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      • 四六級來襲,教你實用轉折語!

        時間順序使用的轉折語 很多人可能會使用First,second,…,finally這樣的轉折語,雖然這樣很保險沒

      • 小米、百雀羚、加多寶的廣告為什么能讓你買賬?因為它們用了這些經典營銷法則!

        要你做一些市場營銷的工作,千萬要記住所有營銷活動都要根據你們公司產品特性、人力資源、銷售渠道、市場營銷能力來進行。 ? 否則,盲目拓展注定會失敗。 ? [en]Blindly whetting customers' appetite is destined to consume the patience of the customers, making them turn to your competitors once it breaks through their psychological bottom line.[/en] [cn]一味地刺激消費者胃口,注定會消耗掉他們的耐心,一旦打破了心理底線,消費者就會轉向競爭對手。[/cn] ? 3 Consider the situation 注意宏觀局面,關注競爭對手 ? 營銷就是一場角力,不僅僅需要揣度消費者內心,還要時刻關注競爭對手的動態(tài)。因此,國外營銷大師說過: ? [en]Sometimes, consumers' desires are partially affected by the impact of competitors' market activities, and sometimes result in customers' irregular behavior changes, emotional transfer and impulse purchases[/en].[cn]有時,消費者的期待會受競爭對手市場活動的影響,從而引發(fā)消費者不可預期的行為變化、情緒轉移或沖動購買。[/cn] ? 以上就是關于營銷的一些入門小知識,希望對你思維有些啟發(fā),對工作有些幫助。 ? 在具體實踐中,營銷還有太多太多需要學習的地方。 ? 如果你也想培養(yǎng)自己的營銷思維,需要更有指導意義的營銷技巧,下面這門極具操作性的課程能幫到你哦。 ? 互聯(lián)網營銷課 ? 隨著“互聯(lián)網+”時代的到來,各行業(yè)都有產能過剩、產品同質化的問題,很多企業(yè)面臨著營銷的困境。 ? 絕佳的營銷思維,高效的營銷技巧才能讓你在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出。 ? 如果你想打開客戶感官,塑造賣點,創(chuàng)造買點,打造品牌形象,來看看這門課程吧!

      • 因美國大選停播的《神盾局特工》,就要回歸啦!

        [en]It’s hard to believe the progress Marvel has made in the past decade. It feels like Joss Whedon’s?The?Avengers?was just dominating worldwide box offices, and the?spinoff TV show,?Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., just debuted on ABC. Now that Marvel has countless other TV shows in renewal and development (The Defenders, Luke Cage, Legion, to name a few), it’s easy to forget that?Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?was the first of its kind. Now, though, as the show heads into its season 4?winter finale, fans are eager to see what action-packed surprises the beloved series has in store.[/en][cn]漫威這些年的發(fā)展真的是很難以置信。就像是Joss Whedon的《復仇者聯(lián)盟》曾經控制了全球的票房,而電視劇《神盾局特工》只是在ABC電視臺播出的電視劇?,F(xiàn)在漫威已經發(fā)展更新了無數(shù)的電視?。ā逗葱l(wèi)者聯(lián)盟》、《盧克凱奇》、《爵跡》、等等),很容易我們忘記《神盾局特工》才是這類劇集的元老?,F(xiàn)在,盡管冬歇前的劇集馬上就要播完了,粉絲們依然十分想

      • 張培基英譯散文賞析之《書與人》

        galaxy of talented friends like Li Bai (3), Du Fu (4), Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare…will come to you at your call.If you are lonely, why not seek the company of books?[/en] 要點: 1,“手持一書,吟哦于四壁之中,神游于四海之外…”,其中”四壁“即書房,“吟哦于四壁”即“呆在書房”,故譯為While being confined to your small room with a book in your hand, your mind

      • 職場術語:agency、agent

        今日知識點--?撲朔迷離的 agency 和 agent? agency 這個詞出現(xiàn)在許多機構的名稱當中,中文一般翻譯成“代理”、“代理處”。 ? 但這種解釋顯然讓人覺得模糊,從根本上講,agency 指的是“提供特定服務的機構”: ? a business that provides a particular service for people or organizations 也可以說是“幫人做事”。 ? 比如“營銷機構”就是 marketing agency ? 而 agency 里的工作人員,就叫 agent。電影里經常出現(xiàn)的“特工”就是典型的 agent ? 不過這并不是 agency 在商務英語中的全部含義,它還有一個常見的詞組: ? by / through the agency of sb. 在某人的幫助下 ? 可以看出,這里的 agency 的意思是“幫助”,而且是在自己不出力的情況下,這是一種專業(yè)而正式的用法,比用簡單的 help 更合適。 ? (本文首發(fā)于滬江商務英語微信,掃碼關注,獲取最新職場術語)

      • 盤點熱播劇的英譯名,你最喜歡哪一個?

        明了女主的兩重身份:王妃和特工。 孤芳不自賞 General and I 戰(zhàn)亂頻繁、分合無定的亂世之下,戰(zhàn)無不勝的晉國鎮(zhèn)北王楚北捷和聰慧無雙的燕國“女諸葛”白娉婷之間的愛情故事。 “孤芳不自賞”作為中文名都需要讓觀眾理解一番,如果英譯名直譯大概更費解。 小說原著偏向于以女主的視角來講故事,所以英譯名使用了General and I,說不出有什么錯,但是莫名覺得很省事。 三生三世十里桃花 Once upon a time 青丘狐帝白淺和天族太子夜華經歷三生三世糾葛,終成眷屬?!叭朗锾一ā?,歷經三世,終于得見十里桃花,從仙俠劇來說算比較有意境,但是對于不懂的人來說也是一頭霧水。 英譯名采用了Once upon a time,這是大部分童話故事的常見開頭語,還是美劇《童話鎮(zhèn)》的名字??吹剿?,觀眾應該能知道,這是一個發(fā)生在很久之前的虛構的故事。 ?

      • 拒絕紙片人!各個大牌將不再使用過瘦模特

        [en]Gucci, Celine, Louis Vuitton, and Dior are among brands who have pledged to abandon size-zero models. The promise forms part of a new charter created by luxury conglomerates LVMH and Kering, who own numerous luxury fashion houses.[/en][cn]古馳(Gucci)、賽琳(Celine)、路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、迪奧(Dior)等眾多品牌紛紛承諾不再雇傭“紙片人”模特。路威酩軒(LVMH)和開云(Kering)兩大擁有眾多奢侈品牌的集團還出臺了新規(guī)。[/cn] [en]Female models will have to be a minimum French size 34 (a U.S. size 2) and a French 44 for men (extra small). Both companies have also agreed not use men or women under the age of 16 to model adult clothes.[/en][cn]女性模特必須至少達到法國尺碼34,男性模特為44。路威酩軒和開云都同意不會在成人衣展雇傭16歲以下的模特。[/cn] [en]In addition, the charter pledged to make a dedicated psychologist or therapist available during working time. The radio reports that models will also have to present a valid medical certificate to prove that they are fit for work.[/en][cn]此外,新規(guī)承諾,將在模特工作時間內配備專業(yè)心理師或理療師。英國廣播電視報道,模特必須持有有效醫(yī)療健康證,表明他們能夠工作。[/cn] [en]"We have the responsibility of building new standards for fashion and we hope to be followed by other players in our sector," said Antoine Arnault, an LVMH director.[/en][cn]路威酩軒總監(jiān)安托尼·阿納特(Antoine Arnault)說:“我們應該在時尚界建立新規(guī),希望其他品牌也能效仿?!盵/cn] [en]The ill treatment of fashion models has become a big issue industry issue. In March, Balenciaga sacked two casting directors after they reportedly left 150 models waiting for hours in a dark stairwell while the they went to lunch. Their actions were described as "sadistic" and "cruel" by casting director James Scully, who first divulged the claims.[/en][cn]時尚模特待遇較差已經成為該行業(yè)的一大問題。3月,巴黎世家(Balenciaga)解雇了兩名選角導演,據說這兩人讓150位模特在漆黑的樓道間等待了數(shù)小時,而他們自己卻去吃午飯了。選角導演吉安姆斯·庫里(James Scully)最先披露了這件事,稱這兩個人簡直“喪心病狂”。[/cn] (翻譯:阿忙)

      • 艾瑪?斯通登頂2017全球最高收入女演員

        [en]Emma Stone dethrones Jennifer Lawrence as the world's highest-paid actress as she climbs to top of Forbes' list with $26m in pre-tax earnings[/en][cn]艾瑪·斯通以2千六百萬稅前收入,登頂《福布斯》全球最高收入女演員榜單。[/cn] [en]Fresh off winning her first Oscar, actress Emma Stone ousted Jennifer Lawrence on Wednesday to [w]claim[/w] the top spot on Forbes' 2017 list of the world's highest-paid actresses.[/en][cn]本周三,福布斯最高收入女演員榜單新鮮出爐,奧斯卡新晉影后艾瑪·斯通超越詹妮弗·勞倫斯高居榜首。[/cn] [en]Lawrence, 27, who topped the Forbes list for two consecutive years, dropped to No. 3 this year with earnings of $24 million, almost half of her prior year's earnings of $46 million.[/en][cn]27歲的勞倫斯曾連續(xù)兩年蟬聯(lián)該榜單的榜首,今年她以2400萬美元的年收入位居第三,幾乎是她去年的收入4600萬美元的一半不到。[/cn] [en]Jennifer Aniston, 48, came in at No. 2 this year with earnings of $25.5 million[/en][cn]48歲的詹妮弗·安妮斯頓以年收入2550萬美元位居第二。[/cn] [en]The top-ten list also includes Charlize Theron, Emma Watson and Melissa McCarthy. Forbes said no stars from Asia made the cut this year.[/en][cn]此外,進入榜單前十的還有莎莉·賽隆、艾瑪·沃特森和梅麗莎·麥卡西。今年沒有亞洲女星進榜。[/cn] [en]McCarthy made $18 million this year compared to $33 million in 2016 which put her at No. 2, thanks in part to her role in the all-female Ghostbusters remake.[/en][cn]麥卡西今年的收入為1800萬美元,而去年,由于出演了女版的《捉鬼特工隊》,她的總收入為3300萬美元,位居第二。[/cn] [en]Watson, 27, is a newcomer to the list after Beauty and the Beast became the biggest grossing movie of the year so far at $1.26 billion.[/en][cn]由于出演了本年度最

      • Airbnb為了對抗騙子房東,培養(yǎng)起自己的特工
