3. Describe a show or performance
You should say:
What kind of performance it was
When and where you saw it
How it was performed
And explain how you felt about this performance
The next part is part III where candidates will have two way discussion about the topic art with the examiner. They will be engaged with more complicated and abstract questions about “ art” which are thematically linked to the cue card in part II.
Why do you think art is beneficial to children?
Art is definitely beneficial to children because it is where they can subconsciously express their hidden thoughts and emotions. It not only allows them to express themselves, but it also enhances their creativity. If a child uses his left brain more,? doing art and music allows him to use his right brain. It is definitely a lot better if children utilize their time by doing art than by watching too much TV or playing too much video games. Art is healthy for both the mind and the emotion of any child or adult.
Do you think the government should invest more funds in building art museums?
Government should encourage their country’s citizens towards arts appreciation. Investing more funds in building art museums would mean attracting more and more tourists which would be helpful to the country’s reputation and economy. Through art museums, the country’s culture is being introduced thus they educate not only the local citizens but the foreigners as well. Art museums, must be well preserved and kept clean at all times. If there is a need to, it would be good if the government can upgrade or improve existing art museums for their betterment.
Can music express one’s feeling ? How ?
If you are in love, you can easily identify with the lyrics of love song. You feel that the lyrics best describe? you and your emotions as of the moment. Therefore, you would dedicate this song to the person you love. You would tell her that the lyrics of the song is what you would like to tell her.
Do you think it is necessary to learn how to play a musical instrument ?
Yes I do. I appreciate a person who is balanced in every aspect What I mean by this is that it is admirable to see a person who is jack of all trade. He is good in his academics and logics, he can play sports and he is musically inclined too. If this is so, then both the left brain and the right brain are maximized.
What kind of music is good for children ?
They say that classical music increases the intelligent quotient (IQ) of a child. In fact, some pregnant women listen to classical music of Mozart. This is not only for their child to have a high IQ but so that the child would also become even tempered. Children should be exposed to happy and wholesome music suitable to their age. Of course the music should be educational too such as learning the ABC’s or learning how to count by singing them out. Children can in fact learn a different language easily by singing.
The following are questions that can also be asked in part III.
1. Are traditional art forms performed very much in China?
2. How does TV program help to spread traditional culture?
3.What benefits do you think people derive from watching performances or visiting art exhibitions?
4. Do you think people generally prefer to go to a concert or to listen to recordings of music
5. What is the value of watching artistic performance (or experiencing artistic activities) in relation to children's development?
6. What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to sing or dance in front of an audience?