Barbara Schroeder on the Gulf oil spill’s impact on sea turtles
Scientists are reporting a dramatic increase in dead and
debilitated sea turtles found since the Gulf oil spill in April 2010. EarthSky spoke with Barbara Schroeder, national sea turtle
coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA. She’s leading the official rescue response for sea turtles across the Gulf of Mexico.
Barbara Schroeder: We’re seeing some of the direct effects now. We’re recovering dead and debilitated turtles that are oiled.
Since the spill began in April until mid-June, response teams have found about 380 dead sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico. That’s about five times as many as last year for the same period according to NOAA. Scientists aren’t yet exactly sure why the turtles are dying.
Barbara Schroeder: What we do know is that there are significant numbers of turtles that are being affected by the oil, and that will continue for as long as the spill continues and the oil is out there.
Schroeder said that it’s too early to tell what the effects of the spill will be on surviving turtle populations.
Barbara Schroeder: There may be effects that are not sufficient to kill an animal, but interfere with its
reproductive capacity. So maybe it’s a female, and in the future, maybe she doesn’t lay as many eggs.
Turtles found alive, said Schroeder, are washed inside and out before being released back to sea.