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      搜索結(jié)果 搜索相關(guān)課程
      • D5周年慶生活動之:密室逃脫

        六題:What has 4 legs, a back, but no body?? 第D的生日哦!(有沒有跟我同天生日的呢~)掐指一算小D七題:What is most useful when it is used up?? 第八題:What is full of holes and yet holds water?? 第九題:What asks no questions but gets lots of answers?? 第十題:What starts with E ends with E and contains only one letter?? 英語中謎語是 riddle,上面這十道 riddles 你有答案了嗎?趕快來參加吧! 參與活動請戳這邊回帖:http://bulo.hujiang.com/app/diary/140540/ 參與本活動需要登錄,新用戶注冊請戳:http://bulo.hujiang.com/home/ 本活動最終解釋權(quán)歸滬江網(wǎng)所有。

      • 3D打印的太陽系在國外爆火,好想全買下來!

        [en]Solar System In A Bottle[/en][cn]瓶中的太陽系[/cn] [en]Little Planet Factory is a company created by George Ioannidis. [/en][cn]Little Planet Factory(小小星球工廠)由George Ioannidis創(chuàng)辦。[/cn] [en]The 8 Planets Of The Solar System:[/en][cn]太陽系八大行星[/cn] [en]One day this London-based artist searched for a Mars globe, and after failing to find one he liked, he decided to make his own.[/en][cn]有一天,George想找一個火星模型,可是怎么也找不到自己喜歡的那種,所以他就打算自己做一個。[/cn] [en]Venus Globe & Venus And Cloud Cover Globe:[/en][cn]金星&云層覆蓋的金星[/cn] [en]George grew up watching Cosmos and reading Douglas Adams, and he also happened to be experienced in 3D printing so mashing space and 3D [w]model[/w]s was an idea close to his heart.[/en][cn]George從小就愛研究宇宙行星,喜歡讀Douglas Adams的作品,他又碰巧體驗過3D打印技術(shù),所以就產(chǎn)

      • 香奈兒推出了首支3D打印的睫毛膏!你敢用嗎?

        D printing.[/en][cn]奢侈品牌香奈兒推出了第一款用3D打印技術(shù)制成的睫毛膏。[/cn] [en]There have been incredible advances in technology in recent years and the beauty industry has been waiting with bated breath to see what impact these would have in the world of cosmetics.[/en][cn]近年來,技術(shù)領(lǐng)域取得了極大的進步,美容行業(yè)一直在屏息以待,想看看這會給化妝品行業(yè)帶來哪些影響。[/cn] [en]As early as 2001, Chanel recognised the potential of 3D printing and, in 2007, it finally registered a patent for the manufacturing of cosmetic product applicators and, more specifically, a 3D printed mascara brush.[/en][cn]早在2001年,香奈兒就意識到3D打印技術(shù)的潛力。2007年,該公司最終注冊了一項生產(chǎn)化妝品敷抹器的專利,更確切地說,是用3D打印技術(shù)制作睫毛刷。[/cn] [en]Now in 2018 the project has become a reality, with the technology that takes product design to new heights.[/en][cn]到如今的2018年這個項目成為現(xiàn)實,而且這項技術(shù)把產(chǎn)品設(shè)計提升到了一種新的高度。[/cn] [en]The first 3D printed brush on the market, it boasts an original shape to ensure improved performance, which would not have been possible with traditional production techniques.[/en][cn]第一支用3D打印技術(shù)制成的睫毛刷被推向市場,它擁有獨創(chuàng)的形狀以確保獲得更好的效果,而且這種設(shè)計用傳統(tǒng)的生產(chǎn)技術(shù)是不可能實現(xiàn)的。[/cn] [en]Not only does the surface of the brush have a granular texture to optimise lash [w]adherence[/w] and product deposit, but it’s also endowed with “microcavities”, which allow it to absorb the mascara formula and build lash volume with each stroke.[/en][cn]這款睫毛刷的表面不僅擁有粒狀的質(zhì)感,可以優(yōu)化睫毛的附著性并充分利用產(chǎn)品的沉積物,而且其表面還有“微型的小孔”,可以吸附睫毛膏,使你每涂一次都會讓睫毛更濃密。[/cn] [en]But it’s not just the wand that makes this a standout product. Developed in parallel with the brush, the formula features a combination of waxes – rice wax and beeswax – and a supple texture that coats and thickens the lashes.[/en][cn]不過并不只是這個刷子使這款產(chǎn)品引人注目,與其同時研發(fā)的膏體也添加了米蠟和蜂蠟等兩種蠟質(zhì),而且其質(zhì)地柔軟,可

      • 3D打印術(shù):一天內(nèi)造出232平樓房

        [en]Forget weeks to find a builder and months for house construction, a machine developed in the United States can build a 232sq m home layer by layer in a single day.[/en][cn]我們不需要再花幾周的時間找建筑商或者花數(shù)月的時間為房屋施工了。美國研發(fā)的一種機器可以在一天之內(nèi)一層層地打印出232平方米的房子。[/cn] [en]University of Southern California's Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has designed the giant robot that replaces construction workers with a [w]nozzle[/w] on a [w]gantry[/w], this squirts out concrete and can quickly build a home according to a computer pattern.[/en][cn]南加州大學(xué)教授比赫洛克·霍什內(nèi)維斯設(shè)計了這種能取代建筑工人的大型機器人。這種機器人的機器臂上有噴嘴,從中噴出混凝土,可以根據(jù)電腦圖紙快速建造出一棟房屋。[/cn] [en]The nature of the technology means it will also be possible to create curved walls and architecture that is both "exotic and 'beautiful", according to Prof Khoshnevis.[/en][cn]根據(jù)比赫洛克·霍什內(nèi)維斯教授所言,這項技術(shù)的本質(zhì)意味著它也可能創(chuàng)建出既奇異又好看的彎曲的墻壁和建筑。[/cn] [en]As a result, it could be ideal to print out [w]customised[/w] luxury homes.[/en][cn]因此,理想中它能打印出私人定制的奢華住所。[/cn] [en]Prof Khoshnevis claims that Contour Crafting could slash the cost of homeowning, making it possible for millions of displaced people to get on the property ladder.[/en][cn]比赫洛克·霍什內(nèi)維斯教授說,“輪廓工藝”可以大幅度削減擁有住房的成本,讓成千上萬無家可歸的人獲得房產(chǎn)成為可能。[/cn] [en]It could even be used in disaster relief areas to build emergency and replacement housing.[/en][cn]它甚至也可在賑災(zāi)區(qū)被用來建造應(yīng)急住所和住房置換。[/cn] [en]Furthermore, Prof Khoshnevis believes that the technology could be applied beyond our planet.[/en][cn]而且,比赫洛克·霍什內(nèi)維斯教授相信這項技術(shù)可以被運用到我們的星球以外。[/cn] [en]"Contour Crafting technology has the potential to build safe, reliable, and affordable [w]lunar[/w] and [w]Martian[/w] structures, habitats, laboratories, and other facilities before the arrival of human beings,' his website reads.[/en][cn]他的網(wǎng)站上寫道,“‘輪廓工藝’技術(shù)或許可以在人類登陸其他星球前,先在月亮和火星上建造起安全可靠而且實惠的建筑、棲息地、實驗室以及其他設(shè)施。”[/cn]

      • 3D打印又一跨越 蠟像館在你身邊


      • 【小D再度出擊】iPhone版滬江小D華麗上線!

        小D再次為大家?guī)?span style="color: #fe6016">D再次為大家?guī)砹撕孟?!滬江小D多語種詞典iPhone應(yīng)用華麗上線!繼Android版之后,iPhone用戶也可以用手機查單詞、背生詞了! iPhone版小D長什么樣?來先睹為快吧: 1.清新界面 簡潔大氣的特色界面,查詞和查例句在程序底部分為兩個按鈕。語種切換和歷史查詢在程序頂部,容易識別。 2.多語種查詞 可查語種為英日法韓,和在線詞典同樣給力。預(yù)裝本地英日精選常用詞詞庫。 3.貼心查詞記詞功能 輸入單詞就有拼寫提示。點擊喇叭圖標(biāo)聽發(fā)音,點擊小冊子圖標(biāo)加入本機生詞本。 4.歷史查詢 點擊時鐘按鈕按日期列出最近查詢過的單詞。點擊右上角刪除按鈕或在想要刪除的單詞上輕輕右滑管理記錄。 5.

      • D口號征集活動有獎票選!

        非常感謝各位D粉們的踴躍參與,小D一句話口號創(chuàng)作大賽圓滿落幕啦?。ü恼苸) 小D和虎虎已經(jīng)從眾多的參選口號中挑選出了10條優(yōu)秀的作品。請為你喜歡的口號投上寶貴的一票吧! 投票時間: 即日起至1月30日15:00 投票說明: 本次投票為單選,請童鞋們仔細看完這十句口號后為你最喜歡的一句投票,同一IP每天最多允許重復(fù)投票15次。入圍的童鞋快為自己拉票吧~ 投票獎勵: 投票結(jié)束后,小D會獎勵每一位參與投票的童鞋100滬元春節(jié)紅包。另外還會從最佳口號獎的支持者中抽取一位幸運的童鞋獎勵5學(xué)幣。 還沒有滬江ID的童鞋快去注冊吧~?戳我去注冊>>>

      • IBM:未來屬于3D時代

        IBM日前公布了未來五年內(nèi)改變生活的5項科技革新成果,包括3D技術(shù),“空氣電池”,廣泛收集數(shù)據(jù)的傳感器,個人上下班路線科技化,電腦技術(shù)革新帶來的城市能源化。 Three-dimensional cell phones and batteries that last much longer are just two of the techonogies that could become commonplace in the next few years. For the fifth year, IBM has looked at the horizons of research, picked five technologies and announced them as tomorrow’s innovations. "Indivi… 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>

      • 外媒看中國 蘇州3D打印別墅帥爆了


      • 荷蘭現(xiàn)世界第一座3D打印大橋!載重40輛卡車

        D printing is mentioned, thinks, "How the heck does that work?", then we suggest you look away now.[/en][cn]如果你對3D