜劇。 CBS還為了大爆炸調時段專門制作了一個搞笑預告。全部是劇中臺詞截取出來的。 [en]New night, new time, same theory.[/en] [cn]新的夜晚、新的時間、同樣的理論。[/cn] [en]New night, new time, same theory.[/en] [cn]新的夜晚、新的時間、同樣的理論。[/cn] [en]New night, new time, same theory.[/en] [cn]新的夜晚、新的時間、同樣的理論。[/cn] [en]It’s at this point that you’ll want to start taking notes.[/en] [cn]現在就是你該記筆記的時候了。[/cn] [en]Thursday, this fall only CBS.[/en] [cn]今秋周四就在CBS。[/cn] [en]That was fun.[/en] [cn]很好玩哦。[/cn] 其實臺詞截取的手法不算新鮮,最經典的美劇《老友記》也曾經用這種方法拼了個主題歌出來(詳見下一頁>>),但是Big Bang的預告節(jié)奏感特別強,加上人物喜感的表情和動作,就讓人覺得特別好笑。 [en]So no one told you life was gonna be this way [four claps][/en] [cn]沒人告訴你,生活如此糟糕[/cn] [en]Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.[/en] [cn]工作開你玩笑,感情死翹翹[/cn] [en]It's like you're always stuck in second gear[/en] [cn]好像二檔卡死無處可逃[/cn] [en]When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year[/en] [cn]每天每周月月年年解不了套[/cn] CHORUS: [en]but I'll be there for you[/en] [cn]但我會伴你身邊[/cn] [en](When the rain starts to pour)[/en] [cn](就算大雨傾瀉)[/cn] [en]I'll be there for you[/en] [cn]我會伴你身邊[/cn] [en](Like I've been there before)[/en] [cn](相守一如從前)[/cn] [en]I'll be there for you[/en] [cn]我會伴你身邊[/cn] [en]('Cause you're there for me too)[/en] [cn](正如你在我身邊一樣)[/cn] ?

      • 生活大爆炸學英語第三季第七集 如果喜歡就該結婚

        生活大爆炸學英語第三季第七集 【劇情介紹】 Penny的前男友要來Penny家投宿,Leonard因此跟Penny大

      • 生活大爆炸》佩妮新劇參演“殺妻案”

        三任太太。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory [w]co-star[/w] Kaley Cuoco will play Peterson's fourth wife, Stacy, whose disappearance put the [w]spotlight[/w] on him.[/en][cn]曾出演《生活大爆炸》的女星Kaley Cuoco將出演皮特森的第四位太太Stacy,她在劇中的失蹤將丈夫推到了風口浪尖。[/cn] [en]The Drew Peterson Story is based on Joseph Hosey's [w]nonfiction[/w] book

      • 生活大爆炸》之Shelton搞笑學中文(視頻)

        這次17集中,他學中文是為了去和中餐館的老板抗議-“橘子雞”做成了“橙子雞” 因為是個天才,所以Shelton自信的有點“自負” o(∩_∩)o 下面是Shelton的中文語錄: 我的驚是Shelton——我的名字是Shelton 梅毒 驢子——歡迎回家 給我看你有幾層皮——給我看你有橘子皮 哎呀,嚇死我了——這句算是最標準的了 長壽社會 謝謝——位子有人坐嗎?謝謝 猴子睡在里頭——.......... 鼻涕在哪?鼻涕——橘子在哪?橘子 這不是柳丁腳踏車——這不是橘子雞丁 不必打給圖書館,鼻涕在哪?——不必打給警察局,橘子在哪? 猛牛在我床上,很多很多猛?!茸釉谖也死铮芏嗪芏喑茸?哎呀——哎呀 該劇介紹: 【原 名】:The Big Bang Theory 【譯 名】:天才理論傳(生活大爆炸) 【首 播】:美國CBS電視臺2007.9.1 【類 型】:情景喜劇 【劇情簡介】:Leonard(Johnny Galecki 飾)和Sheldon(Jim Parsons 飾)是一對合起來智商超過360的瘋狂科學家宅男。他們的科學家朋友還有風流的Wolowitz(Simon Helberg 飾)和從來不和女人說話的印度人。最近,科學家宅男的對門搬來一個美女劇作家兼餐廳招待,Penny(Kaley Cuoco 飾)。宅男開始蠢蠢欲動了,于是諸多啼笑皆非的故事在幾個朋友間“爆炸”開來。 附The Big Bang Theory 完整主題曲 Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait… The Earth began to cool, The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall (we built the pyramids), Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with the big bang! "Since the dawn of man” is really not that long, As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song. A fraction of a second and the elements were made. The bipeds stood up straight, The dinosaurs all met their fate, They tried to leap but they were late And they all died (they froze their asses off) The oceans and pangea See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya Set in motion by the same big bang! It all started with the big BANG! It’s expanding ever outward but one day It will cause the stars to go the other way, Collapsing ever inward, we won’t be here, it wont be hurt Our best and brightest figure that it’ll make an even bigger bang! Australopithecus would really have been sick of us Debating out while here they’re catching deer (we’re catching viruses) Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy It all started with the big bang! Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology It all started with the big bang! It all started with the big BANG! 聲明:音視頻均來自互聯網鏈接,僅供學習使用。本網站自身不存儲、控制、修改被鏈接的內容。"滬江英語"高度重視知識產權保護。當如發(fā)現本網站發(fā)布的信息包含有侵犯其著作權的鏈接內容時,請聯系我們,我們將依法采取措施移除相關內容或屏蔽相關鏈接。 學習翻譯技能,通過上海中高口,就上滬江網校 2010 年9月中級口譯春季班 2010年9月高級口譯春季班

      • 生活大爆炸學英語第一季第十七集(2) 我們是朋友我不會趁虛而入

        ? 看生活大爆炸學英語第一季第十七集 【劇情介紹】 Penny失戀了, Leonard正在糾結該不該去安慰她, Howard 正生活大爆炸在為他出餿主意. Penny:Go away! Leonard:Okay. Feel better! Bye.?She doesn't want to talk. Sheldon:Not surprising. Penny's emotional responses originate in the primitive portion of the brain known as the [w]amygdale[/w], while speech is centered in the much more recently developed neo-[w]cortex[/w]. The former can easily overpower the later, giving scientific [w]credence[/w] to the notion of being "rendered speechless." Or maybe she just doesn't want to talk. Raj:Hey, look, I found an iPod. Howard:It's smashed beyond repair. What are you gonna do with it? Raj:What else? Sell it on eBay as "slightly used." Leonard:It was Penny's boyfriend's. They broke up. Howard:Apparently, he posted intimate details of their physical relationship on his blog, which I cannot find anywhere. Leonard:You know what? I'm gonna go back and try talking to her again. Howard:Good idea. Sit with her, hold her, comfort her. And if the moment feels right, see if you can cop a feel. Leonard:I'm not going to do that, Howard. Sheldon:I'm m not aware of any social convention that requires you to intervene at all. Leonard:What about "[w]damsel[/w] in distress"? Sheldon:12-c-century code of [w]chivalry[/w]? Not exactly current.?You'd also have to be [w=knight]knighted[/w] for that to apply. Leonard:I don't care. She's upset. I'm going over there. Howard:Remember to sit on your hands a bit so they're warm. Leonard:I'm her friend. I'm not going to take advantage of her vulnerability. Howard:So you're saying if in the depths of despair,?she throws herself at you and demands you take her.?right there, right now, you'll just walk away? Leonard:I said I'm her friend, not a gay friend. 【口語講解】 1. originate in起源于,發(fā)生于 The industrial revolution originate in the invention of the steam engine.?工業(yè)革命始于蒸汽機的發(fā)明。 2. rendered speechless 啞口無言 He was momentarily rendered speechless with joy.他因欣喜若狂而一時說不出話來。 3. beyond repair無法補救,無法修理 Many contend that we have already contaminated the world beyond repair.許多人認為我們已經把世界污染得無法修復。 4. cop a feel[美國俚語](假裝無意地)撫摸別人 5. take advantage of sb's vulnerability趁虛而入 6. throws oneself at?拼命討好,投懷送抱

      • 生活大爆炸》演員互訪:謝耳朵與女友Amy

        聽過的人的機會。[/cn] [en]And you really come alive in front of the audience, in a new way.You think so?I definitely noticed that you’re someone who does thrive from that extra energy.See, I need the extra push. I don’t know how to give it all until the D-day.That’s why they’re still there.[/en][cn]而且在觀眾在場的情況下, 你真得是表現得無與倫比。你真這么覺得?我發(fā)現你確實是那種在有觀眾的情況下表現得更加出色的演員。是的呢, 我需要被推一把。 除非已經到了表演的時刻, 我不知道怎么發(fā)揮出我的最佳水品。所以觀眾還在這里呢。[/cn] [en]Maybe I’ll save this. you have a personal connection to science. Tell me

      • 生活大爆炸》Sheldon經典語錄:專注是很重要的!

        [en]1.Maintaining five friendships promises to be a [w]Herculean[/w] task, so I'm going to have to let one of you go.[/en][cn]維持五個朋友的友情太困難了,所以...我要開除你們其中一個。[/cn] [en]2.They have Twizzlers instead of Red Vines. No amount of [w]lumbar[/w] support can [w]compensate[/w] for that.[/en][cn]他們的吸管糖是Twizzlers牌而不是Red Vines牌的。座椅再怎么舒服也于事無補。[/cn] [en]3.I see no large upcoming [w=expenditure]expenditures[/w], unless they develop an affordable technology to [w]fuse[/w] my [w]skeleton[/w] with Adamantium like [w]Wolverine[/w].[/en][cn]我沒預見到近期會有大筆開支,除非他們發(fā)明了一種我負擔得起的技術,把我的骨骼和亞德曼金屬熔合在一起,就像金剛狼那樣。[/cn] [en]4.I was wrong. [w=Minstrel]Minstrels[/w] will write songs about you. There once was a brave [w]lad[/w] named Leonard?with a [w]fie[/w] fie [w]fiddle[/w] dee dee.He faced a [w]fearsome[/w] [w]giant[/w] while Raj just wanted to [w]pee[/w].[/en][cn]我錯了。吟游詩人會為你寫歌的。有個勇敢小伙名叫Leonard,個子小小毫不起眼,他英勇地去找巨人要錢。Raj一旁嚇破了膽。[/cn] [en]5.Your mother is [w]brilliant[/w], [w]analytical[/w], [w]insightful[/w] -- and I'm betting she never hit you with a [w]Bible[/w] because you wouldn't eat your brussels [w=sprout]sprouts[/w].[/en][cn]你媽媽頭腦敏銳,邏輯嚴謹又富有見解 --?我肯定她不會因為你不吃芽甘藍就用圣經痛打你。[/cn] [en]6.You were lucky. When I was a kid, if I wanted an EEG, I had to attach my own [w=electrode]electrodes[/w].[/en][cn]你太幸福了。我小時候要