看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語S2E6(6) 一杯啤酒下了肚就立馬變成魅力先生了
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十七集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon千叮嚀萬囑咐說Penny只有這一次進入他房間的機會.Raj喝了酒后突然由不敢跟女生說話一下變成魅力先生了.但Leonard發(fā)現(xiàn)他喝的并不是酒而是汽水. SHELDON: All right,now,before you enter my bedroom unescorted, I need you to understand that this onetime grant of access does not create a permanent easement. [w]Easement[/w]. It's a legal
2013-08-22 -
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第三集(2) 防患于未然
Bang Theory", is up for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series at the 18th Annual SAG Awards, which ceremony takes place at the [w]Shrine[/w] Exposition Center in Los Angeles, California on Sunday, January 29.? 滬江娛樂快訊:《生活大爆炸》中Howard的扮演者西蒙·赫爾伯格(Simon Helberg)要當爸爸啦!西蒙和妻子喬思林·唐恩將在今年春天迎來他們的第一個寶寶!在劇中馬上要搶先要成家的他現(xiàn)實生活中也是事業(yè)家庭兩得意!
2012-01-30 -
as the dispensary's proprietor. The order is for 20 episodes.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》制片人Chuck Lorre正在打算制作一部新喜劇。奧斯卡和艾美獎雙料獲得者Kathy Bates將會主演這部喜劇。這部劇獲得了20集續(xù)訂。[/cn] [en]The series, which was originally shopped around to the networks before landing at Netflix, is a multi-camera comedy co-written by Lorre and David
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十六集(3) 好朋友不會無緣無故說個不停
? 看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十六集 【劇情介紹】 Penny不小心把Sheldon的專屬座位弄臟了,想著把坐墊反一邊糊弄過去,沒想到還是被敏感的Sheldon發(fā)現(xiàn),失去專屬坐墊的Sheldon真是坐立不安啊,Jim不愧為艾美獎金球獎最佳男主角,把Sheldon的神經(jīng)質(zhì)詮釋得很到位. LEONARD: Great,great. Did you walk the whole way? It's a little chilly. SHELDON: Koothrappali picked me up. LEONARD: Isn't that terrific? He is such a good
2013-08-22 -
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第三季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon和Raj大
2011-09-22 -
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第六集 【劇情介紹】 Sheldon和Leonard在Penny的party上暗地里取笑Penny的前男友塊頭大智商不高. SHELDON:What do you suppose he's doing here?Besides?[w=disrupt]disrupting[/w]?the local gravity field. LEONARD: If he were any bigger, he'd have moons [w=orbit]orbiting[/w] him. SHELDON:Oh, snap. LEONARD: Ha-ha. SHELDON:So I
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第二季第十八集 【劇情介紹】 Leonard為Penny特意做了個網(wǎng)站為Penny的發(fā)卡打開銷路,立馬就有人預(yù)定一千個發(fā)卡并且是加急件,結(jié)果五個人大周末地在家做發(fā)卡,Raj打趣地說如果我想周六做發(fā)卡,我還不如呆在印度. SHELDON: We should get to work. PENNY: Wait,wait,why does it say "one-day rush"? Since when do we offer a one-day rush? LEONARD: Amazon offers one-day rush. PENNY: Yeah
2011-09-06 -
生活大爆炸21日播第九季 盤點幕后軼聞10則
[en]The Big Bang Theory, CBS’s high-rated sitcom, will kick off its ninth season on September 21. In the meantime, geek out with these facts about the long-running [w]cerebral[/w] comedy.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第八集(2) 你會感謝我的
看生活大爆炸學(xué)英語第一季第八集 【劇情介紹】 Raj“被相親”對象Lalita打電話給他,讓他鴨梨很大