
''The Goodbye Gossip Girl'' Season 2, Episode 25
Most satisfying/joyful moment:
Chuck finally says ''I love you''
最幸福一刻: Chuck終于承認自己的心意,對Blair說出了“我愛你”

With two seasons of will-they-or-won't-they teasers, Chuck finally came through. After traveling Europe just to pick up some of Blair's favorite things, he gave her the present she'd really been waiting for: three words, eight letters.


Chuck: ''I love you too.''
Blair: ''Can you say it twice? No seriously, say it twice.''


''O Brother, Where Bart Thou?'' Season 2, Episode 13
Most heart-wrenching moment: After Bart’s death, Blair tells Chuck she loves him and he leaves her
最冷酷一刻: Blair在Bart葬禮后向Chuck表白,而Chuck不為所動一走了之

Despite his inability to commit, seeing Chuck so distraught after Bart's death pulled at every one of B.'s tiny heart strings, invoking the most loving and maternal sides of her. Chuck rejected her, which broke our hearts once, but then came back to her in the middle of the night, only to disappear to Thailand by morning.


Blair: ''But I am me, and you're you, we're Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck, the worst thing you've ever done, the darkest thought you ever had, I will stand by you through anything… because I love you.''
Chuck: ''Well that’s too bad.''


''The Wrath of Con'' Season 2, Episode 23
Most frustrating moment: Chuck tells Blair ''it’s just a game''
最糾結一刻: Chuck唯心的告訴Blair他們只是場游戲

Demanding resolution, Blair put everything on the line for Chuck, inviting him to finally tell her how he felt or endure losing her forever. Cowardly Chuck refused to admit his true feelings.


Blair: ''Then look down deep into the soul I know you have, and tell me if what you feel for me is real, or if it's just a game. If it's real, we'll figure it out, all of us, but if it's not then please, Chuck, just let me go.''
Chuck: ''It's just a game. I hate to lose, you're free to go.''


''Much ‘I Do’ About Nothing'' Season 1, Episode 18
Most surprising moment: Chuck and Blair kiss at Bart and Lily's wedding
最心動一刻: 在Bart和Lily的婚禮上,二人如膠似膝親吻對方。

After Blair inspires Chuck's impromptu heartfelt best man speech, the two share a dance — and a kiss — beginning their short-lived summer romance.

Blair: ''Chuck Bass is a romantic? Who knew?'
Chuck Bass能這么浪漫,誰會知道呢~
Chuck: ''Well, now you do now. That’s all that matters.''


''The Debarted'' Season 3, Episode 12
Most heartwarming moment:
Chuck opens up to Blair about his father
最暖心一刻: Chuck敞開心扉,向Blair訴說他對父親逝去的傷心難過

When the anniversary of his father's death arrived, Chuck was tormented by guilt. Finally able to see Blair as his rock, he confided in her and the two shared a sweet moment in the hospital halls. His gentle kiss her on the head as they walked out arm in arm was more loving than anything the two had ever shared.

Blair: ''I don't think you ran away because you couldn't handle death, I think it's because you couldn't handle feelings. But you're not like that anymore, you're strong, you carry people, you carry me. You're becoming a man in a way that your father never was.''


''The Dark Night'' Season 2, Episode 3
Most scandalous moment:
Blackout makeout

Because he left her waiting all summer, Blair attempted to feign disgust at Chuck’s offer to revisit their past ''just once.'' However, Blair's delivery was about as believable as Chuck’s modest request. True desires were revealed during the blackout, as Chuck pretended to be Blair's British boyfriend Marcus.

Chuck: ''Just once, that’s all I need.''
Blair: ''You’re disgusting...and I hate you.''


''Enough About Eve'' Season 3, Episode 6
Most comical scheme: Getting the NYU rep to kiss Chuck

Just because she’s in college doesn’t mean she’s too old for some good old fashioned blackmail. Blair enlisted Chuck to help her snag freshmen toast honors. But it turned out that Chuck unknowingly acted as bait to Mr. Ellis and received a kiss on the lips in exchange for Blair’s prize. Although he was annoyed B had duped him as well, Chuck knew it was just Blair being Blair.

Blair: ''Love me?''
Chuck: ''Always.''


''Victor/Victrola'' Season 1, Episode 7
Hottest limo ride:
Chuck and Blair’s first night together

After her breakup with Nate, Blair lets it all hang out at Victrola, the nightclub Chuck recently opened. The emergence of this new Blair led to a racy romp in the backseat of Chuck's limo — a night the two would always remember.

Blair: ''You know, I got moves.''
Chuck: ''Really? Then why don’t you get up there?''
Blair: ''I’m just saying... I got moves.''


''Valley Girls'' Season 2, Episode 24
Sweetest gesture: Chuck helps Blair win Prom Queen

Knowing that what matters most to Blair is utter domination of those around her, Chuck voted for his beloved 150 times just to make sure she'd win the title of Prom Queen.

Blair: ''I OWN prom!''


''Inglorious Bassterds'' Season 3, Episode 17
Biggest OMG did that just happen moment:
Chuck and Blair BREAK UP

They've been through a lot together, but even this scheme was too much for Chuck and Blair to handle. Using Blair as collateral to get the Empire Hotel back from Jack, along with her own willingness to be used as such, made Blair realize how twisted the two of them had become together.

Chuck: ''The worst thing I ever did, the darkest thought I ever had, you said you would stand by me through anything. This Blair, is anything.''
Blair: ''I never thought the worst thing you would ever do would be to me.''